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More on the Homecoming Kiss « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More on the Homecoming Kiss

March 8, 2012


PAUL writes:

I agree you were not mocking the Marines in your discussion of the photo of a Marine embracing a man. Marines are doing themselves in by sitting back and not resigning en masse. I am afraid we are approaching the point where many traditionalists are going to have to sacrifice to a large degree in a similar or more severe fashion. If I were to see two men kissing at my workplace, I would expect myself to file a complaint even if it meant I would end up on the street. If nothing were done about it, I would expect to resign in protest. It appears to me that we are in danger of heading back to the catacombs.

Laura writes:

In the Soviet Union, dissidents were imprisoned, sent to Siberia or to mental institutions. These were great horrors. However, in modern America, dissenters who speak out only risk losing their careers. This is a lesser hardship, unquestionably.

But given that for most people today there are few other sources of identity – one does not derive one’s identity from being a man or woman, for being white or black, from living in a real and whole community with stable connections – to lose one’s career is a terrible form of exile.

It is potentially to lose everything and inhabit a psychological Siberia.

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