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The Politics of Housework « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Politics of Housework

October 25, 2010


DID YOU ever in your wildest dreams imagine the day when the foremost international organization was monitoring housework around the world? That day has arrived. The United Nations considers your laundry its business. It must make sure men are doing enough.

The United Nations is the world’s most powerful and highly-funded promoter of animosity and division between the sexes, stoking this ill-feeling with an unending profusion of reports and a blizzard of misleading statistics. Every sign of difference in any culture around the world is a sign of the active campaign by men against women. The global lot of women is dire. But it is not life itself that makes things hard, it is men: men who rape and kill and keep women from going to school, men who refuse to let women have their own businesses and men who do not provide women with enough counseling. The United Nations are united against men.

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