Girl Soldier
March 2, 2015

THE INSANITY of placing women in combat is once again illustrated by this recent photo of soldiers in the Army Ranger’s training course, including this woman, who appears quite petite and as if she is just barely holding herself up. Twenty-six women tried out. Five passed.
In any normal age, this would be considered female oppression. In ours, it’s emancipation.
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B.E. writes:
At first glance, having only five of twenty-six women pass Ranger school―just 19%―looks like a dismal
failure. However, the truth is that only about 45% of all men pass Ranger school, and the reason has
almost nothing to do with how hard it is.
John T. Reed, a West Point graduate and former Army Ranger, is highly critical of the military in general
and the Army in particular. He has written many articles criticizing the Army for its numerous
shortcomings, including the way it runs Ranger school:
“At Ranger School, which is about two months long, somewhere between one-third and two-thirds of
the students flunk out―this in spite of the fact that they are highly selective about who gets in as an
officer―like graduation from West Point as a criterion. Why would so many flunk out if they were only
bringing in cream of the crop? Because Rangers want to brag about what a high percentage they flunked
out to make the ones who passed artificially look better.”
(From an article on how the military selects its generals.)
So, while 19% is significantly lower than 45%, and while I agree that women should not be in the military, the high failure rate is probably artificially inflated.
Paul writes:
I thought I was looking at myself when fourteen as I saw your photo of that female recruit, who was at least twenty-one, if she is an officer. (Really, I have a yearbook picture of me running track at that age.) I was almost ninety-five pounds and just as puny. The hair length and build are the same.
I expect the successful females trained for the push-up test, which is not difficult for a man who has trained a few weeks at that age. The sit-ups and chin-ups are a pathetic challenge. I can still do sit-ups on an inclined bench until the cows come home. Chin-ups were no big deal either. The physical standards for Rangers could now be met by me, who was born in the fifties.
I guarantee these standards are pathetic if females can perform them. And the modern male recruits are pathetic or unmotivated or both.