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The Thinking Housewife


The Curse of High Intelligence

March 14, 2010


IN THE post on the stupidity of smart people, Fitzgerald writes:

Being an intellectual is a curse and a blessing at the same time. I’m not like most people and as such I have little in common with “normal” people who are able to more successfully navigate the world we all inhabit. I often ponder what it would be like to be of a more average intellect, mind you I wouldn’t classify myself as super-smart but I’m quite above the average. But I’m not really willing to give it up either. So I soldier on and work at being more normal and less of a savant. It’s a struggle and it requires lots of mental and psychological gymnastics to meet people were they are and on their terms, something that’s not required of more normal people for the most part.


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The Man Behind the Wheel

March 13, 2010


IN A PREVIOUS post, readers described the craving of modern children for fathers, a literal hunger that is evident in the eyes.

Dorothy writes:

I live in a big city and I have used public transportation for almost everywhere I go on a daily basis for thirty years and still do. I have seen the starved-for-a-father look on the faces of children on the buses. I notice they can get so attached to a male bus driver. I did not understand this for quite some time. I wondered why these children did not “imprint” on regular male riders. Read More »


A Physicist Thinks

March 13, 2010


SOME VERY SMART people can be stunningly stupid. This is an essential thing to understand whether you yourself are stupid or smart. Intelligence does not guarantee common sense or protection from brain-diminishing ideological forces. Read More »


A Ruined Prom

March 12, 2010

Lesbian Prom Date

Constance McMillen

HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVISTS have found another field of potential conquest: the senior prom. And, they have found a small number of high school students who are willing pawns. But, as a commenter mentions below, perhaps the entire prom tradition should be retired. It’s become a night of excessive excess. 

The American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi recently sued a school for not allowing same-sex couples to attend its prom. Now that the school has canceled the event, the ACLU, on behalf of 18-year-old Constance McMillen, is suing to have it reinstated. All so a confused girl can take another confused girl to the dance. 

This is yet another example of how liberals openly exploit the young. One of the obvious results of this will be to taint the innocent dancing girls often do with each other when there are not enough boys who will take to the floor. Now there will be sexual connotations to girls dancing with girls. Of course, that’s the least of the damage. The real disaster is the encouragement of lesbianism.

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Another All-Male Field Welcomes Mom

March 12, 2010


Izzy Lyman writes:

Doing the work men won’t do? I don’t think so.



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A Single Mother Protests

March 12, 2010


Joanne writes:

I am disgusted and appalled at the slanderous filth you and your readers have posted about Alaina Sheer. You do not know her, you have no right to judge her situation! If you are indeed a “Christian” you would be aware that only God can judge people. Read More »


The Truth about Single Motherhood

March 12, 2010


Van Wijk writes:

When I was still a soldier (this was around 2004), a female soldier in my unit asked for my help in assembling a computer desk and TV stand at her home. She was a single mother with four children, and was around 7 months pregnant with #5. Read More »


A Domestic Dictionary

March 12, 2010








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College Miseducation

March 11, 2010


Frak writes:

I’m a 21 year-old male college student. I want to thank you for your blogging. Your weblog is valuable in ways you’ll never know.

Kristor is absolutely correct in the previous post about this: “What is an alpha female? A pretty, intelligent girl who is chaste.” Unfortunately, as a college student, I can tell you with a very high degree of confidence that the prettier the girl, the more sexual partners she has likely had. The pool of pretty girls who are chaste is, well, extremely tiny at my university – perhaps 5% of females qualify, if that. I sometimes wonder if young women simply don’t know that, as they gain sexual experience, they become less attractive. Read More »


The New Matriarchy

March 11, 2010


RATHER THAN regretting her mistakes, the New Single Mother revels in them. She dotes on her little one, has sex with many men in search of elusive perfection, and publicly trashes the father of her child. She forms networks with other single mothers, who help each other normalize the abnormal and defiantly proclaim they don’t need men.

This bravado does not hide their unhappiness. Look closely and you will see. And, it will never give their children one of the things they want most: a father.

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The Pathetic Children of the Past

March 9, 2010


REMEMBER THE ancient ways of childhood before the Age of Psychology? It brings tears to the eyes. Think of all the children who were unmedicated. Contemplate the little ones who didn’t go to therapists or who had only names, not diagnostic labels.

Erik Kolbell, a psychotherapist writing in the New York Times, states that children suffered cruelly before there were professionals like him: Read More »


Commander Mom

March 9, 2010


IN 1991, the then Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Frank Kelso, expressed the view that women shouldn’t serve on warships. “There is a delicate balance between equal opportunity for men and women and maintaining combat effectiveness of our forces,” he said.

Adm. Kelso is long gone. Those were the olden days. Now women serve in high ranking positions and the average crew is more than 10 percent female. Not all women in command are as mean as Captain HollyHere is a Time magazine story from 2000 about Commander Kathleen McGrath, whom by all accounts was well-liked. She has since died of lung cancer.

The temperament of women who assume the helm can never in itself be sufficient argument for or against women in command. There are other more profoundly disturbing reasons and they are apparent in this profile of McGrath. For one, McGrath is not a normal woman. I don’t mean that in a disparaging way. She just does not typify the dreams and aspirations of most women. Notice this about why she was attracted to warships.

After sailing out of Yokosuka on a visiting frigate, McGrath was more determined than ever to serve on a warship. “It was a lot more fun, like driving a sports car,” she says. “They go fast, handle better, and they’re sexy and glamorous.”

A culture that glorifies women in masculine jobs exalts the traits and inclinations of the abnormal woman.

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March 9, 2010




My name is David, I’m a twenty four year-old guy living in New England — I confess I am one of those slowly maturing betas your posts mention — and I just wanted to write and say that I think you and your posts are absolutely amazing. You are truly a voice of reason and good sense in a world that is spiraling into ever greater lunacy and evil. Read More »


The Holly and the Navy

March 8, 2010



The case of Holly Graf, the Navy captain relieved of command of a guided missile cruiser for abusing the crew with curses, insults, taunts and minor physical assault, is the subject of interesting discussion among military insiders here. A retired Navy captain writes:



A Starry-Eyed Feminist Makes Peace with Marriage

March 5, 2010



ELIZABETH GILBERT’S book Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage has been on the bestseller lists for weeks and is now listed at No. 10 by the New York Times.

Contrary to its title, this book is not at all about making peace with marriage, at least not marriage to a man. It’s a misty-eyed paean to feminine independence and an ignorant and misleading appraisal of the institution of marriage. It is shockingly anti-male, so much so that if the word ‘man’ was replaced with woman throughout, there would be crowds lined up outside bookstores demanding its removal. How is it that a woman who is divorced once, childless, and now married to a divorced man 17 years her senior becomes an acclaimed authority on marriage? Only within the philistine confines of the contemporary women’s book club, where female superiority is constantly assumed, would such a book rise to the top of the charts.

According to Gilbert, marriage is a raw deal for women and highly beneficial for men. She writes: Read More »


A Maternalist Dies

March 5, 2010


A SINGLE Orthodox Jewish woman had 2,000 living descendents, including more than 200 grandchildren, when she recently died.



The ‘Immature’ Male

March 5, 2010


GEORGE WILL writes about a new book on male immaturity and apathy. He says:

In 1956, the median age of men marrying was 22.5. But between 1980 and 2004, the percentage of men reaching age 40 without marrying increased from 6 to 16.5. A recent study found that 55 percent of men 18 to 24 are living in their parents’ homes, as are 13 percent of men 25 to 34, compared to 8 percent of women. Read More »


The New Patriarchal Enlightenment

March 5, 2010


CAN MODERN SOCIETY return to any semblance of the civilized and benevolent patriarchy that existed in early 19th century America? If so, what shifts in contemporary thinking would be necessary to bring about such a profound change?

I recommend my discussion with Kristor in the previous entry
