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Knitted « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


June 10, 2011



FROM the blog Victorian/Edwardian paintings comes this photograph of children in hand-knitted sweaters. Notice the pleasure on the faces in the background.



                                                     — Comments —

Karen I. writes:

The children in the picture do not look as happy as the ladies. I am guessing their knitted garments were made of scratchy wool. I knit, thanks to my grandmother who taught me. Unlike other crafty types of things, it requires very little space or supplies. A pair of knitting needles, one skein of yarn and a large eye needle to stitch up the seams or weave in the yarn ends is all it takes to make things like baby booties, a scarf or a hat. The website bevscountrycottage.com, which is run by a devout Mormon woman, has many excellent free patterns for beginners along with detailed instructions on how to knit and crochet. There are even instructions for teaching a child to knit.

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