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Lies About Dad and Dad « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Lies About Dad and Dad

June 23, 2011



DIANA writes:

See the picture? Very misleading. Fact is, the majority of “gay” couples are lesbian couples, who are raising children from one of the lesbians’ former marriages. This is buried in one sentence on the second page: “And the largest number of children in same-sex families are a result of previous heterosexual marriages.” (Yes, it doesn’t say that they are lesbian couples, but I’ve read this repeatedly in other sources.)

Now that’s out of the way, what’s missing in the picture? The boy’s mother!


                                                                  — Comments —

Alissa writes:

Liberalism is mentally sick and immoral. Everything, and I mean everything, but especially a father and a mother (especially biological parents together in a union), is open game. 

By the way, good spotting. A lot of single, independent liberated women are not the only driving force for IVF. In combination with divorcees, there are also those whom may leave heterosexuality and would probably take the children with them thanks to feminist laws. Of course, that doesn’t mean gay adoption, two fathers, isn’t equally terrifying. Single motherhood, single fatherhood, divorce, LBGT adoption, abortion, promiscuity, transgenderism, homosexuality, open relationships, mass immigration and so many other ills all have delirious effects on the traditional family. A fraudulent study came out a few months ago about how lesbian parents are better than heterosexual parents.  Reminds me of the lies from a study that many of the immigrants entering the USA are skilled.

Jesse Powell writes:

I was thinking a breakdown of how exactly children are being raised today is in order. Below is a complete breakdown of the different situations children under 18 find themselves in in California and San Francisco.

To explain the categories a bit: “Husband and Wife Family” is self-explanatory but “Own Child” means a child that is the biological child, step-child, or adopted child of the householder. I give the proportion of children that are “Own Children” for husband and wife families and for the family groupings that are unmarried. “Male alone family household” means the child is related to the man but the man is single. “Female alone family household” is the counterpart for women. “Male/Female family household” is a co-habiting heterosexual couple that is related to the child. “Female gay family household” and “Male gay family household” is where the couple is the same-sex and the householder is related to the child. “Single unrelated” means the householder is a single adult of either sex and is unrelated to the child; the child has no genetic link to the householder and is not adopted or related through marriage. In all of the “unrelated” categories the householder is not related to the child; again “Male/Female” indicates a heterosexual co-habiting couple and “Male gay” and “Female gay” is what it is. These different categories are from the point of view of the child and indicate the number of children under 18 years old who are in the various settings. Beside the number of children in each category I give the percent of the total that each category represents.

Living situation of all children under 18 years old in California and San Francisco – 2010 Census

Total 9,295,040 100.0%
Householder or spouse 3,801 0.0%
Unmarried Partner of Householder 774 0.0%
In Group Quarters 31,331 0.3%
Husband and Wife Family 6,432,589 69.2%
Own Child 88.8%  
Male alone family household 411,599 4.4%
Female alone family household 1,601,126 17.2%
Male/Female family household 693,695 7.5%
Male gay family household 23,346 0.3%
Female gay family household 37,841 0.4%
Own Child 76.9%  
Single unrelated 36,537 0.4%
Male/Female unrelated 21,102 0.2%
Male gay unrelated 407 0.0%
Female gay unrelated 892 0.0%
San Francisco    
Total 107,524 100.0%
Householder or spouse 70 0.1%
Unmarried Partner of Householder 5 0.0%
In Group Quarters 873 0.8%
Husband and Wife Family 75,930 70.6%
Own Child 89.1%  
Male alone family household 4,894 4.6%
Female alone family household 18,907 17.6%
Male/Female family household 4,706 4.4%
Male gay family household 523 0.5%
Female gay family household 817 0.8%
Own Child 72.4%  
Single unrelated 636 0.6%
Male/Female unrelated 126 0.1%
Male gay unrelated 16 0.0%
Female gay unrelated 21 0.0%



U.S. Census Bureau – American FactFinder

Dataset – 2010 SF1 100% Data

Tables PCT17 and P31


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