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The PCR Test Fraud

March 21, 2022

I HAVEN’T had the time to watch this yet, but any video about the PCR test deception, one of the biggest frauds in history, is well worth watching.



The Wisdom of Taylor Caldwell

March 21, 2022

                              Taylor Caldwell

ALAN writes:

The novelist Taylor Caldwell once wrote:

My fellow conservatives are afraid that Big Brother is loose in the land now.  This is bad enough.  But Big Mama…is infinitely worse, infinitely more dangerous to the national character, infinitely more demoralizing…..

 Remember this: The strongest sign of the decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculinization of women……

The decay and the ruin of a nation has always lain in the hands of its women. So does its life and strength, its reverence for beauty, its mercy and kindness. And, above all, its men……

            — Anglo-American novelist Taylor Caldwell, On Growing Up Tough, Aeonian Press, 1976, pp. 98, 116-17, 121, 136-37.

Taylor wrote these words nearly half a century ago, when leftists were busy staking out large portions of American culture in the 1960s.  Imagine what she would say if she were here today and could see:

That American men can now choose to be swamped in a soft pink jello or a lavender jello.  Either way, it spares them the responsibility of upholding traditional patriarchal and masculine authority. Read More »


Satan: Just a Figure of Speech

March 20, 2022

FROM Dom Prosper Guéranger on the Third Sunday of Lent:

Assuredly, we should be the blindest and most unhappy of men, if, – surrounded as we are by enemies, who unceasingly seek to destroy us, and are so superior to us both in power and knowledge, – we were seldom or never to think of the existence of these wicked spirits. And yet, such is really the case with innumerable Christians now-a-days; for, truths are diminished from among the children of men [Ps. xi. 2].

So common, indeed, is this heedlessness and forgetfulness of truth, which the Holy Scriptures put before us in almost every page, that it is no rare thing to meet with persons who ridicule the idea of Devils being permitted to be on this earth of ours! They call it a prejudice, a popular superstition, of the Middle-Ages! Of course they deny that it is a dogma of Faith. When we read the History of the Church or the Lives of the Saints, they have their own way of explaining whatever is there related on this subject. To hear them talk, one would suppose that they look upon Satan as a mere abstract idea, to be taken as the personification of evil. Read More »


Reject Planned Chaos

March 17, 2022


St. Patrick’s Breastplate

March 17, 2022

ST. Patrick’s Breastplate is a beautiful old Irish prayer (perhaps incorrectly) attributed to the great saint, whose militance and love for a particular land and its people are inspiring. With the terrible abandonment of the Irish of the one true faith, their betrayal of their heritage and their surrender to false worship that is even more offensive than the pagan ceremonies Patrick fought against, this day set aside to honor the ancient missionary is mostly a travesty. The Irish truthfully have no one but themselves to blame for the scourge that is transforming their land. Frankly, I prefer not to wear green.

But Patrick ever remains true, though he must look upon Ireland and weep. He lived from 385-461 AD and, believe it or not, was born in Scotland.

He was the son of a high-ranking Roman family, but was carried off into slavery by Irish marauders when he was 16 and forced into shepherding. While in captivity in Ireland, though, he learned Celtic and the ways of Druidism, as his master was a Druid High Priest, two bits of knowledge that would help him later in evangelizing Irish pagans. He escaped his master, travelled about a bit — but desired to return to Ireland to evangelize, a task he was entrusted with by Pope Celestine I, and a task at which he was most successful: legend says that he even drove the snakes from that land with a sermon, but that could well be analogical: the Druids used serpents to symbolize the powers of the earth, and tattooed their bodies with them. (Source)

Here is an account of Patrick’s confrontations with Druid priests and here is the story of how he baptized the daughters of King Laeghaire. As Dr. Thomas Droleskey says, “Saint Patrick was not concerned about finding ‘common ground’ with the Druids.”

More devotions to the great saint can be found here.

On wings of holy charity
To Erin’s coast Saint Patrick came,
To curb the devil’s tyranny,
And spread the love of Jesus’s name.




More Irish Mischief

March 17, 2022



Ireland’s Dispossession

March 17, 2022

“IRELAND has a worse immigration problem than Germany, Sweden, the UK or France. That statement will astonish many people, but they can confirm its truth by spending a weekend in Dublin or any other city in the Republic of Ireland. On O’Connell Steet, Dublin city centre’s main thoroughfare, foreigners often outnumber native Irish at a rate of well over 100 to one. The official figures say migrants account for around 15 per cent of the Irish population—much higher than in most European countries, but still a huge underestimate.

“These days you can drive from the centre of Dublin to its northern inner suburbs without seeing one white Irish pedestrian en route. Schools in many parts of Dublin have almost no white Irish pupils, and convenience stores, restaurants and supermarkets are staffed overwhelmingly by south Asians, Africans, Chinese and Eastern Europeans. Last year Merkel and her fellow Rotchshild shills opened the gates of continental Europe to millions of “refugees”, but successive Irish governments had beaten them to it by about 20 years. From the mid-1990s onwards, Ireland welcomed hundreds of thousands of migrants from all over the globe. This process accelerated rapidly from the mid 2000s onwards—to the point where foreigners now form a majority in many localities.”

Jude Duffy, 2017

More interesting reading by Andrew Joyce at Occidental Observer



A Bit of Footwork

March 17, 2022




Meditating on the Passion

March 15, 2022

The Taking of Christ, Caravaggio

ALL the depth of suffering that any one can undergo, all the extremities of misery to which any one may be brought in following justice, all are in the Passion; all deliverance from illusion and all learning of the truth are in the Passion; all knowledge, understanding, and heavenly wisdom are to be found in the Passion. The great Apostle of the Gentiles said that he knew nothing but Christ crucified, and, because of the greatness of the treasure herein hidden, we find that the saints occupied themselves ordinarily in this thought of the Passion, as may be proved from their works and treatises.

“For this cause, therefore, and on account of the devotion that the whole Christian people in general feel towards the Passion of our Redeemer, I have thought well to choose this matter out of all other, and set it before those who meditate, giving them first some good instruction as to the manner to be followed in making meditation, though I leave the full discussion of this for my larger treatise.”

The History of the Sacred Passion, Luis De La Palma, 1559-1641




One Psyop at a Time

March 15, 2022


You’ve probably seen this meme like 20 times already but it perfectly encapsulates something I noticed a long time ago: Major globalist psyops seem to come one at a time, and they get turned on and off like a light switch. Suddenly a psyop will appear out of nowhere, flood every single media channel simultaneously and cause total chaos among the masses, then it will disappear just as suddenly as it appeared, and the next psyop will start almost immediately.

Sometimes they recycle psyops or incorporate elements of one into another, but they always have one major psyop that they concentrate on with others taking a back seat, e.g. climate BS being a minor aspect of COVID BS.

I think they do this because normies can’t concentrate on too many things at once and they’ll just check out if they get overwhelmed. So, globalists give each psyop enough time and space to sink in and do the required damage. That’s my theory, anyway.

To call the Russia/Ukraine conflict a “psyop” is not to deny the suffering of its undeniable victims, to whom I extend my sincere compassion.




Decadent Russia

March 15, 2022

HERE are examples from popular culture in Russia, the supposed bastion of Christian morality.

See more here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

See also “White Westerners Are So Demoralized They Are Looking to the Hammer & Sickle for Salvation” (not an endorsement of Renegade Tribune):

As Russia is rolling through Ukraine, I see tons of people White westerners cheering them on, even as images emerge of them flying the old hammer and sickle. Somehow these people think that the Russians and their “based” allies in the Middle East and China are going to save us from Cultural Marxism, apparently with some old fashioned Communism. They would prefer to be out of the frying pan, so it seems they would gladly jump into the fire.



The Religious Roots of Covidianity

March 14, 2022

I CONTINUE to see people driving alone in face masks.

These people are not just victims of false theories of contagion. It seems that they have slipped into a generalized antipathy toward the physical world, believing it to be fundamentally dangerous and predatory. I can only imagine how miserable this state of mind is. While it’s true, nature is against us, the COVID believers so exaggerate this danger that every particle of air and solid surface is potentially lethal. They are at war with nature itself. Some of these people will never recover a state of ease, except in their own micro-managed, anti-bacterial homes.

The plannedemic spawned a seemingly new religious cult in America, but actually it is one with deep ideological roots in this country. Covidianity is quintessentially American.

Two main aspects of this cult’s belief system are 1) a Gnostic belief in the evil of physical matter and 2) morally-righteous utopianism.

I offer a few quick thoughts here on these roots, but they are entirely inadequate to the subject.

The Puritans brought similar harsh views of the physical world to these shores. Their Sabbath protocols, for instance, were opposed to any kind of natural pleasure. They disdained all ornament in dress, which would be too reminiscent of the feasts and festivities of Old Europe. Their worldview would later develop into the Prohibition movement, which banned the sale of all alcohol. The Puritan was extremely moralistic and totalistic in regard to sensual dangers.

The Puritans also brought utopianism and a spirit of activism, what Scottish philosopher David Hume called a “gloomy enthusiasm.” From Hesiod’s Corner: Read More »


The Topography of the Passion

March 14, 2022

Model of Herod’s Temple in Israeli museum/Wikipedia

FROM The Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ by Alban Goodier, 1944:

Naturally the topography of the Passion is far more simple than is that of the Public Life. If before we had to remind the reader of the small area of Palestine, much more must we do the same when we speak of Jerusalem and its neighbourhood. As for the sites of the various scenes* though, as we have said, scholars can be found who differ concerning almost all, and though time, instead of solving these problems, seems only to increase them, for a study such as this these discussions must be of minor importance. The author has accepted, more rather than less, the traditional sites as they are shown in and about Jerusalem to-day; and he has done so, both because he believes they have as good a claim to acceptance as any other, indeed in most cases there is no other ; but also because in any case it is more important to be definite from the beginning, than to break the narrative by side issues. Read More »


Transfiguration Sunday

March 13, 2022

Transfiguration of Christ (detail) c. 1550; unknown icon painter

“AND the disciples hearing, fell upon their face, and were very much afraid.  And Jesus came and touched them: and said to them, Arise, and fear not. And they lifting up their eyes saw no one but only Jesus. And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying: Tell the vision to no man, till the Son of man be risen from the dead.” [Matt. 17: 6-9]



An Anti-Feminist Song

March 12, 2022

IN “I’ve Never Been to Me” sung by Charlene Marilynn Oliver, known simply as Charlene, an older woman addresses a young woman and reflects on her own past, ruined by the false dreams of feminism.

At the (pseudo-Catholic) Remnant,  Chris Jackson offers perceptive commentary.

 She notices a younger lady who is miserable with her state in life, married with children. We can imagine so many young women in our country who no doubt find it extremely difficult trying to raise a family in our current society. The drudgery of daily obligations, trying to make ends meet, the constant needs of the children and husband. Meanwhile the culture is constantly providing the enticing siren song of an escape. If you free yourself of this burden of a family you can make more money, you can go on expensive vacations, you can find true romance, you can live your dreams. The song continues as the older lady explains she has already lived the life the young wife and mother is dreaming about …

I know many women who have lived this song. Feminism creates an ever-flowing river of tears.

Won’t you share a part of a weary heart that has lived a million lies?

The song, by the way, was written and composed by two men, Ron Miller and Kenneth Hirsch. It was not much of a sensation when it was released in 1977, but became a hit in 1982. In this video, Charlene sings the song in her wedding dress.



Kamala on the Northern Flank

March 11, 2022

KAMALA HARRIS in her speech alongside Polish President Andrzej Duda this week in Poland offered a quick study in why women should not be political leaders.

Notice how glaring the male/female difference was as the gigglingly effusive Harris stood next to the rigidly unsmiling Duda.

In other roles, perhaps if she was a hostess at a nice restaurant, Kamala’s laughter, her expressions of empathy, her consistent appeals to emotion, her bungling of basic phrases might all be perfectly charming. But not for a world leader near a purported war zone.

Granted many women would do much better than this and men can make terrible vice presidents. But it’s not worth the risk of having an entire nation led by a kindergarten teacher. Besides women, even those as ambitious as Kamala, have better things to do.

The globalists have always wanted women at the top because they are easier to control and are better at emotionally manipulating the masses. Honestly, I felt a bit sorry for Harris. Not that I have ever seen her looking or acting even remotely  vice-presidential. But she seemed so nervous and out of her depth. Men are made for stress and crisis, not women. Is it any wonder many talented women are half-mad (or completely bonkers)? They are placed in such stressful situations and are as out of their element as ducks in a desert. Read More »


New Lies for Old

March 11, 2022

“RUSSIA is nothing but a long impoverished multi-ethnic state run by a cabal of criminal Jewish mobsters seeking world domination—the same as it was under Gorbachev, Khrushchev, Stalin, and Lenin. Nothing has changed but the design of the national flag and the official titles of the country and its massive internal security apparatus (Putin even reverted the national anthem back to the Soviet one, although without lyrics). If you haven’t figured this out by now, you absolutely must read the revelations of late Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception. Genuine Western conservatives and Christians are being set up for total annihilation. It’s a trap! Get out!”

Timothy Fitzpatrick Read More »


From Dancing Nurses to Dancing Soldiers

March 10, 2022

THIS music video allegedly from an anti-tank unit in Ukraine must have been conceived by the same liars who cooked up the idea of dancing nurse videos and brought you the dystopian flick, COVID: The Pandemic.