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“Rowdy” Youths Object to Honk « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Rowdy” Youths Object to Honk

October 22, 2013


A NEW rule should be added to John Derbyshire’s list of precautions to avoid black aggression: Do not honk at black people, especially black teenagers. Unless you have a desire to be dragged from your vehicle and mercilessly beaten, keep your hands off the horn. From Sunday’s edition of The New York Daily News:

A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — surrounded a white couple’s car in Brooklyn, viciously beating the husband and yanking the wife to the pavement by her hair as they peppered the two with racial slurs, authorities said.

“Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”

The confrontation erupted about 7 p.m. Monday, as the marauding group crossed Avenue U at E. 58th St. near Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin.

Ronald Russo, 30, and his wife, Alanna, apparently had the green light and the husband honked at the group to get out of the way. The rowdy kids started kicking the car, according to the criminal complaint. Ronald Russo got out to check on potential damage to his vehicle.

And that’s when all hell broke loose.

Ronald Russo was dragged to the ground. Then he was punched and kicked in the head. He felt more blows all over his body, investigators said. He suffered a fractured nose, a broken septum, a blood clot and abrasions to his shoulder. He was treated and released from Beth Israel Medical Center.

In the midst of the attack, there was a steady chorus of epithets. “White motherf—–!” screamed the attackers, who ranged in age from 12 to 18.

Alanna Russo, 30, was calling 911 when the 12-year-old girl pulled the woman’s hair and threw her to the ground. The victim’s head slammed into the concrete. She suffered a black eye, bleeding and difficulty breathing, prosecutors said, but she refused medical attention.

Her husband’s iPhone was stolen during the melee, according to cops. [cont.]

— Comments —

Hannon writes:

One shudders to think how much worse, or frequent, such attacks might be for careless whites if we did not have a black POTUS. Thank goodness for progress.

James P. writes:

There were two other rookie mistakes besides honking at the blacks:

1. Driving in an area with blacks in it.

2. Getting out of the car.*

You really do have to be a clueless Eloi to get a beating if you’re inside a car and you’re confronted with aggressive pedestrians. If pedestrians started kicking my car, I’d floor it and get out of there. If anyone got run over, too bad so sad.

* Without an Uzi in each hand, anyway.

Aservant writes:

Ceasing to honk will do nothing to appease the savages.

Keep honking, but always be packing with at least one firearm that carries at least 10 in the clip, with one full back up clip at least.  I recommend a semi-auto 9mm.

It is also good to have a revolver handy as well just in case the semi jams, but it won’t hold as many shots.

Your permit is the Second Amendment.  Take advantage of it.

Nothing will solve this problem but a strong hand.  Nothing.  Nothing gained is for free. We will have to sacrifice, sometimes or maybe often with blood, maybe frequently our own.  The original founders of this nation understood how to deal with this menace.  They weren’t “racists.”  This is a Communist buzz word that in fact has no real meaning.

You can’t negotiate with beasts, you can only terrorize them into a state of fear so strong that when you come around, they run, not walk, in the opposite direction. Only then will the problem be solved.

Laura writes:

That did not work out for George Zimmerman.

Aservant writes:

How did it not work out for Zimmerman?  He is alive, the thug is dead, he got acquitted. Sure, he got charged when he shouldn’t have and he had to go into hiding. Not fun.  Well, as I said, there will have to be sacrifices.  War isn’t fun.  We are at war.  Correct me if I am wrong, but he volunteered to be on a block watch for his mixed-race neighborhood and while trying to be a “good citizen” among “terrible citizens,” he got screwed.  Surprise, surprise. Too bad that he was too blind to see the reality in front of him, which is that today, being a “color blind, good neighbor, in service for all” is stupidity.

So we all should take that away from his case as a lesson.

The only thing that I would have done differently is not had anything to do with the block watch but just wait in my place until they tried to break in and then shot them at that time.

Either that or just get the hell out of the neighborhood.  Which is what I did several years ago…… to the rural, white, conservative, Christian South.

That’s your best defense in BRA.

Dale S. writes:

Zimmerman is not the one who is dead.

Alex writes:

I don’t want to pick an argument with Aservant, as I agree with his general sentiment, but he calls others to heroic self-sacrifice and then tells us how he himself ran away. When they come for the South, where will you flee? And they will; they are already coming for Texas. You can run but you can’t hide. White flight is how Americans lost their country.

I am not criticizing; just pointing out the sad situation in which normal people like Aservant find themselves now. If they start defending themselves, federal troops will be sent to their towns to protect blacks and drive the whites out, as was done in Detroit in 1967 when whites tried to defend themselves from rioting blacks.

And while BRA is a useful expression, blacks don’t run America; most of them can’t run a lemonade stand. They are simply tools of the anti-lower-class-whites elite. Fighting blacks does not address the root of the problem. As long as that elite is in power, it will protect its black troops.

And the ruling elite (at least half of which is Jewish) is hostile to lower-class whites not because of ideological differences but because it must keep non-elite whites under control to stay in power. As the bulk of traditional America and of the productive class, non-elite whites suffer the most under the present system. They are the only group that has a reason and the potential ability to threaten the elite. They must be kept disorganized and hamstrung by white guilt, and that is how the elite stays in power: by policing thought to ensure the basis under white guilt – the idea that blacks are equal to whites in civilizational ability – is not challenged. Non-elite whites believing in this idea is the basis of the elite’s power. Having internalized this idea is what prevents non-elite whites from taking organized action to defend their interests and challenge the elite. Any challenge to this idea is severely punished for good reason.

Overturning this idea is the only non-violent way for non-elite whites to win back dignified life, but the elite has made it impossible to question it. Thus, the elite has left the oppressed productive class no non-violent way not only to challenge it but even simply to blow off steam. How long can this continue before the elite has to use methods to which Americans aren’t yet accustomed to keep suppressing non-elite whites?

Laura writes:

Although this conflict manifests itself as class warfare, it is basically a war of ideas, not class.

The elite despise lower-class whites because they still carry vestiges of the Faith, the only Faith that presents a serious challenge to liberalism.

Aservant writes:

I don’t wish to fight with you either, Alex, and I too agree with the general sentiment of your post as you agree with mine.

 You say that I call for heroic self-sacrifice on the part of others while I “ran away.”  Sir, with all due respect, retreating to fight another day is not” running away” in cowardice.  If this were the case, it could be argued that there isn’t an army in the world that isn’t filled with “cowards.” By stating the issue as such, it implies that I have called for other whites to participate in something akin to pogroms against blacks, entering in their neighborhoods in confrontational provocation and then blowing them away while going down in a blaze of glory. Meanwhile, I’ll be safe in my compound reaping the benefits.

 What I am stating is that if you still find yourself living in an area with a significantly large, black, feral population where violent mob incidents could happen, you need to be prepared at all times to meet force with greater force.  And as I went on to say, before doing that, you need to get out.  This is currently the best defense . I wasn’t nearly as militant three years ago when I made my move as I am now.  One must respond to the situation as it develops, and these past three years have seen an accelerated level of hostility and violence from blacks against whites.

 Where will I retreat to now if the black mobs come my way?  Nowhere…..I am standing my ground.   And if and when I am forced into confrontation, it won’t be a matter of heroics; it will be a sad state of self-defense and a very dark day.  If I respond as such and others do as well, will this culminate in victory?  I don’t know and I don’t care.  As you have already stated, it is quickly approaching the point where it will be the only viable option left for us.  The outcome will be left in the hands of God.  A man can only retreat in the name of peace for so long.

Furthermore, it is an assumption that the current trends will continue for the whole population at large. It is just as probable that as a people (white people), a breaking point will be reached where a significant number will say, “No more!”   Many, many white people are waking up to the multi-cultural lie and are doing exactly what I have done.  Since my relocation three years ago, I have met many of these people myself personally.  Yes, I know, the bulk of white people are still drinking the Kool-aid.  I agree with you in full that as a matter of fact, blacks are not literally running the show themselves, but this is not necessary to be able to say that we are psychologically living in BRA.  Once again, I wholeheartedly agree with you that the issue isn’t that simple, it isn’t just BRA, but it definitely isn’t WRA.  This is a matter for great discussion, and as you know, there are countless forums already dedicated to this issue, but this isn’t one of them.

This is why I advocate for secession.  In the eventuality that this becomes viable in the future, further retreat won’t be necessary, nor will violent confrontation.

The black grievance juggernaut may not exclusively dominate all of the social discourse, but it is arguably in the spot for Number One contender in the mindset of the public, even if they aren’t aware of it.  The other, so-called, “disadvantaged groups” can be and are openly criticized from time to time, even by liberals. A large percentage of Latinos are illegal newcomers that don’t even speak our language nor wish to learn  it.  Women are doing better than ever (according to popular propaganda, which is what counts unfortunately).  Gays are making headway in leaps and bounds.  Non-white immigrants from other countries often bring such obvious destructive cultures with them that even many hard core liberals shy away from jumping to their defense.

But generally, none of this still applies to blacks due to the strength of the “we were slaves brought here against our will” meme that is used as a mental battering ram to cower whites into submission.   We still have a litany, and seemly increasing, amount of black victimization propaganda spewing forth from the MSM in the form of movies, almost daily features on NPR, affirmative action programs, the ubiquitous “youth crime” label instead of “black criminality,” and celebrated public statements by people like Jamie Fox on SNL about how cool it is to be able to liquidate whites in mass, even if it was “just in a movie.”  This is a very, very short list.  And let’s not forget the fact that the president is black as well as is the top law man of the nation, both of whom endorse this status quo.

Alex writes:

Laura wrote:

Although this conflict manifests itself as class warfare, it is basically a war of ideas, not class.

The elite despise lower-class whites because they still carry vestiges of the Faith, the only Faith that presents a serious challenge to liberalism.

Unfortunately, there is no war of ideas, and there cannot be. There are no anti-liberal ideas being put forward publicly; the elite has ensured that it is impossible. The main idea that keeps the elite in power, that long-ago slavery means whites cannot demand any rights as a group, is unopposed in the public sphere, and the punishment for giving off the slightest vibe of infirmity in the belief in it is becoming ever more severe. The elite guards this idea as their greatest treasure, as it’s the key to their power. Winning a war of ideas is the only peaceful way for whites to get their country back, but they can’t even start such a war.

Yes, the ruling class despises and even hates non-elite whites for their Christianity; the word “elite” itself is now simply a euphemism for Jewish, like “urban” is for black. Business elite, financial elite, legal elite, Hollywood & TV elite, media elite, academic elite, and now even government elite (Obama’s key campaign people who packaged him and still direct his actions, and many key members of his cabinet) – all elites that used to be WASP are now predominantly or even fully (Hollywood) Jewish. Call it Jew-baiting if you want but facts are facts. The substitution of the elites has been mostly completed.

Of course it’s not a conflict of class. The elite’s hostility to non-elite whites is not based in class hatred; it never is, in any society. And in the U.S., the new elite is alien to lower-class whites in ethnicity and religion, which are more important than class, especially as the religion of the U.S. elite (atheism included) is hostile to the religion of non-elite whites.

Ultimately, though, the elite’s hostility to non-elite whites is sufficiently explained by the fact that non-elite whites potentially present the most credible threat to the elite’s power, if they see the light and organize. The elite is simply using the same ideology it used to gain power, to stay in power, as that ideology is the most effective weapon against whites.

For the higher, ruling elites – the money elites – the ideology is primarily just a weapon rather than a deep personal belief. True believers are found more often in the lower, auxiliary elites whose function is to guard the power of the ruling elites by cultivating and protecting the ideology – academics, journalists, etc.

Laura writes:

When I spoke of a war of ideas, I wasn’t referring to an open intellectual debate. I was referring to a clash of worldviews. The person who sees unlimited immigration as a benefit and the person who sees it as violating something basic about his identity, hold entirely different values.  Yes, greed is also a major factor.

You exaggerate the extent to which Jews constitute the elite. Jews are a powerful minority, but most of the top people in government, academia and corporate management are not Jewish.

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