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A Child Amid Zombies « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Child Amid Zombies

October 25, 2011


YANI writes:

I too am bewildered by people’s interest in the death culture. 

You may be interested in the latest manifestation of all things zombie. Last weekend, Brisbane hosted its 6th Zombie Walk to raise funds for brain research. I know of it through a woman I met at work who took her 4-year-old son along. When someone asked, quite naturally, “Was he scared?” the mother looked at the questioner as if she’d lost her mind. “Of course not!” she said, “He knows it’s only grown-ups dressing up!” 

Maybe that explains some of the appeal? Do some grown-ups wish to avoid being grownups to such an extent that they will play dress-ups as ghouls in preference to the daily responsibility of being a good parent, provider, what-have-you? Of course now they can say that they also contribute to brain research, which is the silver lining that makes it all okay, I suppose. Pity the child being dragged into this mess, of course.

Laura writes:

A parade was once for honoring or commemorating heroes. Now parades are for freaks, misfits, sluts and monsters. It must be overwhelming for children.

It’s interesting how charitable causes are used to justify juvenile behavior, poor taste, and bad manners.

I recently flew on Delta Air Lines and the stewardesses were wearing jeans instead of their dress uniforms. They had donated to breast cancer research and the company awarded them the chance to look like slobs.


                                                    — Comments —

Robin writes:

Well, this surely makes my mind wander toward Halloween and “Casual Friday” workdays in my husband’s old office! These are two times in addition to parades where normal adults will wear attire that would otherwise terrify or embarrass a toddler. 

My oldest child was home schooled for awhile, but at his school he was expected to be in costume on Halloween or the day prior if it fell on a weekend. Perish the thought we should have a Christmas party with a gift exchange at school, but we are expected as parents to purchase ghoulish costumes for our children, allow them to see their teacher dressed in a horrific way, and pay at least three dollars per child to fund the Halloween Party at school! For the Pre-K student that I care for, this is still the case. I don’t know what we would do if this were our child; we will not participate in Halloween – we do not wish to be told we will pay for a Halloween party. 

Regarding your stewardesses (I am frankly impressed that you didn’t use the phrase “flight attendants”): my husband once worked as an accountant in a professional office environment. He wore a suit and tie to work everyday and he told everyone that it helped him be more professional and behave consistently as an adult at work. The management implemented “Casual Fridays” where employees were encouraged to wear “business casual” attire. Well you can be sure that this quickly deteriorated into jeans and tee-shirts and slutty, after-hours attire for some of the girls (he said you always knew who was going to the nightclub after work!) 

Adults should dress like adults. What happened to leading by example?

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