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The Stupidity of Mixed High School « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Stupidity of Mixed High School

October 24, 2013


POLICE in Danvers, Masschussets are reportedly investigating the possibility that the math teacher Colleen Ritzer was killed by a 14-year-old student after she spurned his sexual advances. Of course, it would never occur to most people today that having beautiful young women teach adolescent boys, especially women who dress provocatively as almost all women do today, is not a great idea.

— Comments —

Paul writes:

I don’t recall prior instances where a low-key, fourteen-year-old male freshman high school student brought a blade to class and butchered his pretty, caring twenty-four-year-old female teacher as she tried to help him with his studies.  Thus I cannot conclude this act was remotely predictable based on those facts.

The article’s conclusion is based on the premise that male adolescent students sometimes butcher their pretty high school teachers who try to help them with their studies.  The probative value of this premise seems low.  Even if one adds the fact that the adolescent was black and the teacher was white, the chance becomes substantially more probable but still low.  If one says murder instead of butcher, the probative value increases but still is low.

A sounder conclusion is the stupidity of mixing blacks and whites.  Black male adolescent students sometimes murder or beat whites.  The probative value of this premise is far higher than the article’s premise; it is substantial enough to govern even the behavior of Jesse Jackson.  The value is so high that George Zimmerman had to call the police based in large part on the thug’s race.  We cannot add facts to make a more precise conclusion because we don’t know when or where or why blacks suddenly attack whites or one another for that matter.  They just do.

Because of America’s hypersensitivity about criticizing non-whites, I must add that the great majority of our black brothers and sisters no doubt are appalled by and cannot understand this incident.

Diana writes:

I hesitate to argue with such an accomplished logician as Paul, but I feel compelled to raise an objection to his comment.

Yes, the butchering of Colleen Ritzer is one isolated data point. But conditions change, as I will attempt to explain, and when they do, isolated data points become patterns.

Black children in the year 2013 are different from those raised in previous generations. First of all, the whole society is drenched in violent porn. I don’t have to remind Thinking Housewife readers of that. Second, and much more important, our “education” system is basically a hate-whites-guilt-indoctrination system. I don’t have to remind Thinking Housewife readers of that, either, but let me add two observations to the picture.

Presently the film 12 Years a Slave is playing in selected theaters, preparatory to a big Oscar roll-out, and general release. I’ve read nothing but fulsome reviews. I haven’t and won’t see it, but I know someone who has (a critic who got a comp ticket), and I trust his judgement implicitly. I have at times disagreed with him, but I always respect his opinion.

He told me that 12 Years a Slave is lush, beautiful violence porn. He could not recall a single line of memorable dialogue. The character delineation was 19th century melodrama. Cardboard characters, simplistic good and evil set up, noble suffering blacks, genetically evil whites. I might add that my friend is an old-fashioned liberal – but his standards in art are impeccable and he is never fooled by politics. He predicted that the lead actor (a nominal Brit with an African name) will win the Oscar for Best Actor.

Then there is Henry Louis Gates’ new show on PBS. I watched part of the first show out of curiosity, and bailed out. Gates tries to be sophisticated. He does allow that Africans themselves were the linchpin of the Transatlantic slave trade, and that slavery was a universal human practice, but then it’s all hate whitey agit prop. He actually said that New World African Slavery was uniquely evil, while the screen showed ghastly pictures of blacks with metal face masks, etc. Most important, Gates stated that the unique evil of black slavery was that it was racial.

This is false. I know a bit about Ottoman slavery. Whites and blacks were both enslaved, but whites were treated way better than blacks. White men became courtiers and could rise to being vizier, which was the advisor to the Sultan. Females were prized high-level odalisques in the Imperial harem. Blacks? Castrated if male, and used as household drudges or low level prostitutes if female. The mother of a Sultan was ALWAYS white. If a black odalisque had a baby, the child was killed at birth. Black slaves in the Ottoman Empire (and there were many) were lower than dirt. Whites were enslaved, but allowed numerous avenues for advancement.

That is the reason there is no black community in modern day Turkey. No family formation, no posterity.

I seem to have wandered far afield from the tragedy of Colleen Ritzer. I am trying to make a round-about point here: that liberal whites and the black intelligentsia, abetted by popular culture, have created an ideology of black revenge. Philip Chism’s mind is trash can of racial resentment as well as many other terrible things.

My case is 100 percent speculative. I know it would never stand up in court. It’s not “probative.” But it is what I believe.

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