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French Feminists Disrupt March « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

French Feminists Disrupt March

November 21, 2012


TIBERGE at Galliawatch has another must-read post on one of the recent demonstrations against same-sex unions in France. She writes:

Nude women, part of the “Femen” group disrupted the march and sprayed the demonstrators with tear gas. Their naked torsos were painted with blasphemous slogans such as “F… God”, “F… Church” and “In gay we trust” (photos below).

These obscene paid “professionals” were supported and seconded by a well-known French “journalist” and militant lesbian named Caroline Fourest, who had already demonstrated in favor of gay marriage on Saturday and had been pushed back by the police.

—- Comments —-

Daniel S. writes:

The situation is much sadder than is apparent. These foolish children curse the God of their forefathers, the same forefathers that shed their blood in the name of Christ to protect France from the ruthless aggression of the Moorish Muslims. These naked children cursing and playing in the street are merely the final, most tragic chapter in the end of the West. Christianity was once the heart and lifeblood of the French people, but they turned their backs on God to chase after every sort of intellectual conceit: atheism, Marxism, multiculturalism, etc. The last remnants of Christendom are fading away, and the healthy, dynamic society that Christendom allowed to develop is likewise in its twilight hours.

With Christianity gone from the public square and from the hearts of most Frenchmen, an old enemy has returned. Islam is now set to surpass Catholicism as the dominant religion in France. The hedonistic nihilism of the decadent, spoiled bourgeoisie will naturally crumble before the soldiers of Allah that now populate large portions of France. It might be boobs for these spoiled children today, still playing out their silly rebellions against any father figure, but it will be burqas tomorrow when the Muslims, with their eternal will power, assume the upper hand.

Laura writes:

You have cut to the heart of the matter.

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