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The Reckless Narcissist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Reckless Narcissist

August 7, 2010



I agree that to make mocking comments at the sight of a person getting hit and presumably killed by a car is wrong. I agree that Richard Spencer by allowing such comments to be posted reveals the ugliness that is at the core of his website. But I don’t agree with the commenter who says that it was wrong of Spencer to post the video itself. The behavior of the young man who dances backward into the street until he is hit by a car is an emblematic expression of the modern, self-esteeming self in its black incarnation. People today, including whites, are so full of themselves, so easy on themselves, so in love with their cell phones and other gadgets, and therefore so out of touch with objective reality, that they repeatedly do wildly foolish and dangerous things that get themselves injured or killed. There was a scene in a European movie a few years ago in which a woman on a train is so narcissistically pre-occupied with her cell phone conversation that she drops the phone into the train’s toilet that she is using while having the conversation, and the entire toilet has to be dismantled to retrieve her phone; she of course learns nothing from the experience and continues on her merry way. There is a cable TV show that does nothing but show videos of people doing madly careless things (though the show does not feature videos in which the person is seriously injured), and one would have to be dead not to find the sight remarkable or funny. Human stupidity, and human amazement at human stupidity, are part of our world and are not going to go away. Then there are those 14-year-old girls sent by their parents to sail around the world alone.

So there is a whole range of insanely self-centered, careless behaviors which modern society has unleashed. However, the behavior of the black man in this video goes beyond anything seen before. To repeat, he was boogying backwards into a street with car traffic. He is the culmination of modern liberalism which tells people that they can do whatever they please and that no harm will come to them no matter what they do.

                                                     — Comments —

Kristor writes:

The “Reckless Narcissist” in that video was “putting it to the man.” It’s something I noticed in black neighborhoods even as a child. You’d be driving along, and there would be a big old shiny caddy driven by a black man in front of you. An acquaintance would call out to him from the sidewalk, and the driver would stop right in the middle of the road to talk to his friend, for up to 5 minutes. This happened to me so many times that I finally asked my best friend about it. He is black. “George,” I said, “is this really like a custom among blacks, to stop in the middle of the road, or is it just my imagination?” He got a sheepish look on his face and admitted that it was a custom. “But why?” says I; “why not just pull over to the side of the road to talk to a friend?” He explained that it was about putting it to the man; it was a way that blacks could get in the face of whites and irritate them in a way that didn’t ever rise to the level of calling for a response of any kind. “Is that why black kids always cut in line?” was my next question. This had bugged the hell out of me when I was little, and had patiently waited my turn in the cafeteria, but it was always such a trivial thing that I had never even thought to complain; rather, it was one of those situations like seeing someone chew with their mouth open: one deprecates silently, but no more. George admitted that cutting in line was another way of putting it to the man. 

As an adult, I have noticed that black pedestrians – generally men – not uncommonly stroll into the street against the light, while making a point of not even looking at the oncoming traffic. They walk slowly, carelessly. Surely this is another way of putting it to the man. Dancing out into the traffic is surely an instance of this phenomenon. The fact that the black men who cross against the light studiedly ignore the oncoming traffic makes me think that putting it to the man is the black equivalent to the American Indian custom of counting coup as a form of war. A brave would count coup by touching a dire enemy and sneaking away without being caught, or by stealing something from his lodge, or by creeping into his camp by night, leaving a sign of his presence – say, an arrow of his own clan – and creeping out again. Counting coup demonstrated the brave’s courage and cunning and woodcraft. 

Come to think of it, the black custom of sandbagging white pedestrians – running up behind them and punching them in the head, then running away without ever stopping – is, precisely, counting coup. Sandbagging is the basic form of counting coup among Indians. I wonder if counting coup is widespread in traditional African cultures. 

The difference between counting coup among the Indians and putting it to the man is of course that for the Indians counting coup was incredibly dangerous. For American blacks, putting it to the man is almost always a safe bet; it presumes upon the general courtesy and civility of our culture. The Reckless Narcissist in the video erred only by miscalculating how slowly he needed to dance across the street in order to give drivers of large vehicles time to slow down and let him trespass against the rules of polite behavior.

Iion writes:

When I was in grade school (a good 40 years ago), gangs of black girls would lock arms and prowl the corridors and playgrounds, chanting, “We don’t move for people, people move for us” – and if one (being white) happened not to more quickly enough for their taste, then one got knocked to the floor or ground.

This foolish fellow’s videod behavior is of the same mindset.

Dan writes:

I can relate to what Ilion said. White children who grow up around even a minority of blacks experience this sort of abuse. When the white children are in the minority the abuse becomes unbearable. Blacks are even more abusive to Asian kids, even though they have no historical grievances with them. I can even relate to the people laughing at the video too though I wouldn’t make those sort of comments myself. For some people to watch this type of primitive black behavior end with a terrible accident, is the same as watching a video of an Al Qaeda bomb maker accidentally blow himself up. It is very satisfying because you know his own evil has destroyed him and also because you know that innocent people will be spared now that he is gone. I am not sure what Scripture would have to say about that, but it doesn’t seem morally wrong to me from that perspective. I would find it tragic though if it was a video of a black person minding his own business and getting killed.

Laura writes:

No, an Al Quaeda bomber preparing to kill innocents is not comparable to this ridiculous man dancing in traffic and the blacks who taunt whites do not necessarily include him. For all you know, he’s just a fool who has never hurt a fly. You do not know that innocent people will be spared if he is killed. There is nothing in this clip to suggest that. I do think the man wronged more than himself. He basically made someone hit him. But, his stupidity and  self-absorption are only sickening. I can’t see finding them “very satisfying.”

Dan writes:

I think you misjudge the type of person he is. First he is not that young. I’ve just met too many of the types. He may or may not be the type of black guy who would rape and kill on his own, but he would certainly join in if a riot broke out.

Since he only got injured, I think it wouldn’t be tasteless to call it satisfying. The real victim will be the ice cream truck owner who did nothing wrong but who might get sued now.

Jesse Powell writes:

In the neighborhood where I live I have seen the obnoxious behavior of pedestrians, walking at slow speed, all casual, walking directly into the stream of traffic to cross the street, many times. If they’re black they often saunter and maybe laugh or joke but I have also seen many white people do this. The whites look like bums, al least slovenly dressed, lower class, but I’ve definitely seen whites partaking in this defiant tough guy senseless violation of the rules of civility. I’d say about half those who do this in my neighborhood are white and half are black, though in my neighborhood blacks are definitely a minority, maybe about 15% of the pedestrian population. There are many Hispanics in my neighborhood but I have never seen a Hispanic act this way. Something I find particularly amazing is that men who are literally disabled, who hobble when they walk and look incapable of a quick sprint if necessary, are still prone to this kind of in your face bravado. These disabled white men, haven’t seen a black who seems disabled try to pull this stunt, fit in the category of being slovenly dressed, maybe being bums. I have never seen a woman do this, however. I have never seen anyone be so stupid as to be walking backwards, not being able to see the traffic around them, or dancing for that matter. 

In the video shown on Alternative Right the black man seems clearly to be “putting it to the man”. Also, this display of bravado was caught on video tape. I think he was being extra tough and reckless as a display for his friends. He would not have been so stupid without an audience to perform for and impress.

Youngfogey writes:

I mostly agree with your regarding the man stuck by a truck while dancing backward into traffic. I do think you are wrong though to say that innocent people will not be better off if he is prevented from repeating this behavior. Whether that prevention comes as a result of his being killed or simply learning his lesson is not immediately relevant, though charity leads me to hope he might survive this incident to live a different kind of life.

The innocents protected could easily be my family. My wife often takes our two small girls in the car to run errands during the day. Had she been driving down the road and seen this guy boogeying out in front of her she would likely have swerved to avoid him potentially injuring herself, the girls or another driver. Anything that keeps this man out of the street makes the world safer for others.

Also, I think what Dan was suggesting was “very satisfying” was seeing stupidity, self-absorption and evil instantly punished rather than seeing these faults themselves.

Kevin V. sends this comment he sent to VFR:

I know your town is one where Blacks are not a majority and are simply one group among many, but I find it VERY hard to believe that you are not aware of the completely routine and commonplace phenomena of Blacks walking in front of cars, jaywalking, walking slowly in crosswalks long after their light has turned red and just generally daring Whites to hit them. This happened to me at least once a day in Los Angeles, twice a day in Berkeley and about 10 times a day in San Francisco if I had business near Market Street and/or the Tenderloin. 

What you saw on this video is a typical Black power play. Usually, being reasonable, normal, sensitive and intelligent human beings, Whites go out of their way–even if it means they hit another car or have to slam on their brakes so their kids end up hitting their heads against the back of the front seat, to avoid trouble. After all, who needs the lawsuit? Or for that matter, who needs a much of pro-Black idiot policement questiing a White man as to “why he hit a Black person”. As you just saw –AGAIN – with the recent shootings, Whites are always at fault, not just in the Black mind, but in the mind of officialdom, right on up from Sheriff Barney Fife to Atty General Holder.

 Just another boring Black power play to make Whitey jump. 

And, yes, that he got hit is not only funny, it’s hilariously funny. I wish you could share my joy at it, but perhaps you simply haven’t had to frantically hold your children from slamming into a hard plastic dash at 45 mph enough.

Randy B. writes:

To me, this is all a part of the Roman Coliseum, motorcycle/car crash, Darwin YouTube, Interstate rubber-necker mentality. It seems we as humans just can’t look away. When the wide receiver takes a blind side hit from a DB, and flops to the ground temporarily posturing, not only can we not look away, we desperately beckon instant replay in slow motion so that the event can be fully absorbed. We watch OJ cowering in the back seat of his buddies Bronco after killing his X and her boyfriend, all in the hopes that something violent will happen, and feel cheated when it does not. I use the overly abused “we” to draw attention to the majority of the human race, all the while understanding that not all of us are a part of the “we” crowd. 

In the case of this “youth,” I personally find his actions and subsequent injuries laughable, and plan to seek out the video for light entertainment. I won’t apologize for this position, as I am fed up with the wanton irresponsible and offensive behavior by not only this person, but by many adolescents, and quite often by adults. Living life with no other goal than to cause pain and disruption to others is not a commendable goal, and should come at a cost. We have long since forgotten the laws of cause and effect, and have subjugated our responsibilities as a society to ostracize these walking skin-bags, hoping for the wayward passing law-enforcement officers involvement and knee-jerk taser deployment. 

I have not had TV in my home since 2001, so I beg, if not actively lobby each of you, PLEASE do not victimize these intentional idiots, and don’t make cruel those of us who enjoy this form of comic relief. Life and politics are seldom offset by gut-busting humor, and to call this form of humor inhumane is in and of itself a form of reverse cruelification (yea, I know), thusly creating yet another class of victim.

Jesse Powell writes:

My purpose here in responding is not to legitimize the black man’s irresponsible and senselessly dangerous behavior that yes, put people at risk other than himself. However, I want to refer back to what Laura said, that for all we know he is just a fool who has never hurt a fly. To me the criticism directed towards this black man who gets injured with several of his bones broken is over the top, unreasonably vicious. To act like the video is hilarious, that no apologies are necessary in taking glee at the young man’s fate, strikes me as being cruel, as not seeing the human and intrinsic worth of a man we know very little about, other than that he is black and did something very stupid and reckless once on video tape, likely to impress his friends. 

I am wondering, if the man getting injured was white, one of the lower-class bum like looking men who I’ve seen acting with similar foolish bravado in my neighborhood, would the uproarious laughter be so loud? In this thread, there seems to me a lot of animus towards black people that is exaggerated; that is not a reasonable reaction to black behavior. 

Randy B. said “Living life with no other goal than to cause pain and disruption to others is not a commendable goal, and should come at a cost.” The black man in the video did one stupid thing at one point in his life that imposed a greater cost upon himself than it did anyone else. Furthermore, his disgrace and humiliation has been seen hundreds of thousands of times on Youtube, a further lesson to him and a warning to all others not to do as he did. You can not generalize from this one event that the young man in the video is “living (his) life with no other goal than to cause pain and disruption to others”. 

I commend Laura for going out of her way to condemn and highlight the hateful comments made in response to this video at Alternative Right.

Randy B. responds:

Jesse writes:

You can not generalize from this one event that the young man in the video is “living (his) life with no other goal than to cause pain and disruption to others”. 

I most certainly can and do draw that conclusion. Notice the time of day, notice where he is and where he is not (on the streets and not at work), notice that they have left the car a short walk from the intersection, and that the “camera man” is also dancing in the middle of the bisecting street prior to filming his buddy, notice the baggy pants and oversized shirts. I’m certain there is more, but those are the points I pick out at first glance. By looking a certain way you choose what others think about you, as well as how they behave around you. He was not dancing by the curb, he was one full lane into traffic, in addition to parking distance from the curb. He was as so many others have called out, trying to disrupt traffic, and draw negative attention to himself. If the cover of the book says “things I hate about socialists,” I should not have to read the book to confirm the title. 

There is a part of me that wishes the dancer had been white, with a white cameraman, and a black ice cream truck driver. Then I would be able to display my moral superiority by calling out how much of a stupid racist the dancer was for intentionally oppressing the black entrepreneur. The reckless abandon the white dancer had for the safety of the black entrepreneur, the lack of respect for his property, the impact on the children in having to go a full day without ice-cream, and to a lesser extent the other drivers. Or how this was clearly a targeted attack by white people directed at blacks for having the audacity to be self-sufficient, and not tax-eating, pariah like all white people are inherently from birth. 

Unfortunately, with the unbelievable number of incidents of whites acting like uncaged animals and dancing in the street, the conservative white Bob Jones University masters at YouTube, Google and others, are wildly successful at blocking or filtering said content, all in the name of not drawing negative attention to the socially disruptive behavior so prevalent in white thugdom.

Laura writes:

The dancing fool did put the lives of others in jeopardy. That is the best argument for celebrating his reward. What various commenters are saying is that he was more than a fool; he was an aggressor. I accept that. But the bottom line is, I just couldn’t laugh, especially with the glee mentioned in the original entry. I don’t think that makes me a wimp or a white who has surrendered.  I just find the sight of a real person getting hit by a real truck depressing.  

Randy B. writes:

I understand your position, Laura, but I see that as a success and intentional deception by the group of people in question (non-contributing pariah thugs). They, in this case black thugs, want us to apologize for their actions as a direct result of environment, or the lie of being held back by the white man. Remember the demographic of Congress when the slaves were freed? Remember the demographic of the US when the Constitution (14th) was Amended? As a matter of fact it was white people that provided freedoms to blacks, and it is blacks (Michael King Jr., Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan) that spent and spend all their time oppressing black people. 

Black people act up in kind when they talk loud in theaters, or gab on their cell phones at levels disrespectful and dismissive to anyone else around them. They somehow believe it makes them more intelligent by talking louder, talking over others, and almost always attempt to be the center of attention. I guess if we are distracted by their obnoxious behavior, we will overlook their general ignorance toward others.

We are witnessing a similar version of victimization from Islam. They have somehow deceived and convinced millions of American’s that it is they who are the victim of terrorism, and not the plotters and pilots of the planes involved in 9/11.

Jesse says it’s a safe assumption that this guy probably never hurt a fly? [Laura writes: He said we couldn’t make any assumptions.] Then it is equally plausible to suggest that he was on a short hiatus from grueling hours working on his Astrophysics or Cosmology Ph.D. Thesis, and to suggest otherwise would be somehow racist. Maybe the dance was actually a public celebration having successfully defended his dissertation. What is constantly upsetting is the way white apologists rush to throw their own race under the bus, to minimize the impact of the actions of those in question. “The black guy did X, but did you know there are white people who do the same things or worse;” always without specific example. Yet another distraction technique intended to draw attention away from the original criminal action. But the white apologists constantly decry the actions of others when they lay generic blankets out to watch the fireworks. 

I am white, I have worked hard to be a productive member of society, I proudly served in the US Armed Forces, I worked my way through an education, I have done my dead-level best to raise three good and productive children, I have a 15 year career with the same employer, I have a 26 year marriage to the same woman and have been dog loyal as was my oath and obligation, and with any luck I will go to my grave with a record both I am my family can reflect upon with pride. That is white pride, and anyone who claims it is racist or hateful is a full-out idiot. in turn I challenge them to define racism, and look forward to watching them twisting when they reveal their agenda as will not do so without specifically defining it as some white only characteristic.




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