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Happy Dad’s Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Happy Dad’s Day

June 15, 2010

 N. writes:

I’m surprised no one has mentioned that these two articles in The Atlantic, discussed here and here, are in the June issue. So the editors of that magazine went out of their way to publish an article declaring men to be losers and another stating that fathers are inferior to lesbian mothers just in time for … Father’s Day. Or, as modern advertising refers to it, “Dad and Grad’s Day.”

So it’s not enough to publish a little victory dance, or an article of political advocacy masquerading as social science, it’s got to be done in such a way as to provide the maximal insult to the target. This kind of vindictive, gratuitous, insulting and childish behavior has long been a feature of both feminism and liberalism.

One of the ironies of modern life is how these mean-spirited, petty, and even cruel people fancy themselves not only great humanitarians, but the vanguard of progress. I suspect that in secret, many feminists and liberals would agree that “You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.”


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