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New York Police Prohibited from Identifying Suspects by Race « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

New York Police Prohibited from Identifying Suspects by Race

July 12, 2013


KARL D. writes:

The intellectual giants of the New York City Council have managed to do away with “Stop and frisk.” Police are now prohibited from saying ‘be on the look out for a black male in a white shirt and jeans.’ He can now only be described as a male in a white shirt and jeans or they risk being sued. Why they stopped at race I have no idea? Why not just a human in a white shirt and jeans? Nor can the police stop someone if they suspect he is carrying a gun. If they do stop the person and they have no gun, once again, they can personally be sued. The police have now been relegated to a reactionary force. New York City is about to elect for a mayor either a pervert (Anthony Weiner) or a lesbian (Christine Quinn) and has now done away with “Stop and Frisk.” The lunatics are running the asylum. Looks like the 1970s and 80s are about to make a comeback in New York in a big, big way.
— Comments —
Jay from Goshen writes:

I believe that one day crime victims will be charged with a crime if they identify their attacker as black or Latino.

Buck writes:

At the other end of the anti-racial profiling worm-hole; the police in San Jose must record the race of every person that they stop and question.

Which element of our population is having its behavior most constrained and modified by the state? Which element appears, by all of this, to be more suspect? The police or those that fit the profile of a criminal?

By the way, I’ve read this quote in the New York Daily News story several times: “I want to live in a safe city. I want to live in a city that is free from fear. I want to live in a city where my family and my neighbors aren’t terrorized — not by police officers but by the violent criminals.” What in the world does that mean? That he wants to be terrorized by violent criminals rather than by police officers?

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