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The Thinking Housewife


From the Hallowed Halls of D.C.

July 13, 2022




“Anti-Semitism” in French Town

July 13, 2022

FOR the Jews who insist that their behavior has nothing to do with ‘antisemitism,’ they need look no further than this story out of France — where a wealthy Jewish socialite wants to use some of her own wealth — along with taxpayers’ money, of course — to relocate 70 migrant families — amounting to hundreds of people — to a small town in Brittany to allegedly help revitalize the local economy…”

Read more. (Not a blanket endorsement of CFT.)

Notice that the French town of Callac is “aging.” That’s because the French stopped having children.



The Coming Right-Wing Ascendancy

July 12, 2022

SO ‘cyber attacks’ is how they plan to sell the coming deflationary collapse. Likely, such ‘attacks’ will be a huge ‘national security issue’. There will be much fanfare, and it’s hard to see how the current ‘leftist’/Great Reset lot is not going to get ousted. They have done everything possible to make themselves as hated as possible. Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are not expected to ‘succeed’, they’re just there to scare everybody in the desired direction: the right wing of the Beast.

“It’s not just me saying this: Uncle Vlad himself recently stated he expects a ‘change of elites’ in the West shortly, and that ‘rightist’ and ‘populist’ Governments will take over.

“Once all this plays out, the Fed will also cease suppressing Gold, which will then start its ascent into the stratosphere.

“People will eat it all up, and be ‘relieved’. But nothing will be solved.”

— Anthony Migchels of Real Currencies



If I had a Germ, I’d Sing It in the Mor-or-ning!

July 12, 2022

WHEN my husband and I were on a trail in the White Mountains last week, we heard a group of teenaged campers descending the mountain behind us. They were singing at the very top of their voices that old Commie folk tune, “If I Had a Hammer,” performed back in the day by the self-admitted fan of Joseph Stalin, Pete Seeger. It’s nice tune, when not overplayed, and I have nothing against the basic sentiments of brotherhood it expresses.

It sounded very uplifting in the woods, seemingly far away from the forces of universal propaganda.

Honestly to see young people out on the trail, with no anti-social distancing or masks, was so thrilling, I almost wanted to cry. I’d be happy if they were wearing mariner’s caps and singing the U.S.S.R. anthem.

If I had a hammer, I’d hammer in the morning. I’d hammer in the evening, all over this land!

As they began to pass, one of the group yelled out, “High Five!”

So we held out our hands.

Each sweaty, grimy, unwashed, adolescent hand came in full contact with ours. Slap, slap, slap, slap …. There were at least 25 in all.

I realized then we were participating in a spontaneous and unintended medical experiment. “If we don’t come down with ‘COVID’ now, we never will!” I said to my husband.

Since our contact with these germ carriers, we’ve never felt better. Not a sniffle, not a single moment on a ventilator at the encouragement and expense of the federal government. We have done everything we could. We have yet to become medical statistics.

Here you have it: One more small bit of evidence that germ theory is at the very least greatly exaggerated. Carry on, comrades!

If I had a germ, I’d sing it in the morning. I’d sing in the evening, all over this land! I’d sing out danger, I’d sing out a warning, I’d sing out love between my brothers and my sisters all over this land.

It’s the germ of free-eedom, it’s the germ of love between my brothers and my sisters all over this land!



How to Spot a Staged Shooting Event

July 12, 2022

THIS SUMMER’S just getting started, but it’s going to take a whole lot of talent to match the outstanding performance of Zoe Pawelczak, who was reportedly present at an alleged mass shooting in the suburban Chicago city of Highland Park on July Fourth and described her experience on national news. She doesn’t appear in the least traumatized in this interview. In fact, she’s smiling, no doubt tickled to be on a national stage.

Yet gun shot wounds are extremely disturbing. An ordinary person would be so affected he would not be capable of coherent statements. As a newspaper reporter years ago, I saw photos of people who had been shot, stabbed and hit by cars and I saw people moments after they had been fatally injured. Believe me, it was very hard and it was not possible to smile when discussing these scenes. These things are not like they are in the movies.

But leave this interesting interview aside. The fact is, multiple gun-shot deaths happen very often on weekends in Chicago. They do not receive the round-the-clock coverage that this alleged event received.

Was it political theater? How can you tell whether a shooting is state-sponsored psychological terrorism for political objectives?

The list below is from a post I wrote last year (with a few edits). With this list, you can easily identify whether a shooting is naturally occurring or staged. Seriously, this isn’t rocket science though it does take a bit of intuition. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 made it legal for the U.S. government to conduct state-sponsored propaganda events domestically and abroad. These events, ostensibly to protect Americans, are carried out with less benign objectives, such as unconstitutional gun control, increased surveillance, distraction of the public, division and glorification of governmental authority. [Russ Winter has added the creation of a new national police force to the list.] Private contractors (such as manufacturers of body scanners) potentially reap big rewards too. Participants are obviously well compensated (beyond their wildest dreams) and face serious harm if they disclose details. Here’s an account of one person’s awakening to a staged mass shooting.

I strongly believe no one is ever killed in these events, but that is not something I can prove. These events are becoming ever bolder, with national TV reporters and alleged witnesses making immediate and explicit political statements about the need for new gun laws. The signs of fakery:

** Initial release of blurry, jerky, confusing video imagery suggestive of chaos at the scene

** Immediate, pervasive, non-stop media coverage

** No clear imagery of the attack as it occurred or convincing, bloody carnage despite the presence of dozens or hundreds of cell phones at scene

** Active shooter drills conducted in vicinity same day or not long before

** Racial sub-narrative, usually “white supremacy,” but may be angry nonwhite perp

** Lack of normal emergency response; victims sometimes not taken (or reported to be taken) to the hospital

** Police or ambulance staff seen standing around or milling about; flashing police and ambulance lights convey chaos and emergency scenario

** Immediate identification and arrest of alleged perpetrator or immediate death of perpetrator

** Implausible marksmanship by a perpetrator who could never have received military-level training

Read More »


World Champions of Gullibility

July 11, 2022

ALAN writes:

English professor Calvin Linton wrote in 1962:

“We live in the best educated age in human history.  It also may well be the most gullible.   ….. There is evidence that certain tendencies in modern education are more likely to increase rather than decrease human gullibility…..” (“What Happened to Common Sense?,” Saturday Evening Post, April 28, 1962, p. 10.)

Wayne C. Booth, also a professor of English, agreed:

“I don’t know whether we are a more credulous  generation than our fathers, but it surely must be true that in proportion to the amount of time and money we spend ostensibly educating each other, we are the most credulous, gullible, superstitious people of all time….”

(Now Don’t Try to Reason with Me: Essays and Ironies for a Credulous Age, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1970, p. 64.)

Similar thoughts were expressed in a letter to the editor way back in 1983:

“No wonder we have difficulty solving problems, what with a nation of robots waiting to be told what to do, what movies to see, music to listen to, clothes to wear.  Of course, the robots don’t know they’re robots.  They think they are ‘in’, which makes for an interesting situation:  While advertisers are conning them, they are conning themselves.  It’s tough to tell who is doing the better job.  The clear winner, though, is the advertiser; he ends up with the cash, while robots wind up with the junk.”

(William O’Connell, Letter to the Editor, U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 19, 1983, p. 5)

Precisely so.  Let’s adjust that assessment to fit today’s Americans:

No wonder Americans have difficulty solving problems, what with a nation of worker ants waiting to be told what they may say and not say, whether and how they may travel, whether they may visit their own families at Thanksgiving and Christmas, whether they may operate their own businesses, and whether they must wear masks and get injected. Of course, the ants don’t know they’re ants. They think they are “cool,” which makes for an interesting situation:  While racketeering bureaucrats, doctors, and drug-pushing pharmaceutical companies are conning them, they are conning themselves. It’s hard to tell who is doing the better job.  The clear winners, though, are the medical and political racketeers; they end up with the cash and unchecked powers over the ants, while the ants wind up with ruined businesses, Big Lies, Fake Viruses, poisons called vaccines, fewer rights, and less liberty.

Worse yet are people who imagine that someday Mommy Government will give them back those rights and that liberty.  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!  Tell me why such people do not deserve to be fleeced.



The Beautiful Facts of Summer

July 11, 2022

Hayfield with Reaper, Vincent Van Gogh


   — By Robert Frost

There was never a sound beside the wood but one,
And that was my long scythe whispering to the ground.
What was it it whispered? I knew not well myself;
Perhaps it was something about the heat of the sun,
Something, perhaps, about the lack of sound—
And that was why it whispered and did not speak.
It was no dream of the gift of idle hours,
Or easy gold at the hand of fay or elf:
Anything more than the truth would have seemed too weak
To the earnest love that laid the swale in rows,
Not without feeble-pointed spikes of flowers
(Pale orchises), and scared a bright green snake.
The fact is the sweetest dream that labor knows.
My long scythe whispered and left the hay to make.



Back Home

July 11, 2022

My husband and I at Stowe Pinnacle after a sweaty climb on the Fourth of July

I HAVE returned from a great trip to Vermont. I had intended to post while I was away and to wish readers a Happy Fourth of July, but as it turned out I only logged in to the computer once. (Unfortunately, I cannot announce I am away from home.)

It was a beautiful week of hiking and just plain walking with my husband and son in the Green Mountains, and the White Mountains of New Hampshire too. Nothing else seemed important in comparison to the woods, waterfalls and rocky summits of this marvelous region, about which I hope to say more.

America truly is beautiful. I hope you saw that in some way this July Fourth and had some time to celebrate. I love this country — for many reasons. But its natural grandeur is high on the list of reasons. On a July day on the top of one of America’s many mountains, we can see God’s love for us. In the distance, we can see this exhilarating fullness. He overwhelms us. He gives us more than we can absorb. He is much more patriotic than we are.

I am back to regular posting today. Thank you very much to those who sent notes.



In Defense of Kate Smith

July 2, 2022

[Reposted from August 8, 2020]

Those who vilify Kate Smith could not create one one-thousandth of the happiness that she imparted to her audiences. They can only destroy. Their goal is pure destruction: Of America and Christendom.

Orwell could not have dreamed of a better example of Thought Crime than the “racism” today’s arrogant young know-it-alls imagine they have “discovered” in songs composed decades before they were born.  Fools, all of them.  They play the role of useful idiots for Communist-trained agitators and provocateurs.  Do not underestimate such people or their sponsors. They mean to destroy every vestige of American identity, heritage, and achievement.


ALAN writes:

It must have been in 1953 or ’54 that I first became aware of Kate Smith when my grandmother watched “The Kate Smith Hour” on afternoon television.  I was four years old. Doubtless my grandmother remembered Kate Smith from her radio programs in the 1930s-‘40s.

The name Kate Smith never occurred in conversations in my family or among friends. There was no reason why it should.  Throughout all the years when I grew up and afterwards, Kate Smith was “just there:” A part of American radio history, a frequent guest on television variety shows, a wonderful singer who came to be known as the “Songbird of the South,” an all-American patriot, and the woman whose 1938 recording of “God Bless America” was an inspiration for countless Americans.

It went without saying in my family that Kate Smith was all those things.

On many Sunday nights in the 1960s-‘70s, I listened to KXOK Radio in St. Louis because they played “oldies but goodies”.  Kate Smith’s recording of “God Bless America” was played at the close of that program, which was also the end of their broadcast day.  That is when and where I came fully to appreciate it.  I remember the uplift I felt upon hearing that recording in the darkness of night, followed by silence when the station went off the air.  It was a most effective setting for the recording to linger in my awareness for moments afterward and for me to think about it, as I did.  I imagine my father and his Army Air Corps colleagues in the South Pacific during World War II must have been equally impressed if they were lucky enough to hear Kate Smith sing “God Bless America” on an Armed Forces Radio broadcast.

On hearing that recording in 1983, librarian Efrem Sepulveda wrote:

           I thought about how soaring it was to the spirit….and that it was something to remind us of the beauty we have lost…..”

        [“Killing Kate Smith,” The Imaginative Conservative, May 20, 2019]

I agree, except for the word “lost.” I suggest Americans did not lose it but gave it away, through their gullibility, moral cowardice, and boundless capacity for self-immolation. Read More »


An American Song

July 2, 2022

AN OLD woman in the mining region of Central Pennsylvania describes her troubles in this ballad by Felix O’Hare, The Shoofly colliery failed to offer miners work in the 1870s, and already in debt to her neighbors the woman foresees the worst.  This is from the George Korson Recordings of Pennsylvania Coal Miners Collection at the Library of Congress. Daniel Walsh sings beautifully in this recording of 1946.

This ballad articulates the thoughts of the miners in the depression of the early ’70’s. In 1871 the little mine patch of Valley Furnace received a blow from which it never recovered: the mine gave out. Normally the miners might have found jobs at the Shoofly, a nearby colliery. There, however, a bad seam had been struck and men were being laid off. The only alternative to starvation was to gather meager belongings, leave old associations, and trek across the Broad Mountain in to the Mahanoy Valley then being opened to mining. [Songs and Ballads of the Anthracite Miners, Recorded and Edited by George Korson, 1947 ]


As I went a-walking one fine summer’s morning,
It was down by the Furnace I chanced for to stroll.
I espied an old lady, I’ll swear she was eighty,
At the foot of the dirt banks a-rooting for coal;
And when I drew nigh her she sat on her hunkers
For to fill up her scuttle she just had begin
And to herself she was singing a ditty,
And these are the words the old lady did sing: Read More »


An American Song: “Red River Valley”

July 2, 2022


“Old Folks at Home”

July 2, 2022

STEPHEN FOSTER’S “Old Folks at Home,” also known as “Way Down upon the Swanee River,” is a famous American song that was written in 1851 for a minstrel show. The words to the original were about a slave yearning for “de old plantation.” They were altered, lest anyone think a slave could be momentarily happy. Here is the shocking, unexpurgated version:

Way down upon de Swanee Ribber,
Far, far away,
Dere’s wha my heart is turning ebber,
Dere’s wha de old folks stay.

All up and down de whole creation
Sadly I roam,
Still longing for de old plantation,
And for de old folks at home.

All de world am sad and dreary,
Eb-rywhere I roam;
Oh, darkeys, how my heart grows weary,
Far from de old folks at home!

All round de little farm I wandered
When I was young,
Den many happy days I squandered,
Many de songs I sung.
When I was playing wid my brudder
Happy was I;
Oh, take me to my kind old mudder!
Dere let me live and die.

One little hut among de bushes,
One dat I love
Still sadly to my memory rushes,
No matter where I rove.
When will I see de bees a-humming
All round de comb?
When will I hear de banjo strumming,
Down in my good old home?

Foster was born on July Fourth in 1826 in Lawrenceville, Pennsylvania. According to the Library of Congress, “Foster revealed an early interest in music but received little formal training. Primarily self-taught, Foster displayed an affinity for ‘Ethiopian’ and minstrel songs (he performed in minstrel shows as a boy), yet he also incorporated characteristics of Irish melodies, German songs, and Italian operas in his compositions. He was eighteen when his first song was published, ‘Open Thy Lattice, Love’ (1844), set to a poem by George P. Morris; however, its title page erroneously credited the composer as ‘L. C. Foster.’ Subsequently, Foster served as both composer and lyricist to his songs, which numbered over two hundred.”

Foster never made much money from his songs, though they are among the most popular in American history. If he were alive today, he would not only be poor, he’d probably be on the FBI’s domestic terrorist list. NPR’s Terri Gross had a typically Jewish take on Foster; his music, she said, was “hateful.”



An American Song

July 2, 2022

BASED on a poem by George P. Morris which appeared in the New York Mirror magazine in 1830, “Woodman, Spare that Tree,” composed by Henry P. Russell, expresses a simple, patriotic love and gratitude. It was sung here by Derek P. Scott in 1980.

Woodman, spare that tree!
Touch not a single bough!
In youth it sheltered me,
And I’ll protect it now.
‘Twas my forefather’s hand
That placed it near his cot:
There, woodman, let it stand,
Thy axe shall harm it not!

Read More »


Feminism: Not a Women’s Movement

July 1, 2022


LATE FILMMAKER Aaron Russo described a conversation with David Rockefeller in this clip from a famous video made before his death in 2007.



The Will of the People

June 30, 2022

“THE people is the same everywhere. At times it seems to show extreme generosity without understanding a thing, while at other times it behaves ferociously for no apparent reason; sensitive to the point of silliness at times, even when there is no reason to be moved, at other times it remains impassive or even acts cynically when it ought to react or even become enraged so as not to be shamed. The people is what certain elements would like it to be. Such elements crown the people, as they know full well that sovereignty will always rest in their own hands.”

— Leon de Poncins, Emmanuel Malynski, The Occult War



Chuck Baldwin on Red Flag Laws

June 30, 2022

Also of interest by Baldwin: “Is Israel Planning to Relocate to Ukraine?



The Humility of Peter

June 29, 2022

Crucifixion of St. Peter, Caravaggio; 1660

“THE Apostle, having reached the spot and come up to the instrument of death, implored of his executioners to set him thereon, not in the usual way, but head downwards, in order, said he, that the servant be not seen in the same position once taken by the Master. His request was granted; and Christian tradition, in all ages, renders testimony to this fact which adds further evidence to the deep humility of so great an Apostle. Peter, with outstretched arms, prayed for the city, prayed for the whole world, the while his blood flowed down upon that Roman soil the conquest of which he had just achieved. At this moment Rome became forever the new Jerusalem. When the apostle had gone through the whole round of his sufferings, he expired; but he was to live again in each one of his Successors, unto the end of time.”

— Dom Prosper Gueranger, “Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul,The Liturgical Year



Decora Lux Aeternitatis

June 29, 2022

Hymn for the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul (English translation)

Lo! beauteous Light Eternal floods, with sacred fires, this golden day which crowns the Princes of Apostles and opens out unto the guilty a free path to Heaven.

The Teacher of the whole earth, as well as the Doorkeeper of Heaven, both of them Fathers of Rome, and Judges of nations, each a victor of death, the one by the sword, the other by the cross, laurel-crowned, both take their seats in the Senate of Eternal Life. Read More »