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Why Lesbianism? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Why Lesbianism?

June 17, 2009


The growth in lesbianism is one of the least-discussed cultural changes of recent years. No society on earth has seen lesbians become more comfortably open with their way of life as ours.

Why? Why are there more lesbians and why are their numbers almost certain to grow? The celebration of individual desire, the loss of faith in absolutes – these offer an explanation. But, it’s only part of the answer.

Women seek home. We live in a homeless age. For some in their twenties and thirties, meaningless promiscuity is, well, meaningless. The pursuit of career or the perfect education is empty. Courtship ritual and romance are gone. Other women at least offer the advantage of being nice.

A lesbian relationship holds out intimacy and stability in a cold and soulless world. It’s the natural outcome of a collapse in traditions and the glorification of self. People will find comfort somewhere.

It is a tragic choice. Lesbianism leads to unhappiness and sterility. It causes children harm.

While before it was viewed as a phase, especially among intellectual women, it’s now a permanent way of life. Some of this country’s brightest young women will never be mothers, unless you call reproducing in a lab or with a turkey baster “motherhood.” There’s a scene in Wagner’s Das Rheingold, where the two giants, Fafner and Fasolt, come to take away the lovely Freia as ransom. Those giants are like the force of despair kidnapping perfectly normal young women today.



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