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The Thinking Housewife


Excommunicate Cuomo

June 27, 2011



WILL New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, pictured here at yesterday’s Gay Pride parade in New York, be allowed to continue to participate in the sacred rites of Catholicism? He is divorced. He lives with his girlfriend. And, now he has signed into law one of the most anti-Catholic, anti-child, anti-life measures in the history of America, the bill to legalize same-sex “marriage.” As the Church struggles with its administrative mishandling of pedophilia cases, a politician who attends Mass and has the effrontery to call himself Catholic makes it easier for homosexual men to adopt and raise young boys. The issue of whether Mr. Cuomo should receive Holy Communion was a matter of considerable debate several months ago. Now his status is much more serious. The New York governor should be excommunicated forthwith and denied the sacraments and a Catholic burial. If Cuomo does not qualify for the forfeiture of his spiritual privileges, who does?

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Questions on Race and Christianity

June 27, 2011


This is in response to something you stated in the thread “Does Race Have Meaning?” Your line is,

The absolute truths of Christianity need to be guarded by the white European-descended people because only they possess a strong penchant for absolute truths, as Robert B. argues. In order to flourish in other parts of the world, Christianity must be defended at home.

I would like to know how you came to this preposterous notion that only Western people have a penchant for absolute truth. Do you realise what a dangerous belief that is to hold? That is tantamount to saying God built the Caucasians to be more genetically capable of realizing the truth.

It completely invalidates the gospel dictum of ‘Go forth and spread my message to all nations.” Without the tiny Eastern community that spread the gospel, the West would never have heard of it. The West became powerful precisely because they accepted Christianity while most of the Eastern world didn’t. At least not as a foundational pillar of their country. While I completely agree that the current worldview of justice, equality and excellence in science is a remnant of Judeo-Christian morality and heritage, to suggest that race will have anything to do with truth in perpetuity is wrong.

Let us suppose nevertheless Westerners do have a penchant for absolute truth genetically or somehow otherwise.Why is it then today they leave the true religion in large numbers? This is the case in Europe and North America. Isn’t Christianity the absolute truth for them anymore? The truth is, it isn’t. In fact, the irony is this decline in Christian numbers has been negated only by a large number of Hispanic and immigrant communities accepting Christianity and not Caucasians, many of whom are cantering towards the perils of atheism.

I visit your site thinking Christianity is the pulpit from which you espouse your conservatism. Rather increasingly these days I find it centered on race. I hope you post this and give a response. Read More »


The Racist Without A Race

June 26, 2011


ROHAN SWEE writes:

I’m afraid that Robert B., whom you quoted in this post on race, is correct and that Mrs. Johnson, who argued there is no such thing as “the white race,” is indulging in “presentism” – that is, imposing current notions onto the past. The popular denial of “white identity,” or the assertion that “‘whiteness’ is an artificial or arbitrary construct” is a particularly wrong-headed example of this phenomenon, as will be clear to anybody who has bothered to read the dead in their own words on the subject. Read More »


Race and the Middle Ground

June 26, 2011


GERRY T. NEAL writes:

In the interesting thread on the subject of “Does Race Have Meaning?,” the commenter Georgia made the remark, “Humans are tribal, not racial.” If by this she means that human beings primarily identify with the smaller groups like tribes and nations than with the larger groups we call races today, she is correct. Read More »


A Dystopian Preschool

June 26, 2011


SEBASTIAN C. writes:

There was a Simpson’s episode that featured Lisa, the idealistic daughter, creating an imaginary world named “Equalia,” where everyone was equal except for her and her friend (the place needed some rulers, after all.) Here we have a nursery school in Sweden named “Egalia” where children are trained to be philosophically homosexual. The teachers do not use the standard pronouns of “him” and “her” and refrain from calling the children “boys” and “girls.”  Read More »


The New New York

June 26, 2011


DIANA writes:

On 79th Street in New York City today, I saw a cute little blond boy of about three wearing what I thought was a Superman cape. Not so. It was a nylon “rainbow flag” pinned to his small shoulders. He was with two 50ish white men, I guess his “dads.” I immediately thought of the Soviet Union, with its hordes of brainwashed kids. It lasted a fairly long time in the lives of men, but it ended. And so will this.

Today, two days after same-sex “marriage was signed into law in New York, the annual “gay pride” parade took place. Read More »



June 25, 2011


A NUMBER of comments have come in on recent posts, but I have had to be away from my computer for most of the past day or so. I hope to get to the ones I haven’t posted yet later today.



Same-Sex “Marriage” in New York

June 25, 2011


THE legalization of same-sex “marriage” by New York lawmakers yesterday was a sad and sordid event in American history. What can we say about a people so oblivious and insensitive to the young and so disdainful of the institution that unites the sexes but that New York is one of the most decadent republics that ever existed, a modern Sodom that prides itself on its decay.

The marriage revolutionaries represent the culmination of the liberal project to remake human nature and to create an infantile, selfish people so lost in their private emotions and pleasures, they cannot lift their heads to gaze at tomorrow. When leftists lost their effort to make everyone alike in material acquisitions, they turned to making everyone alike in the cultural sphere, and to leveling the family, the realm where unfairness reigns and where unfairness will always reign, the sphere where one can never escape the raw fact that we are not all the same. Read More »



June 23, 2011


I REMOVED a bird’s nest from its position above a light fixture on our back wall recently. The birds – a family of American robins – had left. All that remained of their industry was this woven bowl and some splattered stains on the wall. Birds have no outhouses or plumbing. They have no bathrooms or living rooms, kitchens or bedrooms. One room serves all their purposes and it is open to the skies, so that the baby bird can direct his hunger and grievances not just to parents but to the heavens, to God himself.

Once the fledglings can fly, the bird breaks with his nest completely. Neither parents or offspring come back and search for the destroyed dwelling. This has been true of all the squalid nests I have removed from birdhouses and crevices and shrubbery after their fledglings have left. So much work and the bird departs without a backward glance. What the bird loses in domesticity he gains in freedom. The air is his home and it fills his lungs with the trivial song of independence. Birds are the quintessential bohemians. 

The robin or wren quickly returns to the air and to the recesses of shrubbery. He calls out from the forest at daybreak: Here I am. Here am I. His twitterings and choruses are sound without sentiment.

We could live in the secret shadows of the forest. We could survive. But the heart demands a home. The bird can sing, but the man covets what he loves. The delights of the forest grow within. The human being soars in his woven nest. At home, pinned in place, he is borne aloft on the currents of time.


Lies About Dad and Dad

June 23, 2011



DIANA writes:

See the picture? Very misleading. Fact is, the majority of “gay” couples are lesbian couples, who are raising children from one of the lesbians’ former marriages. This is buried in one sentence on the second page: “And the largest number of children in same-sex families are a result of previous heterosexual marriages.” (Yes, it doesn’t say that they are lesbian couples, but I’ve read this repeatedly in other sources.)

Now that’s out of the way, what’s missing in the picture? The boy’s mother!

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A Quiet Spot

June 23, 2011


A Quiet Spot, William Hatherell

A Quiet Spot, William Hatherell


A State of Anticipation

June 23, 2011


MRS. P. writes:

When you mentioned the trousseau, I was reminded of the hope chest I received as a young girl around 1952 when I was twelve. The hope chest, or glory box as they were called in the UK and Australia, contained a young woman’s trousseau (special clothing and household items such as linens and quilts) that she was accumulating in preparation for marriage in the future and her own home. Although hope chests are still popular today, the concept of acquiring a trousseau made up of these items began to lose its appeal after 1950. Perhaps the need for a young woman to come to a marriage prepared to start a new home has been satisfied with bridal shower gifts and wedding gifts.  Read More »


Does Race Have Meaning?

June 23, 2011


IN PREVIOUS discussions of interracial marriage at this site, one reader insisted that the white race was a “dangerous fiction.” She stated: 

There is quite simply no ‘white race,’ not even in America. 

In other words, the white people are nothing more than an amalgam of physical characteristics, not a distinct people with cultural tendencies. There is no reason for whites to identify with each other.

See this excellent reply by Robert B., who wrote: 

Only a non-thinking fool would think race and culture have nothing in common…

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Father Hunger at 50 mph

June 22, 2011



You’ll want to see this at Fox News:

7-Year-Old Driving 50 mph Just Wanted to See His Dad

CASEVILLE, Mich. — A 7-year-old Michigan boy barefoot and in pajamas drove a car for 20 miles, sometimes hitting speeds of 50 mph, before finally slowing down and stopping with the help of authorities.

“He was crying and just kept saying he wanted to go to his dad’s,” Caseville Police Chief Jamie Learman said. “That was pretty much it. He just wanted to go to his dad’s.” Read More »


A Brief Return to a Highly Controversial Subject

June 22, 2011


BEN J. writes:

A co-worker and I were recently discussing some of the odd things our various employers in the aircraft industry have done to inspire employees. Often large quantities of boxed greasy foamboard are ordered and delivered to the hangar. This is a bad idea on many levels.  Read More »


Comments on a Liberal’s Conversion

June 22, 2011


CAROLINE writes:

Josaphine’s story brought me to tears. Liberalism is indeed the sea we swim in, but how much heartbreak its delusions bring about. Her story is a testament to the words “the truth will set you free.” May God bless her and her family.

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One Liberal’s Conversion Story

June 21, 2011


LIBERALISM is the sea in which we swim. For many of us, it takes some stark encounter with reality to get us out of the water. Here is one reader’s story of how she changed from a “lunatic liberal” to a traditionalist. All her problems are not solved, but her life has been renewed. She has shed many illusions.

Josaphine writes:

I am white, 42, and married to a black man. My husband is a fine art painter by trade, and a corporate accounts manager by day. We are celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary this year. Read More »


Good News

June 20, 2011


THE SUPREME COURT today rejected a class action lawsuit filed by women employees against Wal-Mart. In a 5-4 decision, the court ruled that hiring decisions involving 1.6 million employees could not be reduced to the single common factor of the sex of the employees. This ruling represents a positive restraint on mandatory, government-enforced hiring of women and discrimination against men.

The idea that 1.6 million women in many different stores were affected by a policy of hostility to women, and were fired or denied promotion because of this hostility and not because of their job performance, is patently absurd.