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The Thinking Housewife


Free Trade: The Luxury We Can No Longer Afford

March 20, 2011



One commenter in the previous discussion mentioned Toyota, I would like to hold that company up to the claim made by another reader that protectionism always leads to shoddy union practices and inferior products. Interested readers might like to review the history of that superlative manufacturer when evaluating theoretical objections to protectionism. Read More »


A Recommendation Retracted

March 19, 2011


EARLIER THIS week, I recommended a new website Faith and Heritage.  I regret my hasty enthusiasm for a new venture. Disappointingly, Faith and Heritage is beset with the same viral tendency that afflicts many sites that defend white heritage: anti-Semitism.

In a review of the movie Social Network, the blogger “Generation 5” writes at Faith and Heritage:

Zuckerberg is a particularly pathological character, of course, but he is an extreme archetype of Jews, particularly those hailing from Eastern Europe where the hatred of Gentiles was most acidic. If the Winklevoss had inherited some of their ancestors’ old-fashioned anti-Semitism, they would have known that it’s generally a bad idea to do business with Jews. Lacking the Christian sense of fair play and good sportsmanship (that even nominal, cultural Christians like the Winklevoss still largely possess, and reinforced through athletics), nursing resentments against our culture and people, the temptation to cheat is almost impossible for them to overcome. The lesson for Christians is simple: avoid dealings with Jews, for they are too risky.  Read More »


The Problem with White Nationalism, cont.

March 19, 2011


THE DISCUSSION about white nationalism, which began here, continues below.

Boris S. writes:

The essential difference between the so-called “white nationalist” tribalism and the organization of Jews, which the “white nationalists” seek to emulate, is that the Jews point to a common four-thousand-year-old religion, with a shared culture, historical memory, and transcendental hopes. The “white nationalists,” on the other hand, want to impose a totally new tribal organization, invented out of thin air, on a group that has never constituted—that is, never saw itself as—a single nation, people, or tribe. “Whites” are not, and never have been, a people, in the sense that one speaks of the “Jewish people.”  Read More »


When Cheap Doohickeys Are the Ultimate End of International Trade

March 18, 2011



A number of the reader comments in the post on free trade struck me as clear-sighted. Take, for example, this one:

 “[T]he U.S. and other Western countries are importing goods from other countries that are cheaper than we can produce not because of any natural comparative advantage, but because those countries do not have the same laws and regulations regarding such things as environmental regulations, workplace health and safety, minimum wage laws and the like. To the extent that such laws and regulations are morally necessary (some but not all cases, in my opinion), we are getting cheap goods at the moral cost of patronizing companies, which treat their workers and environment in ways that we have deemed wrong and would not tolerate at home.” 

The “Free Trade” argument has always seemed to me grossly reductive. It says, in effect: “Look here, we can manufacture a doohickey for x dollars whereas the Laputans can manufacture it for 1/2x dollars; therefore let us stop manufacturing doohickeys so that we may buy them more cheaply from the Laputans.” Read More »


Explaining Protectionism

March 17, 2011


IAN FLETCHER recently discussed his book Free Trade Doesn’t Work: What Should Replace it and Why on Thom Hartmann’s TV show “Conversations with Great Minds.” You can view the program here. Fletcher criticizes what he calls the “intellectual corruption” and the “ultra mathematicization” of academic economics.

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A Rhetorical Question about the Fukushima 50

March 17, 2011



I wonder how many of the Fukushima 50, those risking their lives at the breached nuclear facility, are women?

Peter S. writes: 

The apparent answer is none of them. Read More »


No Melancholy Slave

March 16, 2011


A Drover and a Shepherdress, Thomas Whittle, Jr. (fl. 1865-85)

A Drover and a Shepherdess, Thomas Whittle, Jr. (fl. 1865-85)


Who Had Been Reproached For Taking
 Long Walks In The Country 

 Dear Child of Nature, let them rail!
–There is a nest in a green dale,
A harbour and a hold;
Where thou, a Wife and Friend, shalt see
Thy own heart-stirring days, and be
A light to young and old.

There, healthy as a shepherd boy,
And treading among flowers of joy
Which at no season fade,
Thou, while thy babes around thee cling,
Shalt show us how divine a thing
A Woman may be made.

Thy thoughts and feelings shall not die,
Nor leave thee, when grey hairs are nigh,
A melancholy slave;
But an old age serene and bright,
And lovely as a Lapland night,
Shall lead thee to thy grave.

— William Wordsworth



Rejecting the “White Nationalist” Label

March 16, 2011


IN A discussion about the UCLA student who made a tasteless video about Asian students, Lawrence Auster writes:

White nationalists are material-racial reductionists who, like Nazis, treat race as the single all-determining factor of human existence, so that human beings are in effect automata controlled by their race. I treat race as one very important determining factor in human existence, along with many other factors. And I am not a material reductionist. Material/racial factors can be the controlling factors; for example, if you change a formerly all-white city into a half black city, certain effects will inevitably ensue. At the same time, material/racial factors are not the only factors, especially at the individual level. But the material/racial force of sheer numbers will overwhelm any individual exceptions. Read More »


Estate Living

March 16, 2011


Ilion T. writes:

I’ve long been amused at the silly and pretentious names developers of malls and apartment complexes (oops, it’s now “communities”) give them, especially those in the form of “The This At The That.”  I think the most amusing I have yet seen is this one: “The Legends at St. Andrews.”

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A Song by Colbie Caillat

March 16, 2011



From our previous discussions of Lady Gaga, I know you are a connoisseur of music videos. I thought it might be worth drawing your attention to this one. I would love to hear your take on it. It’s for a song by Colbie Caillat. She’s known for pop songs that are melodic and peppy. She writes songs about her feelings and about boys, you know, girl stuff. This one is no different. Read More »



March 16, 2011


WRITING in The Washington Examiner, Noemie Emery pans Tina Brown’s Newsweek. She writes:

And the real news this past week is not that the fate of the Middle East swings in the balance, but that “150 women are shaking the world.” And who are the women doing this shaking?

The left-wing, the aging, and people left over from Brown’s now-dated circles of buzz. Read More »


The Goddess Glow

March 15, 2011



IN the previous entry, we read a modern tale of pride and prejudice. A “Christian” woman attempts to transform her friend into another man-hating freak. Jane in our story is about as Christian as the modern pagan pictured above. Sierra Bender, who may be a perfectly nice person for all I know, is author of the book, Goddess to the Core. The ancient pagans worshipped deities in an immortal realm. The feminine divine today wears yoga pants and lives next door. Sierra’s promotional material states: 

Goddess to the Core will transform you into a complete, self-assured, and well-balanced goddess. With a broad base of practical tools and spiritual inspiration, Bender gives you a workout for all four of your bodies: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Experience how these bodies have “muscles,” and discover how neglecting them can lead to disharmony and ill health. With Bender’s “inside-out workout,” you will learn to sculpt these four bodies. By empowering, balancing, and working out each one, you will claim your worth, take command of your space, sculpt your shape, and balance your emotions and your mind while remaining in your true spiritual center—the Goddess within. Read More »


A “Christian” Divorcee Lends a Helping Hand (Or, How Matriarchy Spreads Like the Plague)

March 15, 2011



When gazing upon your photo of Caroline Norton and her extraordinarily revealing facial expression, I could not help but share this tale with you, knowing that you will appreciate the fruit of Caroline Norton’s existence.

I recently had the misfortune of witnessing the following situation between Woman A. (I’ll call her Jane), and Woman B. (I’ll refer to her as Mary). Read More »


Pity the Four-Year-Old

March 15, 2011


A MANHATTAN mother has filed a lawsuit against her daughter’s $19,000-a-year nursery school, charging that it failed to prepare her daughter for the entrance test necessary for admission to top private schools. According to the suit, as reported by The New York Times, “The school proved to be not a school at all, but just one big playroom.”

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A Question from a Reader

March 14, 2011


MARI writes:

I read with interest your post on a group who would like to protect Western civilization and its Christian heritage and influence. I am not Caucasian, but I am a Christian. Will there be a place for
those like myself who love the Lord and regard Western Civilization highly, in this society of Caucasians? I hope I have not offended you. I have always thought that I would like a place in such a society. To assure you, I am not a liberal intending on starting trouble. I have always wanted to be a part of a society which regards highly the Lord, His ways, the Constitution of the U.S.A. to name a few things. I grew up in a Muslim country and lived there for almost 18 years. And there is no place like the U.S. This is where I call home. I think multiculturalism can only work if it is based on conservative Christian principles. Otherwise, it degenerates into trouble.

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A Famous Divorcee

March 14, 2011



CAROLINE NORTON was the mother of modern divorce in England. She actively campaigned for liberalizing divorce laws in the early Victorian era in an effort to leave her husband and retain custody of her children. She succeeded in lobbying for the Custody of Infants Act of 1839, which made it possible for mothers to procure custody of young children. She was also influential in passage of a later law transferring adjudication of marital dissolution from ecclesiastical to civil court.

I find this photograph of her intriguing.  Her entire expression seems to say, “Eat my shoes!” However, Norton was opposed in some senses to the modern liberal view of marriage. “The natural position of woman is inferiority to man. Amen! That is a thing of God’s appointing, not of man’s devising. I believe it sincerely, as part of my religion. I never pretended to the wild and ridiculous doctrine of equality,” she wrote in The Times in 1838.


The Ultimate Fashion Accessory

March 14, 2011

Divorced actress Sandra Bullock with her adopted son, Louis

Divorced actress Sandra Bullock with her adopted son, Louis


Schooling Around

March 14, 2011



SURELY, no president in history has spent as much time in school classrooms as President Obama, pictured here visiting a Virginia high school last week with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. At least once a week, or so it seems, Obama pops into a public school somewhere in America. The Great Unifier believes education is the great unifier. And for many Americans, both conservative and liberal, it is. Public education is the one issue surrounded with a halo of incontestability. How could anyone begrudge more funds or more energy or more ideas devoted to our schoolchildren? How could anyone not like a man who takes the time to be with children and who wants to boost our global competitiveness? The school is the natural playground of the liberal politician. It is the place he is most at home because there he feels secure in his good intentions. Education reform is the path to political holiness.