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The Last Supper: A Girls Night Out « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Last Supper: A Girls Night Out

April 22, 2011


THE LAST SUPPER was a feast for men, but no more. The custom on Holy Thursday, also known as Maundy Thursday, is to reenact Christ’s washing of the apostles feet. Most of the “apostles” who had their feet washed at the church I attended last night were women and I’m sure it was the same in the majority of Catholic churches.  So it is in the womanized church of today.

This is no criticism of the many women whose devotion is vital nor is it to excuse men for their absence. But Christ chose men for a reason. We can see today what would have happened if he had not. The faith would have withered a long time ago, drowned in emotion. When worship is feminized, men leave. When it is formed and directed by men, women do not leave.


                                        — Comments —

Robin writes:

You have mentioned the core reason that my husband is disgusted with our church, although I’m not entirely certain that he is consciously aware of the root cause. We attend a church where egalitarianism in ministry is the norm, and the pastor recently preached a message on “women in ministry”, using the scripture reference about freedom in Christ as spoken by the Apostle Paul as his single reference. In my opinion, building an entire sermon upon one scripture taken out of context is errant, dangerous and misleading. Then again, Jesus promised that those would arrive who would tickle the ears. 

My husband has commented how the pastor’s mannerisms, speech and demeanor are feminine; he has even asked me if I thought he is a closet homosexual. He wonders what type of message would come forth regarding homosexuality. This is hardly an example of masculine leadership for Christian men to follow! Oh, how the women love it, though. The empowerment of “becoming fully who they are in Christ” as business card-carrying “Pastors”, “Ministers” and even “Overseers” (elders). 

We have attended other evangelical churches in the same city, whereby flimsy and errant messages are preached pertaining to God’s roles for men and women. At one point we were so thrilled of an upcoming sermon series on the roles of men and women. The pastor invited his wife to “teach” and speak of the submissive role of women, and when it came to the role of men, he spoke nothing of leadership or headship or any difference between the two genders at all! He made jokes of how his wife would not allow him to have a sports car. 

The church is run by women; every request that comes over the email to the congregants is composed by a female administrator or “pastor” of this or that ministry. There is no passionate speech coming from the men; it must be this gentle, monotonous, fluffy-Jesus speak which is widespread among male church members today.

 We desperately wish to be something other than “church gypsies,” moving from one to another, yet we find no Truth. Therefore, we have chosen to locate the Word online and stream the Truth into our home privately and learn this way. We realize we are missing out on the fellowship of the brethren by worshipping privately, but it is difficult to have fellowship when a house is divided anyway.

 Laura writes:

I normally attend a traditional Latin mass. There are no women on the altar. The liturgy has majesty and restraint.

There is much to say about this subject and some of it has been said here before. The important thing is that men are not going to go to church on Mommy’s apron strings. It’s a matter of primal survival to them not to follow Mommy once they get to a certain age. They will not to be dragged into faith by the guilt trip of love-drunk sentiment. Would women want it any other way? That’s not to excuse men for their abandonment. It is their responsibility to step forward. It’s their responsibility to take charge and not surrender to a feminized Church. The first step, however, is to assert authority in their own homes and their own lives and their own culture. This is not an easy thing to do when they have been rendered virtually powerless.

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