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Bergoglio’s Phony Love « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bergoglio’s Phony Love

January 7, 2016


THE ARGENTINE BOMBER has a new video. It’s about “inter-religious dialogue,” a deceptive Vatican II phrase that boils down to practical atheism. “We are all children of God,” Bergoglio says, above the emotional soundtrack. Exactly, we are all children of God. But interfaith dialogue, in the modernist sense, which means different religions actually praying together and refusing to resolve their real differences, makes a deceiver out of God. If all religions are true then no religions are true or God is a liar. For Bergoglio, no religions are true, especially the Catholic Faith, which has always had the integrity to make explicit the exclusiveness that is implicit in all faiths.

Read more here by Fr. Anthony Cekada, who calls this a “sleek, feel-good video for apostasy lite.”

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