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Busy St. Martha « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Busy St. Martha

July 29, 2013


Martha_Rebuking Mary for her vanity_CAGNACCI, Guido

Martha Rebuking Mary Magdalen for Her Vanity by Guido Cagnacci, 1660

ARS ORANDIĀ offers this reflection on the Feast of St. Martha, whose story is an example to women everywhere to value things of the spirit over necessary chores:

When Martha received Jesus into her house, she was naturally busy in preparations for such a Guest. Mary sat at His feet, intent alone on listening to His gracious words. Her sister thought that the time required other service than this, and asked our Lord to bid Mary help in serving. Once again Jesus spoke in defence of Mary. “Martha, Martha,” He said, “thou art lovingly anxious about many things; be not over-eager; do thy chosen work with recollectedness. Judge not Mary. Hers is the good part, the one only thing really necessary. Thine will be taken away, that something better be given thee.” The life of action ceases when the body is laid down; but the life of contemplation endures and is perfected in heaven.

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