When Weddings are Theater
September 15, 2011

A bride and groom on their special day
JEANETTE V., who is a professional photographer, writes:
Regarding the wedding dress, it is the “fashion” these days to do a “trash the dress” shoot after the wedding. I suppose a bride will ask me eventually to photograph her doing this to her dress. I don’t get it, I took great care to save my dress for my future daughter.
Another fad is the “cake smash,” where a child is photographed destroying his first birthday cake.
I suppose this goes with the new fashion of shoving wedding cake into the new spouse’s mouth and all over the face. I find nothing redeeming in any of this. They are all celebrating destruction and rudeness.
I guess I will never be a succesful big time photographer!! I must rather imitate the paintings of Bouguereau.
— Comments —
Jill Farris writes:
The new “tradition” of trashing a wedding dress or smashing a birthday cake is simply arrogant modernity sneering at tradition. I suppose it began years ago when the hippies began writing their own vows and wearing dirty clothes to church. A close relative of mine got married by a judge (a quick elopement) but changed her mind later and decided that she “deserved” a ceremony. The woman priest who married her was also the head of the local abortion clinic and the bride grabbed her before the ceremony to insist that “obey” be taken out of the vows. Of course, the ceremony was followed by an expensive reception and honeymoon cruise. Attending that wedding was like witnessing evil dressed up in pretty clothes.
If couples today are profaning the sacred I believe it began when “no-fault” divorce became the law of the land and the idea of “until death do us part” became a utopian dream. Why take marriage or the ceremony seriously if it can’t last?
I believe the best way to counteract the ugliness of these wedding trashers is to highly esteem the vows that we who are married have taken. Although my parents divorced, by the grace of God my husband and I have hewn a happy marriage and we are seeing our grown children eagerly seek to be married. Our four daughters look forward to a beautiful wedding and will cherish their wedding gowns as the symbol of a sacred union ordained by a living God.
MarkyMark writes:
I have a simple theory as to why brides trash their wedding dresses: they don’t value marriage or anything it represents. There’s no sense of PERMANENCE about it, so why preserve the dress?