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With Respect to the Marines « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

With Respect to the Marines

March 5, 2012


N.W. writes:

I found the picture of a homosexual in a Marine Corps uniform kissing another man disgusting and reprehensible.

However, as a serving member of the United States Marine Corps, I must take issue with the somewhat flip title of your blog post, “The Girly Marines.” One of the fundamental tactics of liberalism’s assault on our traditions and values is to distort our institutions to the point where we despise and mock the very entities which once made us great.

I am disgusted at the absolute cowardice demonstrated by the career officers and senior enlisted (as well as retired members) of our Armed Forces. They have stood by and allowed the feminisation and queerification of our military with nary a peep (let alone a resignation!) in protest. However, despite the cowardice of some, it is not fitting for us to mock the remnants of a great tradition. There are still good men in our military who have hazarded their lives to serve their country. If the Marine Corps truly is dying it’s passing should be cause for grief, not mockery, especially from those who would defend our traditions.

Laura writes:

I realize most men in the Marines must find this intensely demoralizing. However, I didn’t make a mockery of the Marines. Those who stood by and allowed this to happen did. It has officially become a mockery of itself. To say so is to respect those who were — and still are — part of the real Marine Corps.

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