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A Young Man’s Dilemma, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Young Man’s Dilemma, cont.

September 17, 2012


MORE COMMENTS have been added to this entry about the efforts of a young black man to find a wife. Also, in that thread, I emphatically reject a statement made by a commenter yesterday that black women are “sexually unappealing to men of all races.” I unfortunately scanned over that comment when it was first posted yesterday. It is an incomprehensible and clearly false statement given the procreative record of black women, not to mention their objective physical qualities. It is also mean-spirited.

— Comments —-

Kevin S. writes:

You stated, “Also, in that thread, I emphatically reject a statement made by a commenter yesterday that black women are “sexually unappealing to men of all races.” I unfortunately scanned over that comment when it was first posted yesterday. It is an incomprehensible and clearly false statement given the procreative record of black women, not to mention their objective physical qualities. It is also mean-spirited.”

Unfortunately, in this case, you are mistaken. While there certainly exist sexually very appealing black women, population statistics is not about the exceptions, but the norms. It is fact that black women tend to have significantly more testosterone than those of any other race. The correlation between testosterone and physical features which the human brain interprets as masculine is also well documented. It is not my intention to be mean spirited or anything else in re-stating those findings. Though our mind may rebel at the thought and perhaps the inherent ‘unfairness’ of it all, yet it is highly likely black women on the whole are indeed less sexually appealing to men than women of any other race.

Laura writes:

It’s one thing to speak of a tendency, it’s another to say categorically that black women are sexually unappealing (not less appealing even, but unappealing.) Forta Leza wrote:

[T]he problem is most likely the uncomfortable reality that with a few isolated exceptions, black girls are sexually unappealing to men of all races.

A few isolated exceptions? Men of all races? This makes no sense. Blacks would be virtually non-existent if this were true.

Kevin S. responds:

Yes, that orignal phrasing is certainly not what one should use to describle population statistics findings.

Mary writes:

“…yet it is highly likely black women on the whole are indeed less sexually appealing to men than women of any other race.”

This is ridiculous and unhelpful to the conversation. Kevin S. seems to be imposing his own personal preferences on the population statistics he mentions. According to this logic, since black men also have higher levels of testosterone than white men (which in a male would render them more attractive), white men are less sexually appealing to women than black men. History bears neither claim out. Blacks and whites both have been doing just fine all these centuries finding mates they are attracted to within their own races. What’s interesting is why there is an apparent shift at this point in history.

Laura writes:

No, I don’t think Kevin S. has said anything about his own personal preferences. It is a fact that black men and women have higher levels of testosterone, and this helps explain why we see black men more likely to marry outside their race than black women. In most of history, blacks mated with each other. These realities become a problem where there are not barriers to interracial pairing.

Mary writes:

Blacks and whites both have been doing just fine all these centuries finding mates they are attracted to within their own races.

One reason they were doing fine is that they did not face the heightened sexual competition that comes with interracial marriage.

Forta Leza writes:

Perhaps “less appealing” would have been a better choice of words than “unappealing,” but the net effect is the same. For your marriage-minded black male acquaintance, I am very confident that there are a lot of black girls who are potential brides. But they are less sexually attractive than similar white girls.

With Asians, it’s the opposite effect in play. The upshot is that when people are free to engage in inter-racial marriage, Asian men and black girls end up frustrated in large numbers. Steve Sailer has written at length about this phenomenon.

You may see my comments as being mean, but they are true and relevant to the discussion. I would add that part of the reason we are having problems in the West is a fear of hurting peoples’ feelings. It’s “not nice” to remind women that generally speaking everyone is better off leaving soldiering, fire-fighting, and so forth to men. So it’s not said enough.

 Laura writes:

I’ve referred to Steve Sailer’s articles many times in these posts about interracial couples so I haven’t really shied away from these issues, and I also discussed the likelihood that it is the greater relative femininity of white women and Asian women that make them appealing to white men, and, in the case of the former, to black men. It’s not just a question of being unkind in the way you originally formulated the point; it’s a matter of being accurate.

As Sailer points out, while more black men have white partners than black women, white men do choose black women too.

Mary writes:

Thank you for pointing out Steve Sailer’s interesting blog. I read the piece cited – here is a quote: “On average, black men tend to appear slightly more and Asian men slightly less masculine than white men, while Asian women are typically seen as slightly more and black women as slightly less feminine than white women….Obviously, these are gross generalizations about the races.” (my emphasis)

Sailer’s tone is charitable and reasonable; Kevin S. and Forta Leza take it to another level – “slightly” and “significantly” give two quite a different pictures. While the above information is interesting it is not earthshattering, nor does Sailer treat it as such; he considers several factors. Let’s remember that black women are for the most part the victims of interracial marriage, not the perpetrators; it would be about as helpful to exaggerate and spread the apparent truism that white women find black men sexier, which is to say, not helpful at all.

Forta Leza wrote: “You may see my comments as being mean, but they are true and relevant to the discussion. I would add that part of the reason we are having problems in the West is a fear of hurting peoples’ feelings. It’s “not nice” to remind women that generally speaking everyone is better off leaving soldiering, fire-fighting, and so forth to men.”

I’m not a proponent of interracial marriage and I’m not opposed hearing hard truths when they are critical and when they are handled with sensitivity. There is a great difference between discussing innate traits – or, in this case, slight variations which in no way further the conversation, which in fact have the potiential to alienate and discourage – and which in any case none of us have any control over; and discussing ideologies such as feminism and liberalism, whereby the right conversation on a blog might actually make a difference in someone’s thinking, as I’m sure TTH has in many cases.

Laura writes:

Note that Sailer’s article was written in 1997. Interracial marriage rates have increased considerably since then. Also, while Sailer uses the words “slightly” to describe the differences in virility and femininity among the races, he also points out that these differences appear to have very significant effects. For instance, he writes, “In Britain, 40 per cent of black men are married to or living with a white woman, versus only 21 per cent of black women married to or living with a white man.” A multicultural society, he notes, makes the physical differences between the sexes more important.

It’s important to recognize innate differences in part because they can be affected by behavior and culture. For instance, feminism has made Western women less feminine and for Western men has probably increased the attractiveness of Asian women.

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