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Occult Lemonade « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Occult Lemonade

April 27, 2016



POPULAR culture is drawing ordinary people into Satanism. This fact isn’t news, but the scope and audacity of these efforts is at times so breathtaking, one needs to stop and say, “This is really happening.”

 The work of the pop diva demon Beyoncé is a case in point.  Her new “visual album” Lemonade, which was aired on HBO and is being promoted by every major media outlet, is filled with chilling occult imagery. You don’t need to watch it. Trust me, the trailer alone is a frightening and bizarre experience, with trashy, whorish sex talk, violence and surreal, dislocating scenes. The chorus girls are pictured above. Below is the star portrayed as half bird/half human — or some symbol I cannot pick up. She is later featured smashing cars, supposedly enraged by the infidelity of her real life husband and partner in cultural crime, Jay Z. Prostitute on a rampage. (Who cares?)




What does it all mean? It means that evil is good. It means that darkness is light. This is what the people around you are exposed to every day. This is not simply sold because it sells.

The blogger, Vigilant Citizen, wrote of Beyoncé’s work years ago:

I’m pretty sure I’ll get messages from confused people, wondering why I “see evil” everywhere or something. Those people do not understand a couple of fundamental truths that aren’t based on wild beliefs but on facts: Record companies like Columbia Records own the image of pop stars like Beyonce and Rihanna. These conglomerates are owned by a handful of powerful people who, more often than not, are initiated into occult secret societies.  They believe in the powers of the mind, channeling spirits, Black and White Magick, demon possession, sacred rituals and entities populating the ethereal spheres.  In other words, if you don’t believe in the spiritual realm, THEY DO. So the analysis here makes perfect sense to them and they know that the average Joe doesn’t think in those terms…mostly because he was educated since childhood to be blind to those things.

…. [T]here appears to be a conscious effort to subject the population to negative imagery through the different outlets of mass media. Plato, the Greek philosopher believed that music had such far reaching effects on the hearts of men that popular songs should be carefully chosen:

“Music which ennobled the mind was of a far higher kind than that which merely appealed to the senses, and he strongly insisted that it was the paramount duty of the Legislature to suppress all music of an effeminate and lascivious character, and to encourage only that which was pure and dignified”
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

If Plato, one of the brightest minds of the Western world believed that music played a vital part in the creation of a perfect nation, can you imagine the effects of negative messages on our modern society? Even if the general population only gets the first level of interpretation of songs or videos,  it is believed that the hidden meanings and symbols still affect the collective subconscious. The result is people leading vain existences, trying to fill the gaping void of their lives by continually satisfying their lowest impulses. In other words, lost souls that can be easily controlled and manipulated.

— Comments —

CH writes:

Tragically fascinating, isn’t it? The Old Gods are new again. I have begun to wonder if Beyonce and Jay Z fancy themselves the incarnations of Horus and Isis. Nimrod and Semiramis. Take your pick.

Some years ago, Jay Z released a tee shirt with Crowley’s famous First Law of Thelema: ‘Do what thou wilt (is the whole of the law)’. At the time, I figured it to be a play on the fact that the internet, in certain pockets, has become wise to the entertainment industry’s Luciferian cultism, but now, I wonder if they both do not indeed believe their own nonsense.

There is now one, single manner in which one can truly be a ‘radical’: embrace the Cross. Hold onto it. No matter what, forget the entirety of the cult of entertainment’s message. Have no gods before Him.

That’s sheer rebellion these days. I, for one, have been waiting decades for my chance to rebel against the whole of modern society.

Paul writes:

Without knowing the causation, perhaps we can reflect on the fact that my brilliant, beautiful, sweet, sweet, cousin hung herself a few years ago.  So what is the relevance?

I recall many years ago giving an excellent (according to the many attendees) presentation at her stepbrother’s and my cousin’s wedding.  Our relative is very wealthy, so it was a number of wonderful experiences that we paid nothing for.  Sweet Elisa sat next to me in the front row and, as was my usual naughty behavior in those days, we talked and thoroughly enjoyed one another as we always did.  Elisa was my brother’s Godchild.  I was the Godfather of her second sister, the even sweeter and lovely Elizabeth.  They were two of the three sweet daughters of my first cousin’s daughters.

My first cousin was a horrible father.  He was a tall, famously handsome man who could have had any woman he wanted.  He began drinking a fifth or a quart as soon as he arrived home, everyday; this started in college, from which he somehow graduated probably due to my aunt’s money.

So the charming Elisa and I were sitting there being mischievous when she mentioned Beyoncé.  As a rock and roll, traditional American music, and classic music adherent, I had no idea whom she was talking about.  She said, “Never mind.”  So maybe Beyoncé’s awful music contributed (unintentionally) in some tiny way to my Elisa’s death?  I don’t dare blame Beyoncé, but I do suspect causation in part from the culture Beyoncé embraces.  It is still heartbreaking to think about.

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