“The Priests of Patriarchy”
May 10, 2010
FEMINISM has battered most of the major Christian denominations during the past 40 years. Here is an apt quote from Mary Daly’s Beyond God the Father, most recently published in paperback in 1985. Daly, who died early this year, was a professor of theology at the Jesuit institution, Boston College, for 33 years.
She wrote:
The cosmic covenant means coming into living harmony with the self, the universe and God.
For men of the past – and most are living in the past rather than now – life has meant feeding on the bodies and minds of women, sapping energy at the expense of female deaths. Like Dracula, the he-male has lived on women’s blood. The priests of patriarchy have eaten the body and have drunk the blood of the Sacrificial Victim in their Mass, but they have not wished to know who has really been the Victim whose blood supported this parasitic life. Read More »