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“I Decided Not to Have Children for Environmental Reasons” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“I Decided Not to Have Children for Environmental Reasons”

September 29, 2011


THE WESTERN educated woman is so afraid of having children – so afraid of what it might require of her, so afraid of no longer breathing, thinking, and acting like a man, so afraid of losing friendships based on her status as careerist – that she reaches in her desperation for all kinds of popular superstitions to justify her psychological malformation.

Here is one of the most extreme examples. Lisa Hymas, writing in The Guardian, says she is not having children because of the effect they may have on the environment. To Hymas, human beings – not Third World human beings, but white Americans – are engaged in nothing more than environmental plunder. She writes:

Population growth tends to get blamed on other people: Africans and Asians who have “more kids than they can feed,” immigrants in our own country with their “large families,” even single mothers in the “inner city.”

But actually the population problem is all about me: white, middle-class, American me. Steer the blame right over here.

Hymas is blithely ignorant of the demographic winter that rages about her, with the Western world’s environment heading to an ultimate condition of decline because of the refusal of the Western man and woman to reproduce, which will entail economic deterioration and make the lengths we now go to protect the environment unaffordable.

She would like to see the Third World woman control herself too, but that is a distant goal. She writes:

When a poor woman in Uganda has another child — too often because she lacks access to family-planning services, economic opportunity, or self-determination — she might dampen her family’s prospects for climbing out of poverty or add to her community’s challenges in providing everyone with clean water and safe food, but she certainly isn’t placing a big burden on the global environment.

A woman who views motherhood as the unfortunate consequence of inadequate “family-planning services” is not a woman. She is the triumph of family planners everywhere: the suicidal white anti-mother who claims she’s doing her people a favor.


                                                    — Comments —

Jill Farris writes:

We live in a small “liberal” city on the West Coast…not too far from that oh-so-progressive city Seattle. Here, it is considered criminal to allow animals to have babies. There are “Wee Snip” clinics for animals everywhere but they still cost money. When we first moved here we could not find a kitten for our children. We looked for almost a year. The animal shelter charges $170.00 for a kitten when they had one. This was for an alley cat!

We finally found a kitten and we let her grow up and have a batch of kittens. Everyone of those kittens was claimed before they were born. They are in high demand around here for the same reason we found…there aren’t enough kittens!

I was in a health-minded nurse practiioner’s office and our six-year-old began chatting with the receptionist. He jumped into his usual monologue about his seven siblings and how old they all are. Years ago I would have felt tense and defensive in such a situation and ready for the inevitable question of, “Were they all planned?” but I am a bit beyond that now. This time, however, I did feel the tension when he cheerily began talking about his kittens. I knew that is not a happy topic in this area but I was not prepared for the receptionist to say, “Oh! Kittens? Were they planned?”

Are we living in a Brave New World?

Laura writes:

That is stunning. Even cats undergo demographic winter when they live with liberals.

Cherry writes:

The reason why pet animals are desexed before they can be bought by owners like you is because of the breeding problem.

In America, 56 percent of dogs and 71 percent of cats that enter animal shelters are euthanized.

I assume you didn’t desex the kittens before they went to new homes? If their new owners had your attitude towards ‘responsiblity,’ those kittens will grow to spawn litters of their own. Those litters will have litters. And so on. The chances of all of those generations finding loving forever homes is close to nil. Most of them will live as unwanted alley cats, and die on a cold surgical bench.

I will also assume you didn’t bother doing any health testing on your cat before you bred it. Were the kittens cleared of Corneal sequestrum? Hip dysplasia? Hageman (coagulation factor XII) deficiency? Mucolipidosis type II? Pyruvate kinase deficiency? Staphyloma? How about Ventricular septal defect? Did you clear the parents of HCM? Did you microchip the kittens? Vaccinate?

This is why breeding should be left to the responsible, reputable breeders, who DO bother to do these things. So that the kittens that are produced don’t end up as yours will; dying by ‘green dream’ in a strangers hands after a lifetime of being an “alley cat.”

Maybe next time your child needs to learn a life lesson, you can bring him to the cat shelter I volunteer in. I’m sure it would be far more educational for him to learn what happens to the kittens that you feel it is your right to bring into the world.

Laura writes:

Cherry fails to understand the distinction between reasonable measures of control and overzealous, extremist protection of cats. If Jill had not sterilized her kittens, maybe other children would have pets. There are now so few cats in her area that children cannot obtain any for pets.

Not everyone can lavish expensive health tests on kittens. There are far worse things in the world than death and illness among cats.

Most of them will live as unwanted alley cats, and die on a cold surgical bench.

That’s not so bad for a cat.

Jill responds:

Desexing a cat? Apparently I am out of touch and had no idea that people spent their time and money doing such things. In the old days, kittens didn’t die on a cold surgical table….they were humanely drowned.

I am reminded of the woman who traveled from Chicago back to Washington State with her dog because he had cancer and she liked the veterinary school where she used to live. She stayed in a motel with her dog so he could have his chemo treatments!!! Oh, and did I mention that the dog was twelve years old? Now that sounds like cruelty to animals!

By the way, our cat had another batch of kitties and they are all already claimed as well. These are healthy, happy kitties that are doing their kitty duty by sitting in windowsills and on old people’s laps. : -)

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