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Vatican Calls for Global Economic Body « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Vatican Calls for Global Economic Body

October 24, 2011


BRADLEY H. writes:

Raised a Southern Baptist, I was. Often I’m intrigued by Catholicism – certainly I am by adherents like you. But what to make of the Church’s (viz., the Pope’s) approach to Islam? And now, what to make of the Church’s stance on the New World Order? What’s one who has contemplated crossing the Tiber to think? Perhaps you’ve heard of Richard Spencer who edits the blog The Alternative Right. Here’s his prediction regarding the “Catholic conserva-sphere’s” response:

Later today, the Catholic conserva-sphere will issue forth blogs and articles about how the Vatican doesn’t really mean what everyone thinks it means, or that global government would be enacted in accordance with the Church’s concept of Subsidiarity, which balances both human freedom and solidarity, etc.

But let’s just take the Vatican at its word. It sounds like it wants a New World Order to me!

Laura writes:

To the extent that the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, which made these recommendations, places its trust in global government under the auspices of the UN, it is acting in concert with longstanding modernist heresies within the Church. The immoral UN should have no support from the Church. It should be the target of the Church’s explicit condemnation. As Jonathan Tuttle has written the Vatican’s “love affair with the United Nations has reached sickening proportions.” It would be naive for anyone to deny that the Vatican has pushed world government, socialism and utopian universalism again and again. Below is a photograph of Pope Paul VI at the UN in 1965.

Paul VI said at that time:

Our message desires to be, above all, a solemn, moral ratification of this lofty Organization [the UN].

This message is born from our historic experience. It is as a specialist in humanity that we bring to this Organization the approval of our more recent predecessors, the entire Catholic episcopate, and our own, convinced as we are that this Organization represents the obligatory pathway for modern civilization and world peace.

The Vatican’s enthusiasm for the UN continued with John Paul II and Benedict XVI.  The burden of proof is on those who call for global government and the dissolution of national sovereignty. What basis is there for these in Natural Law, in the Gospel and Church teachings? There is none.




                                              — Comments —

Fred Owens writes:

We need a stronger church, we don’t need a global government.

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