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The Fix-a-Flat Utensil « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Fix-a-Flat Utensil

August 13, 2010


AS I HAVE SAID before, pizza is the Fix-a-Flat of foodstuffs and the gastrointestinal equivalent of fiberglass insulation blown into crawlspaces. People shove it in to fill the void. Here is a great idea for a pizza utensil. It’s a personal rotating saw for cutting through glutenous board and rubber cheese.


                                                                  — Comments —

Lawrence Auster writes:

You write:

“People shove it in to fill the void.”

Based on the the way many people eat pizza today, this is a fair statement.

However, let’s not throw out all pizzas and all pizza-eating. May I recommend Pizzeria Uno’s deep dish Chicago Classic? For two. Have it when you’re really hungry.

Laura writes:

Sorry, but in order to restore dietary sanity, we have to throw out the good pizza with the bad. We need a radical renunciation of pizza, with the exception of the homemade stuff and the creations of a few independent craftsmen. I don’t deny that many of these commercial pies have their charms and I’ve eaten my fair share of ’em, but the pizza-fication of America has been a calamity. Some people are so pizza-fied they can barely walk and will soon be on life support.

It’s important to note that pizza is as popular as it is because, one, it is very filling and cheap and, two, it is a high-margin item in the restaurant industry, similar in that sense to french fries. It’s only natural for entrepreneurs to want to make a buck and I don’t begrudge them their living. A widespread renunciation of pizza would cause losses and pain to one segment of the economy. But, pizza is killing people slowly and it is addictive.

Lawrence writes:

Now I know how people feel when they call me an absolutist.

Laura writes:

Now I know how you feel when they call you an absolutist.





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