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Attacks by Homofascists You’ll Never See in the News « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Attacks by Homofascists You’ll Never See in the News

May 3, 2012


HETEROSEPARATIST.COM features a video made by Tradition, Family and Property of its volunteers who, while picketing against the redefinition of marriage, were threatened, pepper-sprayed, punched, cursed, assaulted with beer bottles and spat upon. Their literature was stolen and burned.

As you’ll notice, all of the attackers are white, mostly between the ages of 18 and 30. As a commenter below remarks, “Their hate-contorted faces are terrible to behold.”


— Comments —

John Purdy writes:

The men of TFP are extraordinarily brave and more restrained than I would have been. You notice how utterly mad the homofascists are. Their hate-contorted faces are terrible to behold.

No this will never be seen on CNN, that’s for sure.

An aside, but related: Have you ever noticed that CNN announcers almost never use the term “man”? They almost always use the term “guys,” even when referring to soldiers et al.

Steve writes:

Today the Civil Unions Bill goes to the Colorado Judiciary Committee where it hangs in balance by … one vote. That’s one vote of a Republican who has stated that she is not committed to voting either way. Many Catholics have testified repeatedly against the bill, including a friend of mine who was formerly very involved in the homosexual movement, and they all have been vilified in the media and on blogs. All of this is courtesy of the Tim Gill money machine in Colorado. If any of you are of the praying type, please start now. Testimony begins at 1:30 p.m. MDT, and the vote will take place late in the evening.

Steve adds:

This entry is relevant to the Dan Savage incident. Mr. Savage engaged in angry bullying of Christian students while promoting anti-bullying (the hypocrisy is stunning) and the general response from those in power has been at best silence. Mr. Savage has not been criticized for his actions by anyone in the mainstream media or in the corridors of power. Thus, the message to homosexual activists and their fellow travelers is: Open season on those who disagree with the homosexual agenda, especially Christians, with no fear of retribution or punishment. Next stop – the Church herself.

Daniel S. writes:

The action of these antifa types is all too predictable. They fume and rage, driven by their demonic, totalitarian impulses, and manipulated by leftist elites in academia and the media. This is the same demonic rage that drove the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. These were the same sorts more recently seen in the Occupy Wall Street chaos, defecating on police cars, raping female protestors, and violently destroying private property. While they employ rhetoric about love and happiness, these degenerate leftists have only hatred and spite toward all that is true, good, and beautiful. It is also interesting how these anarchists and thugs are willing to assault peaceful, nonviolent Catholic protestors, yet would never dare accost any of the thousands of Mohammedan clerics that routinely incite violence against homosexuals.

Laura writes:

They would never act this way if they did not feel safe doing so, if they did not know they had the tacit acceptance of millions of people who would never throw beer bottles or yell obscenities.

Paul writes:

I cannot say for sure what I would have done in these situations considering I gave up brawling many years ago. But I know I would have become very angry, remembered swearing off fighting (for self-protection) when I was around 20, calmed myself, and then walked up to the podium and told the speaker God knows what.

I almost did just that recently when the South was criticized at a huge afternoon seminar. But I was tired. I had to call in sick that morning and just let it go. I had a specific purpose for attending the seminar, and I was accomplishing it. Besides, the professors were not nasty sorts as the lousy Savage was.

People need to stand up and speak unless unacceptable results are expected. So what if you get shouted down? The key is to remain composed and rational even though you are emotional. You fought back. Take pride in that even if you lose the argument from your point of view.


Jesse Powell writes:

 Mars Hill Church in Portland, Ore., was recently attacked by homosexual activists. Several windows were broken, causing thousands of dollars in damage. A group of self-proclaimed “Angry Queers” is claiming responsibility. Part of the communiqué explaining the attack I have excerpted below:

Anti-gay Church smashed

 “Early in the morning of April 24th a group of angry queers smashed out the windows of Mars Hill Church in Southeast Portland. Mars Hill is notoriously anti-gay and anti-woman. Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill’s head pastor, has said that women need to be subservient to their husbands and that gay people are a cancer. His personal brand of Christianity crusades against the ‘feminization’ of Jesus – we angry queers are not fans of Jesus, but we have a problem with anyone who has a problem with femmes.”

“When Mars Hill moved to town, so-called ‘representatives’ of the queer ‘community’ from the Q Center met with officials from the church in order to have dialog. What we have to say to the Q Center is this: F**K YOU, you don’t represent us. You are disgusting traitors who prioritize social peace and the bourgeois aspirations of rich white cis gay people over the more pressing survival needs of more marginalized queers. F**k dialog with people who want us dead, the only dialog we need with scum like Mars Hill is hammers through their windows.

We smashed Mars Hill because they make our lives miserable. We hope this small act of vengeance will strike some fear into the hearts of all of Mars Hill’s pastors, and warm the hearts of our friends and comrades (known or unknown). It may not get better, but we can certainly get even.”

For more on the story, including a video from a local TV news show on the subject, I recommend the post “Hate crime: gay activists vandalize Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill Church” at Wintery Knight.

Daniel S. writes:

The comment posted by Jesse Powell tells us all we need to know about the sort of people we are dealing with. Cynical, cliche Marxist rhetoric used to justify wanton acts of nihilistic violence. The larger portion of these thugs have no goal, no real agenda other than lashing out against society. One does wonder how much a deep self-hatred and self-loathing plays in the attitudes and actions of these demonic youths. I truly feel sorry for them.

Steve writes:

The Colorado Civil Unions Bill passed the Judiciary Committee. By one vote.

Carolyn writes:

The vandalization of Portland’s Mars Hill Church is not the bad news. They’re paying the price for standing up and speaking the truth in love as best as they know how. That’s the good news!

I live right across the river in Southwest Washington. Our legislature legalized gay marriage during our most recent leg session. A handful of us are fighting to get two measures on the November ballot: a referendum measure, which would allow the people of the state to vote on the bill the legislature passed, and an initiative measure, which would define marriage as being between one man and one woman. By and large, we can’t get the churches to give a hoot. (It was the same four years ago when our state legalized assisted suicide.) Most pastors won’t take phone calls from the pro-life or pro-marriage political campaign, and most of those who do aren’t really terribly interested. They’re booked all the Sundays between now and the signature collection deadline–the children’s choir one Sunday, a guest preacher another. And of course we can’t interrupt the pastor’s sermon series–so we don’t have time to mention it. And we have a dialogue group with gays at our church, so we don’t want to pass out the referendum petition for fear of offending them. And we have lots of members who have a gay sibling/child/friend, so of course we don’t want to make them uncomfortable. But thanks for calling, and goodbye.

Most of the churches have already struck their tents and stolen away into the night. That’s the bad news.

Alan writes:

The attacks on Tradition, Family, and Property members and a Catholic church are despicable and indefensible.

But we should never underestimate our enemies. Such attacks are part of a decades-long assault that included infiltrating young Communists into Catholic seminaries (Bella Dodd’s 1953 testimony to Congress); promoting radical changes to the Church (the fads and follies adopted since Vatican II); targeting strong Catholic parishes (read The Slaughter of Cities); promoting vicious attacks on Catholicism in modern “art,” television, and motion pictures; and—after they have been closed and sold because of declining membership—converting old, beautiful churches into trendy theatres offering productions like “Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll” (as was done to St. Boniface Catholic Church in St. Louis).

Should we attribute such a prolonged assault to “hypocrites”?

To practice “X” while claiming to oppose “X” is an old and favored stratagem of Communists. They are “masters of deceit,” as J. Edgar Hoover said about them. And he was right. But the same is true of fellow travelers like Marxists, Fabian Socialists, and White Anarchists.

Consider these examples:

1) The ACLU was established in 1920 ostensibly to safeguard Americans’ rights. The truth is that the long-range goal of those who founded the ACLU was to Communize Americans. We know this because Roger Baldwin said so.

2) Marxists and Communists moved into high gear in the 1920s not to defend Americans’ rights and sovereignty but to lay the grounds for erasing them. We know this because Communist William Z. Foster said so in his 1932 book Toward A Soviet America.

3) Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” was launched ostensibly to improve Americans’ lives. The truth is that it was a Fabian Socialist project for expanding the power of government over their lives.

4) “Student rebels” and “peace protestors” in the 1960s claimed to act in the name of “freedom” and “non-violence.” What they meant was, acquiescence to Communist power, and what they did was attack policemen and destroy property.

5) Agitators for “Women’s Liberation” claimed to favor “rights” and “freedom” for women. What they actually favored was militant compliance with Feminist/Marxist dogma.

6) Radical Leftists claim to favor “free speech.” The truth is that they despise it for anyone but themselves – and have proved it time and time again by threatening violence (American Renaissance conferences), by attacking people who express ideas they do not approve of, or shouting them down (Jared Taylor, Tom Tancredo, Ann Coulter), and by seizing and destroying publications they do not approve of (conservative student newspapers on college campuses).

7) Big-city libraries are now run by Leftists, Feminists, and emasculated boy-men. Every year they applaud themselves for “opposing censorship” – but they practice it every day by blocking access to certain Internet sites they do not approve of (e.g., American Renaissance, Council of Conservative Citizens, New Nation News, Thug Report). [ At the same time, they never block the Internet sites of Communist revolutionaries who boast about how they are going to rewrite the U.S. Constitution and abolish American sovereignty. ]

8) “Hate speech” and “hate crime” are Marxist contrivances. There is no moral, philosophical, or political justification for incorporating any such terms or concepts into American law. They are wholly indefensible because they are examples of non-objective law. And there is nothing more evil than non-objective law (as Ayn Rand said, correctly). In fact, people who claim to oppose “hate speech” and “hate crime” are often the very people who practice them.

Are all those things attributable only to “hypocrites”? Or are they part of a pattern put into action by conniving Marxist liars– or useful idiots for those liars?



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