“Kabbala Comes to the White House”
February 6, 2017

We face a very insidious situation at this time as a president undertakes some actions that are undoubtedly in the public interest while winking at the institutionalization of grave evils. What makes the situation even more insidious is that the raging hatred that is organized and funded by all manner of Judeo-Masonic sources predisposes many Catholics who were up in arms against the efforts of the administrations of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro to institutionalize and protect more and more moral evils under the cover of the civil law by means of taxpayer dollars to keep their peace, if not totally ignore, policies by a Republican president to promote the same evils by the same means.
To wit, none other than the practitioner of Kabbala named Ivanka Trump Kushner, who is the wife of presidential counsel and fellow Kabbalist Jared Kushner, prevailed upon her father, President Donald John Trump, not to issue an executive order that would give employers more freedom to protect themselves, their families and their employees from sodomites in the work place:
Ivanka Trump also weighed, behind the scene, on a policy matter. Along with Kushner, she discouraged a possible executive order that would have affected LGBTQ workplace rights and she supported a White House statement pledging to leave intact a 2014 executive order that protects workers for federal contractors from anti-LGBTQ discrimination, according to a person with knowledge of Ivanka Trump’s role in the discussion. Her involvement was first reported by Politico. (Ivanka Trump Has Big White House Role Without A Title.)
President Donald John Trump, encouraged by his Kabbalist daughter and Kabbalist son-in-law, has decided to keep in place one of Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro’s many unjust and immoral executive orders because he has known, worked with and fully supported practitioners of perversity throughout his entire adult life.
Need I give you a reminder?
All right, you asked for it:
Lesley Stahl: One of the groups that’s expressing fear are the LGBTQ group. You–
Donald Trump: And yet I mentioned them at the Republican National Convention. And–
Lesley Stahl: You did.
Donald Trump: Everybody said, “That was so great.” I have been, you know, I’ve been-a supporter.
Lesley Stahl: Well, I guess the issue for them is marriage equality. Do you support marriage equality?
Donald Trump: It– it’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done.
Lesley Stahl: So even if you appoint a judge that–
Donald Trump: It’s done. It– you have– these cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled. And, I’m fine with that. (60 Minutes Interview With Donald Trump and Family.)
Please note that Donald John Trump is very sanguine about so-called “marriage equality,” calling himself a “supporter” of the “LGTBQ” agenda. [cont.]