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Violence Against Women Act « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Violence Against Women Act

The VAWA Debate

March 21, 2012


OVER at U.S. News and World Report, reaction to my op-ed piece on the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) continues. Read More »


Women Against VAWA

March 19, 2012


WAVE, or Women Against VAWA Excess, is an excellent resource for those who want to know more about the domestic violence bill, the Violence Against Women Act, which costs taxpayers roughly $500 million a year and is currently up for reauthorization by the Senate. A new version of the bill would extend benefits to illegal immigrants and homosexuals.

In the latest post at WAVE, Wendy McElroy writes about the false notion that men are the sole perpetrators of domestic violence. In fact, more than 200 studies have shown that women and men are equally guilty of verbal and physical aggression in the home. Domestic violence against women is extremely serious and women are injured and murdered by their spouses or intimates more often than men. But conflict is often initiated by women. McElroy writes: Read More »


Why I Am Leaving the Domestic Violence Industry

December 7, 2011


NATASSIA writes:

I have written to you before on the topic of domestic violence and came across that old entry (September 2010) again today. I especially appreciated the wisdom of Jesse Powell’s comments, particularly his last one in that entry.

I have been facilitating for a Batterers Intervention and Prevention Program (BIPP) for nearly two years now, but I feel compelled to stop volunteering for this particular community program due to recent discoveries that give credence to the claims of a corrupt justice system. I also am disgusted with the Marxist feminism that has weaved it’s slimy way into everything in the domestic violence “industry.” I can’t attend a training seminar without being reminded of my inherent privilege due to my whiteness or heterosexuality or financial security. Read More »