Don’t Watch the Olympics
February 12, 2018

The Shibutani siblings represent the United States. Like other skating couples, they performed extremely suggestive routines.
IT IS WRONG and immoral to watch the Olympic Games currently taking place in Peongchang, South Korea. When on our own, we should avoid them like the plague. We should avoid them even though the participants often make great sacrifices and exhibit true athletic excellence that may be thrilling and inspiring to witness. The athletes are not to blame for the decadent, increasingly occult atmosphere of Olympic competition. It is wrong to watch the games for the following reasons:
** The athletes dress and sometimes perform with extreme immodesty, whether they are wearing form-fitting skiing outfits or skimpy skating costumes. This immodesty is especially degrading of the women athletes.
** The training of Olympic athletes has reached an inhuman level of supposedly scientific fine-tuning that too often physically harms participants. There is a freakish quality to the Olympic ideal of athletic excellence.
** The Olympic ceremonies are riddled with occultism. (See more here.) The public, international worship of Satan is the end game.
** The games celebrate multiculturalism not true diversity, especially when it comes to Western nations.
** The intense commercialism of the games is contrary to the spirit of amateur athletics. The games are too much about money and promote indebtedness.
** The Olympics create ugly and expensive buildings (see here, here and here) that often become ghost towns afterward, such as the $51 billion Sochi Olympic park.
** The nations gathered to foster international harmony give no recognition to the only source of true peace and harmony: God and the Mystical Body of Christ on earth. The Olympics are a manifestation of One World-ism, which fosters apocalyptic conflict.
— Comments —
Katherine writes:
Just a quick email to thank you for the post on the Olympics. So glad I’m not the only one who sizes up the Olympic Games this way.
And the “Stupor Bowl”, too! Wow, do I ever feel like an outsider! The day after the Super Bowl, I went to my Silver Sneakers class at the Y (exercise class for seniors). A group of elderly, very overweight women were discussing the game in great detail (I didn’t even know which teams were playing). And several of these senior women raved about Justin Timberlake’s “outstanding” half-time performance. Good grief! I watched a few minutes of the video that you posted — the interaction between Timberlake and the females on the stairs could be construed as sexual harassment. But, no, that was acceptable entertainment. We live in an absolutely insane society!
I don’t know what I would do without The Thinking Housewife! It helps me remember that it’s not me that’s crazy. But I sure do feel alone.
Laura writes:
Thank you.
You have to be sane to recognize insanity.
Kyle writes:
Virtually all major televised events feature pagan/occult symbolism, and it’s never more obvious than at a major sporting spectacle. The Super Bowl is no exception, as it’s a prime candidate for such mischief. The “half time show” is a bloated, corporate concoction to get you spending money while exposing your eyes and soul to debauchery. It goes without saying, but, the Roman coliseum was the gathering place for unholiness during ancient times. What’s changed?
The financial strain the Olympics and FIFA World Cup events put on the unfortunate country that hosts them is unparalleled. The mainstream media always memory-holes corruption stories that spring up after these events conclude. In 2017, the president of Brazil’s Olympic bid, Carlos Nuzman, was arrested when it was revealed that he received 16 gold bars ($2 million) as a bribe to give South America its first Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Similar scandals haunt the FIFA World Cup. In 2015, South American officials took millions of dollars in bribes from Fifa barons. This deep-seeded corruption in Brazil led to millions calling for socialist president Dilma Roussef’s impeachment–a vote that occurred in 2016.
That’s just the illegal gambling/political bribery aspect of sports, which on its own, is enough to ruin the reputation of the industry from now until the end of time. The weird imagery and rituals they perform for the television viewing audience doesn’t inspire happiness in this viewer. When I see the same worn out pyramids; all-seeing-eye; half dressed, dead-eyed young women being manipulated into suggestive positions; black-robed wizardry and social justice hang wringing performed by pop singers whacked out on psychotropic drugs, I just roll my eyes. It’s pitiful, really, as it calls for prayer immediately upon viewing it. I loved competing in sports, but, the attention sports receives from the general public has made it an idol co-opted by some really nasty people with sinister motives, and that’s the nicest way I can put it.
Laura writes:
It’s sinful to watch these things.