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Traficant « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


December 23, 2018

KYLE writes:

Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria (possibly Afghanistan too) has stirred the hornets’ nest with Mattis resigning, markets diving and neoconservative politicians and pundits prophesying the end times. No matter the final outcome or true motivation for this move (to prepare an invasion of Iran?), the mere suggestion that the U.S. military should get out of the Middle East elicits instant rancor from politicians, the military-industrial complex and pundits on television. What will become of Israel if the U.S. no longer sends young Americans to be killed while clearing the way for Israel’s nation building?

The move to pull out of Syria brought to mind the interviews former Democratic Ohio Congressman Jim Traficant gave in the last years of his life and how his deflection of the charges of anti-Semitism from neocon blockheads like Sean Hannity proved Ron Paul (the only man to stand up for Traficant publicly) and Pat Buchanan right when it came to the open conspiracy of America’s Zionist efforts in the Middle East. He was expelled from the House of Representatives in 2002 and convicted of bribery, racketeering, and tax fraud–serving seven years in prison and released in 2009. Following his release he made the rounds on cable news networks to discuss his time in jail and the grip Israel has on the U.S. government.

Traficant became an Independent and spent his last years criticizing the Federal Reserve, illegal immigration, and Israel. He died in 2014 from a strange tractor accident on his farm in Youngstown, Ohio.


Brother Nathanael says the troops won’t be coming home soon.

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