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A Supernatural Enemy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Supernatural Enemy

February 6, 2011


JAMES H. writes:

The older I get the more profoundly I feel the loss of our heritage.  Daily we are assaulted by a coarseness so odious that those whose sensibilities were formed at an earlier time are nearly overwhelmed by it all.  I’m a tyro at video but recently have been undertaking the task of assembling and digitizing our family videos.  The contrasts highlighted by these videos highlight what has been lost.  I’ve attached a video collage lifted from my grandfather’s 16mm and 8mm videos dating back to the 1920s.  It’s only 3 minutes and I attached a music score since the originals have no sound.  Hope you enjoy it!  

On another, not entirely unrelated, matter, I was watching a Hannity interview with Anjem Choudary (a radical Muslim cleric who has a British passport) who has stated many times that there are two camps in the world.  Those that accept the sovereignty of God and those who accept the sovereignty of man. 

Only one problem with this characterization.   There is no doubt Muslims are guided by a supernatural being, of  this there can be no reasonable disagreement.  And of that force’s actual identity no rational man can take issue.  For as we know there are two opposing supernatural beings in the world:  God and Satan.  One need only listen to a well-cultivated heart and soul to recognize the nature of the supernatural force that animates adherents of Islam.   

Muslims are instruments of the devil himself.  Islam is the embodiment of evil all gussied up in a package attractive to those whose powers of discernment have been undermined and destroyed by spiritual lethargy and immersion in a materialist hyper-rational Modernism. 

Liberals wish to undermine and destroy the concept of God’s sovereignty and are doing so by failing to identify the supernatural being that Muslims pay homage to: Satan himself.  They’ve thrown in with Muslims. For their overriding common cause is the destruction of Good and the promotion of Evil.  Leftists hate, and wish to destroy, all that is good, true and beautiful.  By sowing confusion about the absolute necessity of the sovereignty of God (by conflating Allah with God), they muddy the waters and cast aspersion on God’s supremacy.  After all, if the sovereignty of God leads to Islamic radicalism then no rational person would want anything to do with this.  But the sovereignty of Allah (Satan) and the sovereignty of man are just two sides of the same damned coin and not related in any way to the sovereignty of God Almighty.     

Glen Beck did a show on the association between Islam and the left the other day and came to the following conclusions: 

One: “Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of Israel.”
Two: “Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together because of the common enemy of capitalism.”
Three: “Groups from the hardcore socialist left and extreme Islam will work together to overturn relative stability because, in the status quo, they are both ostracized from power and the mainstream in most of the world.”

In light of what I said above I would modify Beck’s points somewhat.  Groups from the left, ALL groups from the left, find common cause with ALL observant Muslims because of their common enemy, Jesus Christ, and by extension, the Good, the Beautiful and the True.  It really is as simple as that.

                                                            — Comments —

Aaron writes:

The real issue with Islam is that most people don’t possess the education to use their powers of reason, and many are attracted to it’s good qualities, such as the focus on family and chastity, as well as the devotion of its followers. It’s truly scandalous that Christians do not exhibit this level of devotion and hunger for righteousnesses!

I have no issue believing that an angel appeared to the “prophet” Mohammed; Satan, himself, is an angel. And truly, in the modern world, Satan is really in a good position: he has authentic Christians sandwiched between the secular, God-hating world on the one side, and right-wing, militant, devout Islam on the other! Liberal Christianity is indistinguishable from the secular these days. And even among devout Christians, many have been lured away from the one true Church to everything from protestant sects to out-and-out non-Christian churches like the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. As there is no salvation outside the Church, the minions of hell must be salivating over the dark harvest they are reaping.

Laura writes:

There is good in Islam. Its recognition of the sovereignty of God is true. I recommend the previous discussions, here and here, about the coexistence of truth and falsehood in Islam. In that discussion, Kristor wrote:

If Islam is false, then Muslim saints, poets and architects who approach sublimity are all the more remarkable, for they have won through to the Good at the heart of all things despite their false religion. It should hardly surprise us that there are Muslims who have scaled such heights. The falsity of their religion does not annihilate their appreciation or capacity for beauty or goodness. Nothing can persist unless it has some good and truth in it. So even Islam expresses some truths. And everyone, no matter how many false beliefs he may hold, must if he is to live perforce confront and deal with the world as it really is: so that the truth of things must press upon him, and shape him. Anything that is, then, may by being the handiwork of God be also for some creature the occasion of a theophany.

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