Kate Gets Her Jab
May 31, 2021
NO gloves on the nurse and he doesn’t take the cap off.
(She also looks like a mannequin, but that’s actually how Kate Middleton looks.)
We live everyday in the age of deception. Read More »
May 31, 2021
NO gloves on the nurse and he doesn’t take the cap off.
(She also looks like a mannequin, but that’s actually how Kate Middleton looks.)
We live everyday in the age of deception. Read More »
May 31, 2021
FROM Descent into Slavery by Des Griffin (Emissary Publications, 1980), pp 133-34:
In 1932, at the height of the International Banker created Great Depression and amidst an unprecedented media campaign that portrayed [Franklin Delano] Roosevelt as a ‘knight in shining armor,’ the New York Governor was manipulated into the position of being the Democratic nomination for president.
To hear Roosevelt and his backers tell their story along the campaign trail, one could have been excused for believing that the governor would make a great president. The ‘image’ presented throughout the campaign was of a man who would defend our nation’s sovereignty and work diligently in the defense of the freedoms and rights that had contributed so mightily in bringing the United States to a position of dominance on the world scene.
What the American voters were ‘sold’ and what they received were two entirely different things! The ‘Big Boys’ in the City and on Wall Street had not made a mistake. Roosevelt was their man. He was dedicated to doing the will of those who had so carefully manufactured and fostered his false ‘conservative’ image and installed him in the Oval Office. Read More »
May 31, 2021
“MARY is not Queen of Heaven only for her own sake, but also for ours. Day by day, hour by hour, she is praying for us, obtaining graces for us, preserving us from danger, shielding us from temptation, showering her blessings upon us. She is our dear Mother as well as Queen of Heaven. How she loves us! What confidence we should have in her! Once more we will cry out:
O Mary, conceived without sin!
O Mary, Queen of Heaven,
Pray for us who have recourse to thee.”
May 27, 2021
AT minute 33 in this video, which I am posting again, Jeff Green, of virusesarenotcontagious.com, addresses the fake conspiracy theory that China released COVID-19, a theory which is being heavily promoted now, possibly to stem the growing awareness that “COVID-19” is not a single illness and is not even contagious.
May 26, 2021
I WENT TO a rally today in Pennsylvania to oppose a proposed bill, not yet introduced, that would allow children as young as 14 to receive the COVID-19 injections without parental consent. This is a heinous measure, one of the most totalitarian of all the totalitarian acts of the last 17 months.
I don’t have much hope for politicians on either side of the divide these days, but it was good to be with people who care and to yell from a bullhorn into the streets of one of America’s broken down cities total and absolute contempt for lies.
At that rally, a mother said something important. She said “it takes a special kind of evil” to suggest a bill that would take medical decisions away from parents and place them in the hands of government.
So true. It takes a special kind of evil to bully, intimidate, disempower and misinform parents in this way.
But then it takes a special kind of evil to push drugs to adults for a virus (really many sicknesses all claimed to be one) that is not a national emergency by any stretch of the imagination and that is far less dangerous than the wretched junk food slowly killing millions of Americans, as anyone with eyes to see can know by merely looking around him.
It takes a special kind of evil to attempt to heal sickness with pharmaceutical weaponry instead of natural nourishment and healing.
It takes a special kind of evil to profit from poison.
It takes a special kind of evil to make all of us pay for it. Read More »
May 25, 2021
ONE DAY many years ago, my husband and I bought a small spruce tree. We put it in a planter on our driveway, its useful role being to hide an ugly gas utility box and pipes.
For about five years, the small tree grew and served its purpose well.
Then one winter during a snow storm, the tree, still in the planter, fell over on its side in a harsh wind. There it lay, on the ground, covered in ice for weeks.
The snow melted and it stayed there, too heavy to turn upright. I’m embarrassed to say it stayed there for many months — one more nagging chore undone.
“We should just throw it away,” I finally said. It was getting brown and didn’t even look alive anymore. Read More »
May 23, 2021
“SUDDENLY is heard, coming from heaven, the sound of a violent wind: it startles the people in the City, it fills the Cenacle with its mighty breath. A crowd is soon round the house that stands on Mount Sion; the hundred and twenty Disciples that are within the building feel that mysterious emotion within them, of which their Master once said: The Spirit breatheth where he will, and thou hearest his voice. Like that strange invisible creature which probes the very depth of the sea and makes the waves heave mountains high, this Breath from heaven will traverse the world from end to end, breaking down every barrier that would stay its course.” (The Liturgical Year)
Veni, creator Spiritus
O come, Creator Spirit, visit our souls; and with thy heavenly grace fill the hearts that were made by thee.
Thou art called the Paraclete, the Gift of the Most High God, the Living Fountain, Fire, Love, and Spiritual Unction.
Thou art sevenfold in thy gifts; the Finger of the Father’s hand; the Father’s solemn Promise, that enrichest men with the gift of tongues.
Enkindle thy light in our minds; infuse thy love into our hearts; and strengthen the weakness of our flesh by thine unfailing power.
Repel the enemy far from us, and delay not to give us peace; be thou our guide, that we may shun all that could bring us harm.
Grant that, through thee, we may know the Father and the Son; and that we may evermore confess thee the Spirit of them both.
Glory be to God the Father, and to the Son who rose from the dead, and to the Paraclete, for everlasting ages! Amen.
WHAT are the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost (who is also referred to as the Holy Spirit)?
1.The Gift of Fear; 2.The Gift of Godliness; 3.The Gift of Knowledge; 4.The Gift of Fortitude; 5.The Gift of Counsel; 6.The Gift of Understanding; 7.The Gift of Wisdom
Read more here.
May 22, 2021
DON’T let the events of the world, or disappointments, sufferings, aggravations, deflect you from the mystery unfolding before us. The Holy Spirit is alive and active in the world, bringing strength and wisdom to those who seek and love the truth. We are weak, inadequate and small. We cannot go it alone.
Light most dear and bright! thou puttest to flight the gloom of our soul’s darkness. ’Tis thou that purifiest the pure, and takest away sin and its rust.
Thou teachest us the truth; thou showest us the way of peace and the path of justice. Thou shunnest the hearts of perverse sinners; thou enrichest the hearts of the good with the gift of knowledge.
With thee as teacher, there is no obscurity; when thou art present, there is no impurity. The soul that possesses thee, is cheerful; and her conscience is joyful and pure.
Thou changest the elements; by thee have the Sacraments their efficacy; thou drivest away all evil power; thou bringest to nought the wickedness of our enemies.
When thou comest to us, our hearts are soothed; when thou enterest, dark clouds are put to flight. O sacred Fire! when thou visitest us, thou inflamest our souls; not burning them, but purging them from the dross of care.
Thou givest wisdom and fervor to souls that once were ignorant and drowsy and heedless. Thou inspirest the tongue, thou formest its speech; and the charity thou givest, makes the heart prompt to all that is good.
O helper of them that are heavily laden! O Comforter of the afflicted! O refuge of the poor!—give us a contempt for earthly things, and draw our affections to the love of what is heavenly.
Read more here on the great mystery of Pentecost, which we celebrate tomorrow.
And on preparing the soul for the Holy Ghost, these important considerations come from Richard Challoner in 1807:
Consider 2ndly, those words of the wise man, Wis. i. 4,5, ‘Wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul, nor dwell in a body subject to sins. For the Holy Spirit of discipline will flee from the deceitful.’ And learn from hence what sins have a more particular opposition to the visits of the Spirit of God; that by the contrary dispositions thou mayest prepare thy soul for Him. He is the spirit of love, union, peace, and charity, and therefore can never enter into a malicious soul. He is the spirit of purity, and therefore cannot dwell in a body subject to carnal sins. He is the spirit of sincerity and truth, and therefore will flee from all deceitful souls; that is, from all double-dealers and hypocrites, that seek Him not in simplicity of heart. Banish, then, far from thee all uncharitable animosities and rancour against thy neighbour, all wantonness and impurity, and all deceit and double dealings, if thou hopest to have any share in the Spirit of God.
May 21, 2021
READ about staged mass cremations in India here.
Lying to the masses has never been so easy as it is today.
May 20, 2021
FROM Descent into Slavery, an imperfect though insightful analysis of recent history up until 1980, by Des Griffin [Emissary Publications, California; 1980], p.227:
It has long been a recognized fact among geopoliticians that the most effective way to undermine a society is to change the value systems embraced by its citizens. To accomplish this goal in the United States, the international conspirators knew that it was essential to gain control of America’s schools and colleges. These institutions could then be used as potent tools in their ‘urban renewal’ program for the destruction of the ‘old order’ in the United States, and also to ‘re-educate’ (or brainwash) coming generations of Americans into an acceptance of an alien philosophy that would ultimately lead to their descent into slavery.
As explained in Fourth Reich of the Rich (pp. 76-82), this assault on American society was led by the Rockefellers and their General Education Board. Their aim, as expressed by Dr. Harold Ruggs in The Great Technology, page 32, was the “creation of a new public mind . . . Old stereotypes must be broken down and new ‘climates of opinion’ formed in the neighborhoods of America.”
The subversive system of ‘progressive education,’ financed by the Rockefellers and their associates and directed by John Dewey, was used in the early years to sow and nurture the seeds of destruction of traditional education.
The assault was somewhat modified with the arrival in Washington of Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 and the publication, in the same year, of the Humanist Manifesto. This document, which many modern educators look upon as their ‘Bible,’ was revised and brought up to date in 1973. Though a short document, Humanist Manifesto II lays bare the methods that are being used to subvert our nation’s youth through the government school system. This statement may appear to be an overly harsh indictment of the American school system but, as we shall see, it is fully justified.
Many people refer to our ‘public schools’ but this is a hideous misnomer. Public schools don’t exist. As Barbara Morris forcefully points out in Change Agents In the Schools, the word ” ‘public’ implies belonging to or controlled by the people. ‘Schools’ are thought to be places where children study and learn the ‘wisdom of the ages’ and are exposed to civilizing influences” (p. 16). Read More »
May 18, 2021
THE modern anti-vaccine movement was born in 19th-century England.
But first the country doctor Edward Jenner, in 1796, came up with the idea of injecting microbes taken from cows infected with a disease similar to smallpox into humans. The idea was that small doses of the organisms would provide immunity. Thus the smallpox vaccine was invented. Jenner was a talented promoter and his project received major government funding.
At a time when many Britons were suffering from malnourishment and overcrowding in cities — both an inevitable consequence of the Protestant “Reformation,” which centralized wealth and caused a collapse of rural life — smallpox was one of many physical scourges that shortened the lifespan.
Interestingly, smallpox deaths were declining (see here) before the small pox vaccine was introduced.
In 1853, the Vaccination Act made vaccination compulsory in the first three months of a child’s life. In 1867, vaccinations were compulsory for all children below 14. Parents who refused were fined or even imprisoned.
Many parents were not happy about this and contended their children were being sickened. In fact, deaths from smallpox increased dramatically after vaccination was introduced. See relevant statistics and sources here.
In March 1884, resident George Bamford told magistrates his three eldest children had been vaccinated. Two had been confined to bed for days and a third had died.
For refusing to vaccinate his fourth child, he was ordered to pay 10 shillings – half the average weekly wage – or spend seven days in prison.
Fines were fiercely enforced. Police collecting a fine from one Arthur Ward threatened his pregnant wife with prison. The argument sent her into premature labour and the child was stillborn. (Source)
In 1869, the Leicester Anti-Vaccination League was founded and in 1885, a mass protest was held in Leicester. The notion that forced vaccination violated inalienable civil liberties was first voiced at that time.
Leicester implemented a system of sanitation and quarantine for smallpox victims and claimed superior results. In fact, the city had a much small rate of smallpox deaths that other municipalities.
May 14, 2021
I AM POSTING this video for what the late Aajonis Vonderplanitz, a controversial nutritionist, says about viruses. As to his theories about AIDS and many of his other theories, I am not endorsing them or rejecting them. I am endorsing his description of what viruses are and how they work.
May 13, 2021
“ALL the mysteries of the Word Incarnate were to close with his Ascension; all the graces we receive are to end with ours. This world is but a figure that passeth away; and we are hastening through it to rejoin our Divine Leader. In Him are our life and happiness; it is vain to seek them elsewhere. Whatever brings us nearer to Jesus is good; whatever alienates us from him is evil. The mystery of the Ascension is the last ray of light given to us by our Creator, whereby he shows us the path to our heavenly country. If our heart is seeking its Jesus, and longs to come to him, it is alive with the true life; if its energies are spent upon created things, and it feels no attraction for its Jesus, it is dead.”
— Dom Prosper Guéranger, “The Ascension of Our Lord”
May 13, 2021
TODAY is the Feast of the Ascension of Christ, which commemorates the stunning and miraculous event witnessed by the Apostles, Mary and close to 100 others outside Jerusalem when Jesus ascended into the heavens, 40 days after his Resurrection. This miracle was in itself testimony of Christ’s divinity. Only God could suspend the laws of nature in this way. St. Luke gave an account to Theophilus, a Christian in Antioch in the Acts of the Apostles:
The former treatise, I made, O Theophilus, of all things which Jesus began to do and to teach, until the day on which, giving Commandments by the Holy Ghost to the apostles whom He had chosen, He was taken up. To whom also He showed Himself alive after His passion, by many proofs, by forty days appearing to them, and speaking of the kingdom of God.And eating together with them, He commanded them, that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but should wait for the promise of the Father, which you have heard (saith He) by my mouth: for John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. They therefore who were, come together, asked Him saying: Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom of Israel? But He said to them: It is not for you to know the times or moments, which the Father hath put in his own power; but you shall receive the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the uttermost part of the earth. And when He had said these things, while they looked on, He was raised up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they were beholding Him going up to heaven, behold, two men stood by them in white garments. Who also said: Ye men of Galilee, why stand you looking up to heaven? This Jesus who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come as you have seen Him going into heaven. (Acts i. 1 – 11.)
In Eleanor Parker’s translation of an Old English poem on the subject, Christ II, we get a sense of the soaring of Christ heavenward: Read More »
May 12, 2021
YEARS from now when people who were injected with a poisonous and unnecessary “vaccine” when they were adolescents under 15 years old develop serious health disorders, Dr. Janet Woodcock, who also played a starring role in the deaths of hundreds of thousands from opioid prescriptions, will be long gone as director of the Food and Drug Administration, and perhaps gone from this world. But her crimes will live on. There could be no more blatant lie than her claim that this drug is necessary for “returning to a sense of normalcy.”
It’s no secret that some of the wealthiest people in the world want population reduction.
Woodcock is their faithful servant.
May 11, 2021
MILES MATHIS looks behind the mainstream history of Martin Luther. His conclusion:
So the Reformation wasn’t actually about religion at all, at least not from the viewpoint of the governors who pulled it. From their perspective, religion was just a cover for the real machinations, which were entirely financial. Again, same as now. Same as always. Reform was simply the excuse for them to seize church assets. Once seized, the Church couldn’t just be eliminated, since it continued to perform an important function at the time: more misdirection. It kept the citizens’ eyes looking up to heaven, and while their gaze was so diverted, they could be robbed the more easily. So the governors needed to “reform” the Church, making some cosmetic changes that would appeal to the citizenry, while keeping the main planks in place. In pursuit of that, some real improvements were made—such as the “more direct line to God” idea of Luther—but the governors were more interested in the idea of weaning the audience off of expensive furnishings, which they wished to steal for their own castles. In that line, they needed to accustom church goers to more spare surroundings: much less gold, fewer paintings and sculptures . . . in short a stripped-down worship. That is the true source of all Puritanism and Amishness: more for the rich and less for the poor.
The Church survived. And will always survive.