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Extreme Knitting « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Extreme Knitting

June 13, 2011

A Knited Car Cosy by Magda Sayeg

A Knitted Car Cozy by Magda Sayeg and her group, Knitta Please

THIS PAST Saturday was the first International Yarn Bombing Day. Knitters from around the world covered cars, lamp posts, stairway rails and public statues with colorful knitted cozies. Yarn bombing has a  feminist edge (Why knit baby booties anymore?). But it’s a great idea – just for the humor of it – when executed well. Talented yarn bombers have created whimsical, interesting works, especially those by the knit artist Magda Sayeg. Here’s a recent article  about the phenomenon in The New York Times.

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