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A Liturgical Atrocity at Lourdes « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Liturgical Atrocity at Lourdes

May 4, 2017


 The above is a video described at Canon212 as “the liturgical disaster at Lourdes.”  I am speechless upon viewing it,  although I think you might find words to describe it.  The procession is especially egregious.  HCPT is a UK charity which funds pilgrimages for disabled and disadvantaged children, which is undoubtedly a worthy cause, and it is encouraging to see so many young people participating.  Something in my soul shrivels aesthetically in the face of it, however.  The priests in ball caps, clown wigs and face paint are truly cringeworthy.  Unfortunately, “liturgical disasters” are not uncommon these days, but this seems particularly brutal.  And I feel bad and petty for noticing!  What would Jesus say?

Laura writes:

No one wants to condemn cheerful human fellowship. Who wants to gripe about a party for the disabled?

But even the disabled deserve the sacred. And they can understand it.

Social clubs and parties are the place for cheery brotherhood. The Mass — which this spectacle most definitely is not and still would not be even if this same liturgy were conducted with less blatant goofiness — is the realm of the supernatural and the miraculous.

This is the Religion of Man, not the religion of God.

St. Bernadette saw a vision in the grotto at Lourdes. It was sublime and other-worldly. People came by the thousands to witness her ecstasy. During one of her visions, she called out to the crowd a message from the beautiful lady. The message definitely was not, “Have fun! Have fun! Have fun!”

Every single true Catholic Mass is as miraculous and sublime as what the girl in Lourdes saw. This is not the Mass.


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