Fill in the Blank – Unless You are White
March 18, 2010
I was fascinated by the census form I received in the mail this week. There are only four questions for each person in the household, two of which deal with race. The first is whether or not you are of Hispanic origin. If so, the form wants to know whether it’s Cuban, Mexican, Nicaraguan, Spanish, etc. or if they did not list your particular country of origin, to please fill in the blank. The second question more generally asks for your race. There are about twenty choices including Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, African-American, African and Native American, these last two requesting that you please fill in the blank with your particular tribe. One of the check boxes is “White,” of course, but without any request for more specific information. So the same census takers who would want to know whether I were Cherokee or Shawnee don’t care whether I’m Polish or Italian. The disparity between the treatment of white people and everyone else is glaring.