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The Miracle of the Healing Victim « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Miracle of the Healing Victim

December 14, 2015


THIS is from “Global Agenda.” (Note: There is a mistake at the end. It should read Vicki Gardner, not Alison Gardner.)

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

In this article, it states:

“When you practice something all the time you eventually get very good at it. The one thing many awakened and vigilant Americans have become good at over the past few years is sniffing out government false flags because they have so much practice at it. You may find that the events surrounding the recent Umpqua Community College shooting in southern Oregon may ring a few familiar false flag bells after you consider what the mainstream media is saying about the shooting. It is at least extremely reasonable to suspect that this is yet another gun control shooting false flag event since it has many of the characteristics of it.

Sounds crazy? Yes, it always does. False flags are supposed to divide people in addition to tricking them. But as I’ve said repeatedly in the past, when considering a suspected false flag event you have to start somewhere. Look for the beneficiaries of course and look for common patterns. I think many of us know the patterns by now and what to look for when suspecting a false flag shooting.”

The post then gives 13 signs that this incident is a false flag, including, “Shooter is dead as usual” and mentions Mayor Bloomberg making a trip to Oregon at the same time.

I am tellin’ you, Laura, the average person with an average job; even a person dumbed down by 12 years of public schooling, is still able to figure out the schemes against this nation! The videos and articles exposing these crisis actors hoaxes outnumber the press  releases. Power to the people.

A reader writes:

You know, as funny as this video is (and as funny, in a tragic, pathetic, macabre way as so many of these ridiculous crisis actors are), these fakers also are satanic evil monsters, who are probably getting, as we can see from the videos, royally paid for the luciferian lies that they’re spewing.

Absolutely disgusting, that such seemingly random people, could be so depraved that they could participate in such organized evil that could bring American society, and the world, to global tyranny and a world war based on lies and make-believe that these wretched persons participated in for their proverbial ‘thirty pieces of silver’ (and them some..)

Reminds me of this biblical verse:

How long must your servant wait? When will you punish my persecutors? – Psalm 119:84

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