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First Same-Sex Divorce in France « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

First Same-Sex Divorce in France

October 30, 2013


SIX months after same-sex “marriage” was legalized in France against enormous public opposition, two lesbians have filed for divorce, according to The Local, a website that offers English translations of French news. Thus we have the first same-sex divorce in France. How come so soon?

The women, first “married” in this country in 2011, got “married” in France after already planning to split up. Got it?  They got “married” after they had agreed to part ways. They “married” in France in order to make the division of their financial debt less onerous. In other words, both the “marriage” and the “divorce” were all about money. This is no surprise at all. There will be thousands of “marriages” of convenience. Think of the many phony marriages that will be made to acquire immigration rights or to inherit wealth. Many of the tears of joy one sees in the news when same-sex unions are legalized are tears of relief that financial benefits will at last be attained. But then misty-eyed egalitarians are too blind and stupid to see the obvious or to care.

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