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9/11-Covid Connections

December 2, 2021

JUDITH SHARPE, of In the Spirit of Chartres, examines the similarities between 9/11 and Covid in an hour-long presentation which I highly recommend. Several commentators join in, including Daniel McAdams, Suzanne Pearson, a New York City policeman and yours truly (my comments begin at about 15:00). I’m a big fan of Mrs. Sharpe and applaud her for tackling these subjects as the 20th anniversary year of 9/11 draws to a close.

Both 9/11 and the manufactured pandemic were terrorist attacks against humanity. Both shredded the rule of law and constitutional protections. Both brought us totalitarian world government, police-state controls and an exalted image of government. Both weaponized fear and fostered a war-time mentality. Both were acts of mass murder. Both left untold psychological pain and damage. Both involve ongoing extensive, multi-layered lies and well-planned cover-ups. Both showed us that the media is practicing systematic mass manipulation with the aid of enemies at the highest levels of our government.

The success of the 9/11 absolutely enabled the plandemic. If Americans knew how greatly they were deceived with the first, they would have been less susceptible to the second. If Americans were better schooled in their history and knew of the workings of secret societies, with their zealous belief in bizarre, gnostic mysteries that go back thousands of years, in our government from its very inception, they would be less tragically taken off guard and blinded by deep deceptions and less likely to be suffering from a collective case of Stockholm Syndrome. Read More »


An Advent Message

December 2, 2021

GABRIEL’S MESSAGE, a Basque carol about the Annunciation, is performed here by Voces8.

The angel Gabriel from heaven came
His wings as drifted snow his eyes as flame
“All hail” said he “thou lowly maiden Mary,
Most highly favored lady,” Gloria!

“For known a blessed mother thou shalt be,
All generations laud and honor thee,
Thy Son shall be Emanuel, by seers foretold
Most highly favored lady,” Gloria!

Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head
“To me be as it pleaseth God,” she said,
“My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name.”
Most highly favored lady. Gloria! Read More »


“Let’s Make Everybody Super-Scared”

December 1, 2021




Embracing Cold

December 1, 2021

MANY people approach winter with fear and loathing. Do this dread and hostility make them more susceptible to illness and depression?

“I make of every winter a summer,” says the Dutch fitness guru Wim Hof. “Behave as if you are in summer. Think about that. That is the power of your mind being able to switch your body into a powerful being.”

Hof is a fervent promoter of cold weather and low temperatures. He claims that cold showers or daily ice baths generally stimulate health, cure auto-immune diseases and prevent winter flus and depression.

“It’s amazing to go into icy water every day. If you die once a day then you know what life is all about.” He teaches deep breathing techniques to help acclimate to extreme cold.

The cold is a teacher, not an enemy. Hof is a New Age pantheist. But we can find in his theories the cleansing power of self-mortification and trust in a loving God who gives us winter for our benefit. Observe a woodpecker on a dead tree in January. He  survives.  Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

We were made for winter.

The more you plunge into cold, the better winter is.




First Sunday of Advent

November 28, 2021

Winter Landscape, Luigi Kasimir

We are so surrounded by the tacky, trashy schmaltz of commercial Christmas that the hidden life of Advent, found in the ancient practices of contemplation and repentance, may seem unreal.

It’s been said before, and must be said again. That hidden season is reality — and all else is show and evasion. There is no Christmas joy without the inner preparation of Advent. This season is so profoundly beautiful that only God himself could have conceived it. A farmer prepares his field for growth. The earth of our souls must be turned over. The seeds of spiritual life need our attention. We can reject the pseudo-season for the real by self-examination and repentance. The Lord will give his goodness: and our earth shall yield her fruit.

Don’t let the events of the world distract you. Abstain from the daily news; the circus of deception and distraction is not going anywhere. The biggest problems we face are within us. We sometimes lie to ourselves as much as the powerful magicians and scam artists working for their worldwide, luciferian government  lie to us.

Here let us admire the goodness of our God, who, remembering that man hid himself after his sin, because he was naked, vouchsafes himself to become man’s clothing, and cover with the robe of his Divinity the misery of human nature. Let us, therefore, be on the watch for the day and the hour when he will come to us, and take precautions against the drowsiness which comes of custom and self-indulgence. The light will soon appear; may its first rays be witness of our innocence, or at least of our repentance. If our Savior is coming to put over our sins a covering which is to hide them forever, the least that we, on our part, can do is to retain no further affection for those sins, else it will be said of us that we refused our salvation.

— Dom Prosper Gueranger, The Liturgical Year, First Sunday in Advent

From a sermon for the First Sunday of Advent by Bishop Ehrler in 1891:

I. The care of our soul is the most necessary duty of our life.

1.All other cares are but transient, superficial, trivial; the care of our souls involves our deepest and holiest interests, the decision of our lot for all eternity. Before many years, this body of ours, the object of so much solicitude, which we feed and clothe so carefully, will return to dust. The goods and joys of life are as glittering dust, which will be swept away by the storm preceding the General Judgment, and which is of no value in the eyes of God and his Saints. The friends and relatives whose well-being is very near our heart, are little more than transient acquaintances whom we meet and part from at a wayside inn, bidding them farewell after a short greeting. “I have seen all things that are done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.” (Eccles. i: 14.) Our souls will not die nor decay. Their eternal happiness or misery depends on the care or carelessness we manifest in their regard. Is there then a greater necessity than to care for our immortal soul? Read More »


How to Spot a Staged Attack

November 24, 2021

BELOW are a few of the common signs that a mass shooting, terrorist attack or car/van attack is staged.

Bear in mind when reading this that the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 made it legal for the U.S. government to conduct state-sponsored propaganda events domestically and abroad. These events, ostensibly to protect Americans, are obviously carried out with less benign objectives in mind, such as unconstitutional gun control, increased surveillance, distraction of the public, division and glorification of governmental authority. The last is always the winner in the end. Private contractors (such as manufacturers of body scanners) potentially reap big rewards. Participants are obviously well compensated (beyond their wildest dreams) and face serious harm if they disclose details. Here’s one person’s awakening to a staged mass shooting.

A few signs of staging:

** Initial release of blurry, jerky, confusing video imagery

** Despite presence of dozens or hundreds of cell phones at scene, no clear imagery of the attack as it occurred or convincing carnage

** Active shooter drills conducted in vicinity same day or soon before

** Lack of normal emergency response; victims may not even be taken to hospital

** Police or ambulance staff standing around

** Implausible marksmanship by perpetrator

** Flashing police and ambulance lights convey chaos and emergency Read More »


A Puritanical Thanksgiving

November 23, 2021

DESPITE immense changes in American life since the 17th century, the early Puritans, honored (well, kind of) every Thanksgiving Day, live on.

The material success of this country speaks of their industry. The Puritans were not lazy people. The Northern colonies rapidly became scenes of busy commercial manufactures and trade under their enterprising efforts. (As an aside, the honesty that still characterizes all kinds of commercial and personal transactions is reminiscent of the strong ethical sense they upheld in business.)

But the Puritans elevated work to a religious calling; if one was not successful at this calling, one was not one of the spiritually predestined. Many families today arrive at the Thanksgiving table exhausted from the pace of life. Everyone must be ambitious and prove himself by work outside the home. Workaholism even afflicts high school students. The decline of private home life and the family is the inevitable by-product of their intense commercial spirit.

The uniform style of dress popular today, though much more scruffy, casual and immodest than that of the Puritans, shows evidence of their disdain for material finery. The rejection of color and patterns is Puritanical.

Radical politics will be in evidence at Thanksgiving dinners throughout the land and, yes, the Puritans did not believe in gender equity or mandatory “diversity.” Nevertheless, they brought a zealousness to their work, along with a disdain for intellectual activity, contemplation and the passive virtues, that would lead to a hyper-active do-goodism. The have-nots of society are utterly condemned under the Calvinist work ethic (the Puritans did not see poverty as potentially virtuous) and so one of the unintended consequences of Puritanism is a compensatory effort to elevate the losers who have no inherent value because they do not have successful careers. Behind the strident calls for equity in the corporate workplace is the belief that if any group or individual does not possess material success through work they are nothing.

The food at many American tables will, let’s face it, be bland and dull. The Puritans would not have envisioned or necessarily desired packaged meals, but could they really condemn their necessity? There is no time to produce meals, let alone elaborate meals, today and for the Puritans, time was money — and money was a means of salvation. The cookbooks of the Pilgrims may be treasured for their antiquity, but hardly for their great recipes.

Finally, the fact that a surprising number of people will spend Thanksgiving either alone or with few, though certainly not a common phenomenon in the colonial settlements, is the inevitable result of the intense individualism of the Calvinist theology embraced by the Pilgrims. Read More »


“We Submitted with Pleasure!”

November 20, 2021

“WE didn’t love freedom enough and even more — we had no awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves on one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! (Arthur Ransome describes a workers’ meeting in Yaroslavl in 1921. Delegates were sent to the workers from the Central Committee in Moscow to confer on the substance of the argument about trade unions. The representative of the opposition, Y. Larin, explained to the workers that their trade union must be their defense against the administration, that they possessed rights which they had won and upon which no one else had any right to infringe. The workers, however, were completely indifferent, simply not comprehending whom they still needed to be defended against and why they still needed any rights. When the spokesman for the Party line rebuked them for their laziness and for getting out of hand, and demanded sacrifices from them — overtime work without pay, reductions in food, military discipline in the factory administration — this aroused great elation and applause.) We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

— Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago Read More »


Hospitals Paid to Mistreat “Covid Patients”

November 19, 2021

FROM an article posted by The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.

What does this mean for your health and safety as a patient in the hospital? Read More »


Woman, Man’s Helpmeet

November 19, 2021

“AFTER creating man, God created woman and determined her mission, namely, that of being man’s companion, helpmeet and consolation…It is a mistake, therefore, to maintain that woman’s rights are the same as man’s. Women in war or parliament are outside their proper sphere and their position. There would be the desperation and ruin of society. Woman, created as man’s companion, must so remain under the power of love and affection, but always under his power. How mistaken, therefore, is that misguided feminism which seeks to correct God’s work. It is like a mechanic trying to correct the signs and movements of the universe. Scripture, and especially the three epistles of St. Paul, emphasizes woman’s dependence on man, her love and assistance, but not her slavery to him.”

— Pope St. Pius X, in address to a delegation of the Union of Italian Catholic Women in 1909 Read More »


The Preposterous Claims of Covid Fraudsters

November 18, 2021

EXCELLENT presentation by Dr. Sam Bailey!



Congressman Higgins

November 17, 2021

THESE are stirring words from Congressman Clay Higgins, the Republican from Louisiana. (However, it is important to point out that it was the Republican Party under Donald Trump that kickstarted the vaccine mandates with Operation Warp Speed and that initiated the entire Covid scam.)



Pray for the Dead

November 17, 2021

“WHILE praying much and at all times, therefore, for our deceased parents, friends, and benefactors, we ought also to have care for the immense multitude of the forgotten. There are moments during life when we find ourselves in a state of depression, of frustration, of pain, of sickness, without consoler or friend. To remember prayerfully the Holy Souls at such moments is the best means of obtaining help and consolation from Him Who is the common Father of all human souls.

“We may believe that it is also a means for preparing oneself for immediate entry into Heaven: for, if a constant devotion to the Holy Souls in general can merit this favour for us, how much more powerful must be the charity which inspires us to pray for the deserted and forgotten souls, with Him Who told the parable of the man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho.”

— Martin Jugie, Purgatory and the Means to Avoid It



Necktie Parties for Tyrants

November 16, 2021

ALAN writes:

What to do about aspiring dictators like Puppet Joe, his puppet masters who operate behind the scenes, and Flim-Flam Fauci?

Here are some ideas:

1)  “When the Government decides to give us a shove, it’s difficult to get out of the way, and it’s even more difficult to shove back.  [Today:  Even more difficult to defend our rights and bodily integrity.]

“…The court system and a vast expanding bureaucracy…tell us what we must do in areas of our lives that once were governed only by ourselves as individuals.  [Today:  CDC and POTUS issue diktats.]

“…Federal bureaucrats have been feeding on red meat, but their appetites have only been whetted.  They are the most dangerous wielders of power in the nation.  They will use that power to redesign society according to their own arrogant notions of egalitarianism.  [Witness the past two years.]

“What, I wonder, would the Founding Fathers have done with these bureaucrats?  I mean would they hang them immediately or, being reflective men, would they save that recreation for dawn tomorrow, the better to start a new day?”

— Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Edwin A Roberts, Jr., “Mainstreams…Our Bullying Mandarins”, The National Observer, Oct. 18, 1975 Read More »


Deaths Spike among U.K. Vaccinated Male Children

November 15, 2021

THE Exposé reports:

An investigation of official ONS data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine was offered and administered to kids in England and Wales there has been a 86% rise in deaths among male children compared to the same period in 2020 with one week seeing an increase as high as 600%. Read More »


Remembering a “Conservationist”

November 12, 2021

ALAN writes:

In the years 1966-’70, I made the remarkable discovery (remarkable to one 16 years old) that some doctors were liars, as were some pharmacologists, some hospitals, and some departments of government. In some of those years I was in high school. But I did not learn those things in high school. I learned them in spite of high school.

I also discovered that whereas “nice” people did not themselves originate such lies, they agreed nonetheless to accept them and repeat them and almost never bothered to challenge them or oppose them.

There it was, in plain sight:  Professional mendacity in the former; widespread credulity or mindlessness or evasion in the latter. The first was bad enough, I thought. But the second was even worse.

Over the intervening fifty years, the lies have increased, along with a population who are delighted to be entertained and deceived by such lies. Read More »


Orwell’s Rule by Intellectuals

November 10, 2021

AT the 23rd meeting of the New Right in London on September 26, 2009, Jonathan Bowden gave a speech on George Orwell’s novel 1984. He makes many interesting observations, but his most important one is that Orwell’s book depicts totalitarian rule by intellectuals.

An excerpt:

Another interesting insight is the relationship that people have with their children. Orwell prefigures the world of bourgeois chaos where parents are frightened to discipline their own children, and which we increasingly see in liberal humanist societies. The parents are preyed upon by the young. One of the first, and great, scenes is with the Parsons family who live just up the corridor in the block, cause the Parsons boy is a terror. He accuses everyone of being, “You’re a thought criminal!” he says, “You’re a nasty little vanguard against the Proletariat elite!” He screams that at everyone he meets. And he’s got a pop-gun, he says “You’re gonna burn, you’re gonna burn, you’re going to the camps! You’re going down [unintelligible]”

And his mother’s terrified of him because to discipline him is to engage in the possibility of a counter-revolutionary act. So he knows that he’s got his parents where he wants them by this endless sort of Young Pioneers brigading sort of behavior. And it’s a way of corralling the older generation into conformity. Orwell’s instinct for particularly Left totalitarian forms of power is very acute here considering that, except for a small period in Spain, he’d never really been subjected to them.

The other thing which is very interesting, and which Orwell knew extraordinarily well partly because of his time at the BBC, was the penchant intellectuals have for propaganda. Intellectuals adore the idea that they are independent spirits who are highly individualistic and always love gainsaying what anyone else has said to them. In actual fact, Orwell believed that most intellectuals are craven, and deeply conformist, and extraordinarily group oriented.



The Virus That Wasn’t

November 10, 2021

IN 1981 in Spain, thousands of people became sick with a pneumonia-like respiratory disease and close to 5,000 people died. Initially assumed to be a contagious virus, the illness turned out to be caused by vegetable oil.

From Wikipedia:

The toxic oil syndrome , also known as toxic syndrome or rapeseed disease , was a massive poisoning suffered in Spain in the spring of 1981. The first case appeared on May 1 of that year and on June 10 the reason was discovered that caused them. The disease affected more than 20,000 people, 2 causing the death of about 4,800 people, according to forensic studies and clinical analyzes collected by the sentence that convicted those responsible for the poisoning. 3 Read More »