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Busybody Nation: Proselytizing for Perversion « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Busybody Nation: Proselytizing for Perversion

August 6, 2013





One of The New York Times‘s Designated Homosexuals, the columnist Frank Bruni, Has A Dream that must send a thrill up his leg. In his dream, Bruni imagines U.S. athletes taking a stand for sodomy at next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi. Sochi, you see, is in Russia. And the Russians are Very Bad – Mean, even – to sodomites. Bruni’s column perfectly captures the arrogant oddity of America today: censoriously hectoring the rest of the world in the promotion, not of virtue, but of vice.

The thrilling vision Mr. Bruni offers his readers is of U.S. athletes in the opening parade at the Sochi Olympics, teaching those big, bad, homophobic Russians a lesson. One by one, in Bruni’s tingly imaginings, the strolling U.S. athletes pull out handkerchief-sized rainbow flags, and wave them! Take That, Vladimir Putin, You Big Homophobic Meanie You!

After writing about what a victory for humanity and enlightenment it is that some of America’s “gay bars” are boycotting Russian vodka, and citing fellow homosexual big-mouth Harvey Fierstein’s call for a U.S. boycott of the Sochi Olympics, Bruni shares with us his full dream of Rainbow Wonderfulness Gone Global:

Imagine rainbow flags or comparable symbols not just in the American delegation but in the British, French, Argentine and South African ones. Imagine what that would say and how that would feel to a 14-year-old girl watching from rural Oklahoma, where she worries hourly about her attraction to other girls and its impact on her future. Or to a 35-year-old gay man in one of the many African countries where homosexual acts are punishable with lengthy prison sentences or even death. Or to a lesbian or gay Russian of any age. 

That’s an Olympic moment to rival any quadruple toe loop. That’s pure gold. (emphases added)

Frank Bruni wishes to compound the confusion of insecure American and Russian adolescents, to drive them towards a type of life that leads disproportionately to depression and self-destructiveness, putting their souls at risk, simply because he himself is trapped in that life. That’s very wholesome of him.

Bruni’s effusive emotings would be of little consequence, and worth no more than a pitying shrug, if they were not so perfectly in synch with the policies of the U.S. government, which has been actively proselytising for homosexuality world-wide for some time now.  June 2013 was “Pride Month” for the U.S. State Department, as Foggy Bottom announced to the world. And not only amongst the GS-types at State. In the wake of the U.S. armed forces’ lavender makeover, the Defense Department joined the pink pantomime as well, complete with patriotic-appearing poster (above) featuring the words of Barack Hussein Obama.

The Olympic movement has been completely co-opted by the new decadent world order. Nevertheless, I oppose boycotts of the Olympic games – in 1980 I thought U.S. athletes should compete in Moscow – because boycotts never achieve anything worthwhile and they deprive people who have worked to achieve Olympic standards of what is probably their only opportunity to compete in an Olympics.

Still, a homosexualist boycott of Sochi 2014 of the sort Bruni and Fierstein dream of might have its uses. Americans could no longer ignore just how in thrall to homosexualism their country now is, and the U.S. government under Obama would be exposed to the ridicule it so richly deserves.  The DOD “Pride Month” poster perfectly presents just how soft-decadent the United States has become.

No wonder a sad specimen such as Frank Bruni is a leading columnist in that soft and decadent country’s newspaper of record.

Bruni against Oh-So-Mean Russia

Frank Bruni

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