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On Mosques and Strollers

August 23, 2010


UNDER the tag of “bigotry,” a student at Yale has written a column at The Huffington Post about the discussion here over the offer of a stroller by lesbian neighbors. Leah Anthony Libresco correctly states that I believe the “act of being openly and visibly lesbian is an offense against the feelings of others.” She (or he?) compares this to the prejudice of opponents to the proposed mosque at Ground Zero. The piece also appeared in Islamophobia Today.

The link between the two subjects is not as absurd as it sounds. Both radical homosexuality and Islam are avowed enemies of Western culture. Read More »


The Look of a Child

August 23, 2010



CHILDREN who spend their childhoods playing look different from children who spend their childhoods plugged in to the electronic mastermind of a crass culture.

Children fed by their mothers look different from children fed by food-processing companies and fast food outlets.

Children who have fathers look different from children who have no fathers, or who have fathers and stepfathers.

Children who have free time look different from children who spend all day in organized routines.

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Women Also Bash Men Because They Believe in Them

August 23, 2010


Jesse Powell writes:

I get the uneasy feeling that what started off as a story of a single mother who let her hostility towards men damage her son has turned to the subject of why women bash men in general and then finally degenerated into woman-bashing, men’s rights style. 

If I could make some generalized comments here, not so much specifically in regards to Andrew’s nephew, whose story is very troubling, but more generally on the subject of man-bashing. It is definitely true that man-bashing is a commonplace, that masculinity is treated as a disease, etc. The question is, why do women “dish it out” and why do men “take it” and even go along with it?  Read More »


Emasculated by Mom

August 22, 2010


Andrew S. writes:

Recently my extended family got together for a rare vacation. Including my family (wife and three young sons, all below the age of 14), we were joined by my sister and her family (daughter in her early twenties and son also under 14, and the same age as my oldest, 12). As you will have noticed, my sister has no husband and her two children have different fathers (she was married to her daughter’s father but they divorced many years ago). We live in different states and lead very different lives.  Read More »


Come Holy Spirit

August 21, 2010


KATHLENE M. writes:

As I read the comments on “Christianity Lite” and “Asher’s Dilemma,” I thought I’d pass on something I stumbled upon at the “Quo Vadis” website called “Nine Days That Changed the World — Come Holy Spirit and Restore America.”  It’s about how when Christians came together in prayer in Poland during Pope John Paul’s visit, their prayers and faith helped usher in an end to Communism.  

“Pope John Paul II’s visit to Poland strengthened the faith of his countrymen, unified the country and emboldened them to take on the corrupt communistic regime. Once the Polish people came together in prayer, Poland was a changed country and the days of Communism were numbered.”  Read More »

Amanda Weeps

August 21, 2010


HERE is the main part of a letter to the editor of The New York Times this week regarding a piece by Ross Douthat in which he argued that heterosexual marriage is a worthy ideal:

Ideals may be hard to argue with, but they have real-world consequences, and even a beautiful vision of marriage as an abstract ideal becomes ugly when it excludes actual human beings and damages their well-being. Ideas don’t ache, institutions don’t suffer and symbols don’t sob, but real people do.

By Mr. Douthat’s logic, the love, commitment and sacrifice that my partner and I share and practice (13 years so far) count for nothing compared with a particular ideal about what should be true. For that matter, our rights don’t count either. That’s not an ideal that we, or many people in this country, can get behind.

Amanda Udis-Kessler

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Christianity Lite

August 21, 2010



I’d like to make a couple of church-centered comments concerning all the discussion of “Asher’s dilemma.” First, I think that James Davison Hunter’s book,  To Change the World, about the failure of the church counterculture gets it backwards. The story is not that 40 percent of the population is conservative evangelical Christians, who outnumber the 10 percent of the population who are the institutional elite, but whose numbers do not equate to influence because the 40 percent  do not occupy the elite positions that the 10 percent do. The story of the failure of the “transform-the-culture” movement is that you cannot transform the other 60 percent if you are not transformed yourself. Read More »


More Thoughts on the Upper Crust

August 19, 2010



America’s elite class, having nothing to believe in except for the sterile and empty abstractions of freedom and equality, no longer inhabit a coherent, concrete culture, and so were unable to conceive of or or agree upon a sensible project to replace the [World Trade Center]. Read More »


Radically Traditional, Male and Young

August 19, 2010


BRANDON writes:

I AM a 22-year-old male college student in Denver who reads your site daily. I have great appreciation for your message. I’m writing for two reasons. First, I have an interesting reflection to share with you and second, I shall make a request for some wisdom if you are willing to offer it. Read More »


The Upper Crust

August 19, 2010


ANGELO M. CODEVILLA writes in The American Spectator:

Never has there been so little diversity within America’s upper crust. Always, in America as elsewhere, some people have been wealthier and more powerful than others. Read More »


Support the Alternative Media

August 19, 2010










PLEASE CONSIDER making a donation to this site to ensure its continued existence. Do what you can to protect wholesome values and unsettling truths in a mad and unbelieving world. Thank you to those who have given.


The Jacksonian Club

August 19, 2010


MATAMOROS, known at this site for his comments on sex and the liberated woman, has started his own website, The Jacksonian Club, with the intention of bringing white men together for political activism. Read More »


29 Avenue Rapp

August 19, 2010


29 Avenue Rapp

29 Avenue Rapp

Sebastien writes:

If the ideal of womanhood is to be wife, mother and homemaker, feminism will strip away all these gifts from her and all that will remain is her sexual appeal.  So while feminists claim that women have been sexual objects and need to be free, the truth is that women become sexual objects because of feminist ideology. If they are not going to becomes wives and homemakers, other than sex, there is little else they can do as women. Read More »


World Without Men

August 18, 2010


                         Charles Eric Maine’s Novel of Lesbian Dystopia

By Thomas F. Bertonneau

[Note: Another article by Bertonneau on World Without Men appeared this week in The Brussels Journal. The essay below was written for readers of The Thinking Housewife.]

BY WAY OF INTRODUCING both my topic and myself I might say that I am a lifelong aficionado of science fiction who is familiar with the genre in depth.  When I teach my course on science fiction at SUNY Oswego, I concentrate of classics texts of high literary merit – those by Edgar Allan Poe, H. G. Wells, Olaf Stapledon, and Ray Bradbury.  When I pursue my hobby I am less selective.  When I discover an unknown paperback title in a second hand bookshop, I frankly judge the item by its cover and where content is concerned I hope for the best.  Most of the mouldering paperbacks fall short of memorability.  Occasionally, however, I stumble across a jewel among the rubble, a short story or novel more or less forgotten that, for one reason or another, merits contemporary re-visitation.  One such, which I encountered again recently after a lapse of decades, is Charles Eric Maine’s World Without Men (1958)**, a novel about the long-term implications of birth control, abortion, and the so-called sexual revolution that treats these matters in a bold and prescient way.

It is safe to say that World Without Men could not be published today.  Editors, evaluating it in manuscript, would deem it absolutely politically incorrect; they would act to prevent Maine from perpetrating the lese majesté inherent in a story that unstintingly defends the idea of a natural order of human existence and which, describing homosexuality without embarrassment as “perversion,” argues that feminism (inherently homosexual in Maine’s view) is a totalitarian ideology.  Better to suppress such a thing.

In World Without Men,Maine tells a story in five quasi-independent but serially related episodes, unfolding a chronology that begins late in his own Twentieth Century and culminates fivethousand years from now in the year 7000 AD.  The first and fifth stories take place in 7000 AD; the setting and a recurrent point-of-view character unify them.  The second, third, and fourth stories fill in the chronological gaps, the second taking place (as one might suppose) before the advent of the Second Millennium, the third taking place fifty or seventy-five years after the second, and the fourth taking place perhaps two millenniabefore the first and the fifth (around 3000 AD).  The five episodes are (1) “The Man,” (2) “The Monkey,” (3) “The Girl,” (4) “The Patriarch,” and (5) “The Child.”  It seems logical to discuss “The Monkey” first, since this story represents the cause in response to which the other stories represent the consequences.  World Without Men is a novel about the liquidation of the male sex.

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‘Cheese-and-Sauce Consuming Beasts’

August 17, 2010


I WOULD like to apologize to readers of this site for the unkind things I have said about pizza. I now realize that commercial-grade pizza is, if not the nectar of the gods, a suitable substance for everday consumption. Human beings have an evolutionary drive to eat trash. It is useless to fight this impulse. It’s sort of like asking people to stop itching or mating. I realize that if you are a habitual pizza eater, you cannot help it. Please understand that I understand.

Here is the latest from the Domino’s Pizza Institute about the pizza-eating habits of Americans. This is important scientific news.



August 17, 2010


Miss Tomlin's School, Washington, D.C., 1926

Miss Tomlin's School, Washington, D.C., 1926

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Three Generations of Rebellious Women

August 17, 2010


JULIAN writes:

I have been catching up on your site and just came across your marvelous short piece of Oct. 22, 2009: “The Unfaithful Wife.” It is the best essay I have seen on the the divorce epidemic. I’m a veteran of a stupid, destructive and monstrously wasteful divorce war, dragged through the courts for three years by a wife of 25 years for no reason other than her simply having become bored with being married. (Ok, being married to me.) That and a very rough menopause, but let’s not go there. 

I emerged from the divorce court sewerpipe relatively unscathed, notwithstanding that the other side used every single dirty trick in the divorce-lawyer playbook. But I’m a big boy and was able to look after myself better than most. I have no complaints for myself because after the initial shock I was not surprised. It’s a mean world. But I was shocked and horrified at what my ex-wife then did to my daughter who was ten years old at the start of it all. I am now a witness to my daughter doing something similarly destructive and cruel, with the active collusion and encouragement of her mother, who still lives alone after 20 years (and one proposal of remarriage, which she made to me, and which I respectfully declined; but that’s another story).  Read More »


The Matriarchal Society

August 17, 2010


AS PART of the ongoing series of entries here on the decline of marriage and fatherlessness, Jesse Powell reports below on the final 2007 figures for out-of-wedlock births. These numbers are stark evidence of the ongoing shift to a matriarchal society. Three years ago, illegitimacy rates were close to 30 percent for whites, 50 percent for Hispanics and 70 percent for blacks. These rates are higher now.

Jesse Powell writes:

The Final Birth Data for 2007 has just come out, so it’s time for an update on what the out-of-wedlock birth statistics are telling us.  Read More »