Congressman Steals “Pope’s” Water Glass
September 27, 2015

OSCAR writes:
I would be interested in your thoughts on this character.
Laura writes:
Here is some commentary from Traditio:
It has been the experience of us TRADITIO Fathers that the ignorance of Newchurchers is growing by leaps and bounds. Many Newchurchers whom we meet now know essentially nothing about the Catholic Faith. In fact, many of them don’t even know the Our Father or Hail Mary by heart, let alone the Apostles Creed! As as result of their ignorance, many of them commit objective sins of idolatry and superstition.
Now we have the case of a U.S. Congressman no less, who thought that the water in Francis-Bergoglio’s spittoon was “holy.” So he stole Bergoglio’s spit-water on September 24, 2015, after Bergoglio delivered his political screed to the U.S. Congress. After stealing the spit-water, Brady administered it to his wife like a “sacrament” and plans to sprinkle it on his grandchildren, and friends like the Asperges. Not even satisfied with that, Brady made a big deal of his theft, idolatry, and superstition on his congressional web page!
Congressman Brady doesn’t seem know the difference between spit-water and holy water. He didn’t know that if he wanted Holy Water, it would have to be blessed by a priest, not spit into by Bergoglio. Brady would have to have gone to his local traditional Catholic Church, where a real, ordained priest could bless water for religious purposes.