West Point Salute
May 9, 2016

MIKE KING uses some strong language to comment on the West Point cadets who posed in a pre-graduation photo last week flashing the raised-fist, Communist salute:
As controversy over the photo emerged, the terrorist-sympathizing skanks in question quickly shifted into that “I dindu nuffin” mode that works so well for them — assuring detractors that the clenched fist pose was only meant as a show of sisterly solidarity, not cop-killing, bigotry or revolution. This explanation is, of course, a lie — itself an expellable offense from honor-based West Point. The clenched fist salute stands for Communist Power and/or one of its evil spawns, Black Power — and these catty cadets with scowls on their faces damn well know it!
These nasty little spoiled affirmative action hags were granted a great, though undeserved, privilege. Upon completing the mandatory 5-year service which follows graduation from the free Academy, a West Point grad, especially a sanctified “minority”, can pretty much write his or her own ticket in life. Instead of gratitude, Beyonce’s little bitches show us a fist — just weeks before their graduation date! “Thanks for the degree — you stupid White suckas. Now F you!“
If West Point had any honor left in its once hallowed halls, these hateful hideous hags would not be permitted to graduate in a few weeks. But they will. At worst, after the “investigation” is complete, the dindu nuffins will be told to do 10 push-ups — girly style. Wait and see.