Women on the Front
January 11, 2011
LAST MONTH, a Congressional panel recommended that the Defense Department eliminate all restrictions on women serving in combat units. In doing so, the panel ignored the real-life experiences of women in the military. Here is an interesting description by one woman of her stint in boot camp in 1999. Catherine L. Aspy writes:
Combat is about war-fighting capacity and the morale of the unit. Here physical strength can be a life-and-death issue. And that is why the physical disparities between men and women cannot be ignored.
Physical differences in strength and endurance are not, of course, the only reason women should be barred from combat in any country serious about its defense. No amount of engineering or training can prevent men and women from forming exclusive bonds that interfere with group morale and cohesion. Why does this even need to be said? This is a phony debate. How can one sustain a debate when one side refuses to ackowledge basic realities? Read More »