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An Abortionist’s Grisly Trade « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Abortionist’s Grisly Trade

July 15, 2015

SOME of you may have already seen the very disturbing undercover interview with Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical services for Planned Parenthood since 2009. In the interview, Dr. Nucatola describes the process by which Planned Parenthood sells body parts of fetuses to medical research-affiliated companies such as StemExpress. She sips wine and eats salad while explaining how she tries to preserve lungs, hearts and intact heads while surgically removing fetuses. She has a “huddle” in the morning with administrative assistants who know what companies are looking for that day. Then she tries to procure the parts intact while performing abortions.

She defends the trade in body parts, for which PP does not make much money, as not motivated by profit but primarily by the need to find more methods to dispose of bodies and the desire to aid science. Many women having abortions, she says, are eager to donate the parts because they think it will do good. They signs papers agreeing to the donations. A full transcript of the interview is here. It is a chilling look into the abortion industry, to say the least. Planned Parenthood performs 40 percent of abortions in the country and, according to Nucatola, spends about ten minutes counseling each woman who has an abortion.

Rather than reading or viewing this disturbing material, you may prefer to read this response by Abby Johnson, who used to work for Planned Parenthood and now is an anti-abortion figure.

Feminism has been great for women, hasn’t it? It’s opened up so many career opportunities. If it weren’t for feminism and the mass psychological warfare against women by the media, women like Nucatola might be producing children instead of killing them.

— Comments —

Josh F. writes:

“We” must reframe the abortion debate so that the victims are also the perpetrators for the purpose of provoking a serious self-inspection. “We” must then extrapolate this self-induced victimization to its pathological endpoint. The two phenomena of females aborting their children and children tolerating (in spirit and mind) the “right” of their mothers to abort them ACTUALLY expresses a vicious cycle of self-annihilation. So in reality, a female who has an abortion LITERALLY (genetically/scientifically) kills a “part” of herself. Abortion is first and foremost an act of self-annihilation WITH murderous results. Extrapolating outwards are the children post Roe vs Wade who theoretically exist by the mere momentary whim of their mothers’, BUT I speculate there are very few private revocations of the “right” made legal in Roe versus Wade between “mother” and children. In other words, most modern children are de facto self-annihilators by the silent toleration of their mothers’ belief in their own “right” to self-annihilate, ie., abort said children.

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