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The Thinking Housewife


Mass Media and the Eucharist

January 26, 2011



HERE is a brilliant essay by the Catholic artist Daniel Mitsui on mass media and Catholic liturgy. He writes:

I have heard many times the claim that the Catholic Church should have great success in her New Evangelization, because Catholicism is a visual religion and contemporary society is also visual. But to call Catholicism a visual religion is a meager assertion; it is no more visual than any of a thousand kinds of paganism. It would be more accurate simply to say that human beings are visual animals. The visuality of Catholicism is only remarkable because the religion’s most obvious alternatives in the West are rather inhuman. Read More »


January 26, 2011


The Lacemaker, Johannes Vermeer

The Lacemaker, Johannes Vermeer


The Homeschooling Revolution, cont.

January 26, 2011


CORY writes:

In regard to your update on homeschooling, this is one of those issues that infuriates the mainstream left not only due to its countering of centralized top-down state indoctrination, but perhaps more so because it is a liberating and empowering movement that they cannot take credit for. The left sells itself as a democratizing force that all past progress can be attributed to. Yet upon closer inspection, we see that whenever a group pushes for progress without encasing itself in all the prevailing ideology of the leftist hive-mind, they are viewed with contempt regardless of virtue. Read More »


An Alternative State of the Union Address

January 26, 2011


MR. SPEAKER, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:

I would like to begin with an apology. My sincere regrets go to all Americans tonight for my disappointing performance over the past year. As you know, I do not believe in the language of divisiveness and therefore feel that it is only right that I personally assume responsibility for the anger and worry this country’s failing economy and recent government measures have caused.

First, I pledge to do everything I can in the year ahead to undo the recent health care legislation passed by Congress. In good conscience, I cannot continue to insist on something that is so contrary to the will of the people. Read More »


Nursed for Ages

January 26, 2011



Perhaps this poem would be an inspiration to the woman who is considering abortion. I’ve always found it to be especially moving. It’s Rabindranath Tagore’s own English translation of his Bengali original. Actually I’ve seen several slightly different versions over the years, but this is the one I know by heart. 

 The Beginning

“Where have I come from, where did you pick me up?” the baby asked its mother.
She answered, half crying, half laughing, and clasping the baby to her breast:
“You were hidden in my heart as its desire, my darling.
You were in the dolls of my childhood games, and when with clay I made the image of my god each morning, I made and unmade you then.
In all my hopes and my loves, in my life, in the life of my mother you lived. Read More »


Lies, Lies and Lies

January 25, 2011


ANTI-FAMILY WOMEN’S ORGANIZATIONS continue to repeat the nonsense that women are paid less than men because of discrimination. Heidi Hartmann, president of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, has gone so far as to say that marriage is bad for women and the government should not promote it. Instead, the government should “equalize” earnings and subsidize child care. Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, agrees that marriage often does not “produce good outcomes.” Read More »


A Mother in Europe Falls Apart

January 25, 2011


INGRID writes:

I’m writing from southern Europe to ask the help of you and your readers. 

I spoke to a friend of mine the other day, who told me that she is pregnant, very depressed about it, and considering having an abortion. She already has two children, and she hadn’t wanted a third anytime soon. It seems that she and her husband are having some problems in their relationship and I think that they might be having some financial problems, as well.

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State-Imposed Discrimination

January 25, 2011


THE U.S. SUPREME COURT ruled on Monday that a company’s dismissal of the fiancé of a woman who had filed a sex discrimination suit was unlawful. The woman, Miriam Regalado, had filed a claim against her employer, North American Stainless, stating that it failed to promote her because she was a woman. The company later fired her fiancé. But the court ruled this was unfair retaliation against her.

Have I fallen down a rabbit hole? 

Why does the government control the hiring decisions of private employers? Why can’t a business hire or dismiss anyone it pleases? What’s wrong with denying promotion to someone because she is a woman given that most women rely on men for financial support and given that women are different from men? I thought the purpose of private enterprise was economic, not to remake the world into a female-dominated hellhole.

I guess I’m just a starry-eyed, nostalgic traditionalist who foolishly refuses to accept that things have changed.                         Read More »


A Revolutionary Movement

January 24, 2011


THIRTY years ago, there were approximately 20,000 children educated at home in this country. A recent study puts the number at two million, or four percent of all school-age children. This is a remarkable development. Colleges now routinely accept homeschoolers.

The home schooling movement represents a successful challenge to the ideology and power of state-controlled schooling. All parents should welcome the growth of this movement whether they themselves home school or not. The homeschooling movement has led to parent-controlled ventures in education throughout the nation. Homeschooling is creating better schools.

The goal for traditionalists is not to abolish all schools and bring about universal homeschooling, but to break up the monopoly of government education.



Why Applause is Out of Place in a Church

January 23, 2011


JAMES BOWLING MOZLEY, the nineteenth-century English theologian, wrote:

A Christian is bound by his very creed to suspect evil, and cannot release himself. His religion has brought evil to light in a way which it never was before; it has shown its depth, subtlety, ubiquity; and a revelation, full of mercy on one  hand, is terrible in its exposure of the world’s real state on the other. The Gospel fastens the sense of evil upon the mind; a Christian is enlightened, hardened, sharpened, as to evil; he sees it where others do not …. He owns the doctrine of original sin; that doctrine puts him necessarily on his guard against all appearances, sustains his apprehension under perplexity, and prepares him for recognizing anywhere what he knows to be everywhere.


Daniel Mitsui

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Why Not Open Borders?

January 22, 2011



I would like to offer a perspective on the culture, nation and immigration topic regarding your comments on the Pope.

Traditionally most societies were multicultural, a hodge-podge of races, castes and nomads, castoffs, immigrants, trading colonies and whatnot. Europe was no exception in the main but perhaps England was (along with some other Northern lands). Read More »


Giving Jobs Away

January 21, 2011


FROM The National Journal:

A recent paper by researchers at the Asian Development Bank Institute concluded that the iPhone, one of the United States’ top innovations of the past decade, actually contributes nearly $2 billion to our trade deficit because it is almost entirely produced and assembled in Asia. The paper also raises a conundrum for lawmakers and business leaders alike: If Apple moved its assembly line to the United States and created domestic jobs but didn’t raise the cost of the iPhone, the company would still turn a 50 percent profit on every one it sold.


The Principle Behind the ‘Right to Choose’

January 21, 2011


JAMES N. writes:

As you may know, a doctor, Kermit Gosnell, has been arrested in Philadelphia and charged with several counts of murder. He ran an abortuary which delivered viable infants and then killed them by severing their spinal cords. Some of the details are quite gory – apparently in at least one case one of his nurses played with a child and then killed it. Read More »


H.G. Wells Walks Out on The Fabians

January 21, 2011



H.G. WELLS, the British author, was a lifelong socialist and a member of the Fabian Society when Beatrice and Sydney Webb were its leading lights. In this excellent essay on Wells, Thomas F. Bertonneau describes the author’s encounters with the Webbs, whom he caricatured in his novel The New Machiavelli. As Mr. Bertonneau puts it,

People like the Webbs saw in dislocation and discontentment an opportunity to be in charge, to direct and assemble people, and to pull strings, but without knowing where to direct anyone or what someone ought to do to ameliorate the ills of a disintegrating society.  The Webbs liked bossing people about even to the extent of arranging, or attempting to arrange, marriages.  Wells finally saw the Webbs as ineffectual dilettantes, self-deluded, not as the architects of a rational utopia, and therefore he saw them as part of the existing confusion. Read More »


I Remember

January 20, 2011


1966 05 20 BICKLEY

THIS IS me (left) in 1966 with my best friend, B. We look innocent, but actually we weren’t. We were always scheming. We wanted to buy cupcakes at the store down the street and never had enough cash. So we sold lemonade. We opened a nursery school and charged tuition (it lasted for a few days.) We opened a neighborhood library in the hopes of elevating minds and collecting fines for overdue books from other children. From the age of seven to about 13, we were constantly scheming. That’s what I mean by normality. We lived in a world apart. The rest of the human race had trivial concerns unrelated to cupcakes.

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Life on a Tuffet

January 20, 2011


Little Miss Muffet, Arthur Rackham

Little Miss Muffet, Arthur Rackham

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Beatrice and Sidney Webb, Part II

January 20, 2011



I have become a Socialist not because I believe it would ameliorate the conditions of the masses (though I think it would do so) but because I believe that only under communal ownership of the means of production can you arrive at the most perfect form of individual development – at the greatest stimulus to individual effort; in other words complete Socialism is only consistent with absolute individualism. As such, some day, I will stand on a barrel and preach it.

Beatrice Potter, the British heiress who ventured into London slums and dockyards, wrote these words in her diary in 1890. She was born to socialism on her first meeting with Sidney Webb, then civil servant and Fabian socialist. Or rather, as she put it in her diary, she realized then that she had been a socialist all along. There was an element of predestination in her understanding of the phenomenon: the elect were chosen from birth.

Beatrice’s two published diaries, My Apprenticeship and Our Partnership, provide insights into the psychology of a nineteenth-century Anglican collectivist. Reading her recollections, one can’t help but conclude that her illusions about the salutary effects of socialism had a lot to do with her illusions about herself. There is a running conflict with her own womanliness. She wants to commit herself to this bold project of reforming society. On the other hand, she realizes she is not cut out for it, and has painful memories of Joseph Chamberlain, “a sacrament of pain fitting me for a life of loneliness and work.” She seems embarrassed and disappointed in herself for having fallen in love.

Sidney Webb, as it turned out, would dispel this conflict. Before he could do this, she had to overcome her dislike of him. She wrote in her diary:

His tiny tadpole body, unhealthy skin, lack of manner, cockney pronunciation, poverty are all against him. This self-complacent egotism, this disproportionate view of his own position is at once repulsive and ludicrous.  Read More »


Domesticity and Women’s Education

January 19, 2011


THERE ARE many arguments that come sailing through the air like so many intellectual frisbees for why traditional motherhood is no longer desirable. One of these arguments is that the domestic role consigns women to stupidity. In other words, before women were careerists, their mental development was neglected.

Here is an interesting statistic that suggests otherwise. In 1920, in the United States, according to historian Theda Skocpol, women constituted almost half of the 283,000 students enrolled in institutions of higher learning. The vast majority of these female students became full-time mothers and wives after college. For most of these women, college was not vocational, but for higher learning. Read More »